Honest Hearts out on Xbox360, will be on Steam later

cunningandvalor said:
And I don't want to come off as someone who just tries to kill everything he sees when something new comes out

That's actually exactly what you sound like.

Anyway, I'm enjoying it so far. Mind's not blown or anything, but I'm not very far either. Doing all the side-quests etc.
Walpknut said:
Unkillable? Both Follows CHallk and Joshua Graham are killable, I saw a video of someone accidentaly killing FOllows-Chalk at teh begining because they tought he was obne of the attacking tribals,he died and the player got various Mission Failed prompts, also according to the Vault Joshau Graham is also killable, but he has insane DT, so maybe is either a bug or you are just overreacting a lot, as yo uhave just started the DLC and yo ualready want to kill everything becuse is "silly" or because the characters talk about religion.

I guess my game's bugged or something, because 1. Killing the native american stereotype just makes him unconscious and doesn't end any missions. 2. Joshua Graham will not die with 14 crit shots to the head with the Gobi. 3. They aren't just "silly because they're talking about religion" but they go through insanely long diatribes about the nature and focus of religions, sometimes getting to the point that they're pushy.

Also, I'm not trying to kill everything I see. Sorry to the guy who thinks that's how I'm coming off, I just wanted to kill the super racist native american who thinks "casinos" are just places where the "white man flips over little pieces of paper" and the guy who has a gun that apparently can kill me in four shots. My bad! Sorry guys!

... jackasses.
cunningandvalor said:
I just wanted to kill the super racist native american who thinks "casinos" are just places where the "white man flips over little pieces of paper".

It's sad, really. That this bit of social commentary is lost on you.
TwinkieGorilla said:
cunningandvalor said:
I just wanted to kill the super racist native american who thinks "casinos" are just places where the "white man flips over little pieces of paper".

It's sad, really. That this bit of social commentary is lost on you.

You mean the fact that native americans own a giant portion of the US's casinos? That a large portion of the reservation land they were bequeathed by the United States has since been used to build casinos which then fund their communities' existence's?

Yup, guess it was totally lost on me. Oh wait, that's right, I'm actually an intelligent person and reasoned that the joke was both lame and super racist.

Thanks for clearing that up for me.
I'm sorry, but what exactly is racist about it? It's a purposefully ironic statement about humanity losing it's relationship with nature over material wealth, a land of people in tune with their relationship to nature being fucked over by those who've lost theirs, and subsequently and consequently losing their relationship with nature as well.

It's a fairly innocuous jab at an unfortunate piece of our history. Where is your butt-hurt coming from?
Everything it's racist, all the triabls should have been white middle aged men and Joshua should have been ambguosly theistic and not go further into what he beleives in, even when he is a missionary and thats what they do.
cunningandvalor said:
Killing the native american stereotype just makes him unconscious and doesn't end any missions.
Like the main game, companions only can die in hardcore mode.
Tel Prydain said:
cunningandvalor said:
Killing the native american stereotype just makes him unconscious and doesn't end any missions.
Like the main game, companions only can die in hardcore mode.

I'm in hardcore mode, which makes me think it's a bug.

My "butt-hurt" is coming from the following:

1. Native Americans - you have got to be out of your mind if you think the 'tear drop when garbage is thrown on the side of the road' representation of native americans is funny/metaphoric/logical. The way Chalk talks is a huuuuuuuge mis-step. If they were going this route, why wasn't Arcade Gannon talking about how "fabulous" everything is, or calling the pc "fierce"? It's ridiculous. The fact that you're even suggesting that it's "purposely ironic" shows just how terrible the thought that was put into this dlc is, which brings me to my next point:

2. Religion - Joshua Graham is not a missionary in any sense. At what point in the story have you seen him identify himself as such? His background and the choices and actions he takes during the dlc seem to suggest the exact opposite. Beyond that, being beaten over the head with archaic rhetoric about the end of times and the will and nature of god is BORING. Regardless of whether it's accurate or even close to cool, it's BORING. Thanks, Josh, for reiterating several books of the bible in a half-assed way. This is supposed to be a post-nuclear survival simulation, not a trip to christ camp at age 5.
cunningandvalor said:
2. Religion - Joshua Graham is not a missionary in any sense. At what point in the story have you seen him identify himself as such? His background and the choices and actions he takes during the dlc seem to suggest the exact opposite. Beyond that, being beaten over the head with archaic rhetoric about the end of times and the will and nature of god is BORING. Regardless of whether it's accurate or even close to cool, it's BORING. Thanks, Josh, for reiterating several books of the bible in a half-assed way. This is supposed to be a post-nuclear survival simulation, not a trip to christ camp at age 5.


first line
Joshua Graham, also known as the Malpais Legate[1], known in folk legends as the Burned Man, was a Mormon missionary and later Caesar's right hand man. If you don't like him establishign his character just don't read the dialogues, CHaracters do that, they talk abotu what they think, he is a mormon, he is very religious and religoon is filled with archaic rethoric.... I don't get what is your problem with that.
Walpknut said:
cunningandvalor said:
2. Religion - Joshua Graham is not a missionary in any sense. At what point in the story have you seen him identify himself as such? His background and the choices and actions he takes during the dlc seem to suggest the exact opposite. Beyond that, being beaten over the head with archaic rhetoric about the end of times and the will and nature of god is BORING. Regardless of whether it's accurate or even close to cool, it's BORING. Thanks, Josh, for reiterating several books of the bible in a half-assed way. This is supposed to be a post-nuclear survival simulation, not a trip to christ camp at age 5.


first line
Joshua Graham, also known as the Malpais Legate[1], known in folk legends as the Burned Man, was a Mormon missionary and later Caesar's right hand man. If you don't like him establishign his character just don't read the dialogues, CHaracters do that, they talk abotu what they think, he is a mormon, he is very religious and religoon is filled with archaic rethoric.... I don't get what is your problem with that.

Yes, valid point. Thank you for bringing up a reasonable disagreement. What I was trying to say, is that he's not a "missionary". He wasn't when he was actually doing it, he wasn't when Caesar recruited him for the Legion (or started it with him, whatever) and he certainly isn't in this dlc. The thing where he goes on and on about god and death and all of that is a great example of hysterics. I know what you're going to say, he's supposed to sound crazy, etc. My argument is that missionaries are on a mission, they bring some kind of data to some kind of people, they're always doing this, constantly going. I've actually met these people, they're equally crazy, but that's what they do. Joshua Graham has settled. When you find him, he is the head of an organization and is sitting at a desk maintaining weapons. He is on no mission. Further more, he asks you to do things for him. Beyond that, he makes you sit through a thousand lines of nonsensical dialogue.

What I'm getting at is that regardless of what he was, or is, he's not a missionary. You can give an arsonist a job as a fireman, he's still not going to fit the bill.
He states that he taugth them military tactics and hwo to defend themselves before, He was a Misionary when Caesar recruited him, he was an expert in tribal languages, and he had interacted with the tribals before, he is tehre trying to help them destroy the WHite Legs, just liek Daniel is trying to keep the Sorrows from going into a war. HE IS A MISSIONARY. and he is a very religious guy, he was a missionary before joining the Legion and he became even more religious after his near death experience. Why do you get so upset about his character? is very well written.
Walpknut said:
He states that he taugth them military tactics and hwo to defend themselves before, He was a Misionary when Caesar recruited him, he was an expert in tribal languages, and he had interacted with the tribals before, he is tehre trying to help them destroy the WHite Legs, just liek Daniel is trying to keep the Sorrows from going into a war. HE IS A MISSIONARY. and he is a very religious guy, he was a missionary before joining the Legion and he became even more religious after his near death experience. Why do you get so upset about his character? is very well written.

No, Caesar taught them that stuff. Graham was a pawn at the beginning. Anyway, I admit that your points are valid and I think we're arguing over semantics.

As for why this character pisses me off so much: I had to listen to twenty minutes of dialogue that had NOTHING to do with ANYTHING. Voice acting = mediocre at best. Delivery = terrible. Relevance = it makes me sad.

I mean, come on man, even the glitches and religious hissy-fits he throws aside, didn't you think it came off as a little half-canned?
Caesar taugt the Blackfoot tribe, not the Dead Horses, he himself states that the Dead Horses remembered him from back then, they remembered that he looked more anrgy and dangerous, he went back after the destruction of New Canaan and they remembered him so he took to lead to destroy the White Legs.

Your points are very subjective things, it seems you just go attachign all the demeaning adjectives you can attach to it, like you just want to hate, he was very well acted, the religious rants are character defining things, like Boone hating the Legion, Arcade trying to ifnd what he wants to do etc.
I thin kyou just came with too high expectations, the hyped it to much, it a very good DLC, it has good writing, and its better than most of what has come out recently.
I just started playing through HH and I'm at the part where you meet Graham and so far I don't see what the big deal is with the tribals. They're not nearly as bad as Sulik and some other stuff from Fallout 2.

Is it that you don't believe people could start to develop a new language after 200 years? 200 years of isolation is a long time, imagine if the colonists in America had absolutely no contact with Europe for 200 years. :?
TwinkieGorilla said:
Formspring said:
What would your response to these statements be: "the super racist native american who thinks "casinos" are just places where the "white man flips over little pieces of paper""

J.E. Sawyer said:
Follows-Chalk isn't a Native American, culturally or ethnically.


Your characters are clearly playing around with negative cultural stereotypes. I'm surprised he wasn't talking about "fire water" and how much "wampum" I was carrying. It's so ridiculously obvious. Clearly, he's not a native american, culturally or ethnically, just stereotypically. He's the naive archetype, it's obvious and lazily strung together.

In addition, he sure was boring.

Yup, boring.