Hoax! (The Fake Fallout 3 Screenshots)

What i can Say is that i find that the First Pic looks Nice - Deathclaws with Gatlingguns? :twisted: Pretty cool Thing :rofl:
On the other hand, those graphics are quite ugly, compared to the two original Fallouts. There's too little detail. I think isometric works much better with 2D graphics.
Well don't forget these GFX are from 2003. In my opinion they look alright. They could look better, but I think they look normal. When I saw those screenies, I knew that this was Fallout. And unlike Fall:the Last Day Of Gaia, I actually felt that this was the real Fallout Vault.

See the horsey in the background? Please lord don't let it be like this! I don't mind the landscape, infact that is kinda nice - but FPS :roll:
The Hunting Rifle in the game itself look fake... The wildernees too. Fallout is in the post nuclear wasteland after all. Nice hoax Hotel California
The wildernees too. Fallout is in the post nuclear wasteland after all.

I dunno, if Fallout is FPS i'd prefere it to look like this with scrub and dust and sand and stuff (but perhaps not pine-trees, maybe old petrified ones). Add in a couple of ruined shacks and ghosty towns and it'd be almost good. However, whilst these maps are huge there'd have to be a way of fast travel. It just ain't fun trying to dodge raiders and steal transport for 45 minutes.
Why is everyone crying over Van Buren? it looked like crap. I could do better with my hands tied on my back....
Do you really think this looks anything like this??
Open your eyes man, it's two totally different games!, the buildings should have dark rusty metal-ish walls with faces on the corners!
dark, dark, dark.
Look at the people, they just look silly...and they've been really, I mean really! strict on the poly-count.
And the vaults! what's up with those?
Moreover, isn't comparing yourself to professional artists and graphics programmers and saying you "could do better with [your] hands tied behind [your] back" when your resume amounts to... um, not a damn thing, sign of a tremendous and potentially pathological mental lapse?
A mother loves it baby. Even if it's ugly.
We are the mother of Fallout...


Btw. I like eating babies.