Bingo, Corith. I don't give a shit if they are Mexican, Canadian, Swedish, Swiss, German, Japanese, Irish, Chinese, or anyone else. If you break a country's border, you are essentially an invader into their country, with almost NO protections against their local laws. You are at THEIR sufferance and decision at that point.
In some countries, you are SHOT, or arrested and imprisoned entirely when found to have no papers. The Mexicans have had it pretty fucking easy compared to other illegal immigration attempts in the past. We could also dredge who did what in the past, but sorry, the borders have been in place for many decades, nobody is trying to get into their "promised land" so they can mow it at $3 an hour cheaper than minimum wage.
Sorry, but I have to take a stand as a citizen and a veteran of this country, as someone who has helped make this country what it is, even if it means that fat politicians can profit from selling out the middle class. It is also so that there might be someone to help Mexico or another country again at some point, instead of act like a leech victim to take down along with Mexico through socio-economic destruction of both countries, as suddenly the US now has to coddle the "welfare state" of Mexico.
I have contributed over ten years of my life to this country, many times swearing to uphold the Constitution, international law, the Geneva Conventions, and lastly, the Boy Scout Oath.
I'm only guilty of violating the latter.
I have also been shot for my country.
Yet someone expects to walk across the border, not contribute a fucking thing, and instead leech off of MY hard work which I did at the risk of MY LIFE? They don't want to help others, they don't want to help my country, they are only interested in themselves without any care of what their actions do to others. So fuck 'em.
So if life sucks in your country, do something about it - we are all given a place in life, and some of them do suck. I am quite sympathetic to those who are trying to do the right thing - but fleeing a country with only personal gain in mind - you're a selfish shit in my eyes In other words, don't wade into the community pool I helped create and expect me to be happy if you take a shit when you should be grateful that you're not removed from the pool immediately, while also labeling me for every other goddamn crime the "white US" has done in the past before my Irish-German-Japanese ancestors came to this country. I get that enough from the "uneducated crack/rap/head niggers who do their own disrespecting of their own culture"*. My folks immigrated as per the laws of the time allowed, and have worked to help this country as US citizens through the generations. It's called "civic duty". Is anyone here that foolish to believe that most illegal immigrants are trying to do the same? If so, let me show you a few barrios and neighborhoods that result in lead asswear if you don't even remotely look latino. I can pass off as a half-breed thanks due to my Japanese heritage, but that's besides the point.
Instead, help clean your own goddamn pool, or emigrate or refugee yourself legally, or you're worm food unless you want to do like how these "rights by tantrum" people want to do and play the race card. Political fucking correctness has been a problem long enough, and it only allows shit like this to go on under really weak excuses and under "racial discrimination". Yes, the Mexican is a Mexican, and thusly why "beaner" is a racial slur and should be avoided, while "wetback" is to denote the illegal immigrant trash.
Mexican != US Citizen. They are given certain human rights as per under international humanitarian law, but unless they hope to fix their own shit, they aren't going to do anything but make the problem worse and drag it into a more complex problem that their selfishness doesn't take into account nor care about. If they don't bother to try, I don't fucking care about them or if the US border is eventually CLOSED AND ENFORCED. That means border runners WILL BE SHOT. That is standard for every country with a closed border, who had to close the border due to political issues or problems such as these, I don't see how the wetbacks can feel special about it.
I'm trying to keep my country from becoming a worse shithole than what it has become. The least I could expect would be for the Mexicans to do the same for their own backyard, but instead they seem to enjoy the relative ease of hopping over the border to fill the local high schools with degenerate anchor baby gang spawn trash that the drunken or spun parents don't give a shit about -
most of the time. I wouldn't like to sound discriminatory, but I'm really not being discriminatory, I'm stating the truth no matter how harsh and brutal it might sound. There is no "felon discrimination" nor "discrimination against criminals" in this country, unless you accidentally allow the burglar to live and sue you for shooting him in the leg.
So, I see a lot of short-sighted and entirely selfish Mexicans expecting something for free, especially legal status simply because they invaded this country to do cheaper labor to send money out of the country or for untaxed labor while enjoying the results of said taxes, and then can sound like they are owed something as if it's a marathon run and the US owes them something for completing it. Sorry Mexico, we don't owe you a fucking thing, especially when you present a Matrica Consular as if it's supposed to be some fucking green card because you had one made in Mexico. It is bad enough that banks such as Wells Fargo and a couple on the east coast have programs for sending money back to Mexico, all entirely advertised en Español, none requiring US Citizenship to enroll into a program that is Federally insured. I guess the banks don't have any delusions as to whom their customers are; as long as they get their fee, they can make money from funneling that money into the Mexican economy quite happily.
I honestly don't have a problem with Mexican culture, in fact I enjoy many aspects of it and have more than enough friends of the more traditional roots**, many of which share my beliefs because they see the harm that illegal immigration is causing to their own reputation. They are from families who do have honor, culture, integrity, and who would rather do what is right even if it is difficult than break the law to make life easier for themselves at the cost of others. They also busted ass to be able to live here in the states, as did my Thai friend, as have many others done. Taking an illegal "shortcut" does nothing but cause problems.
I think my personal hang-up in disliking wetbacks is centered around not liking criminals, so that doesn't allow me to have any sympathy towards those who care neither for Mexico, nor the US, so doubly, fuck the wetbacks. It is neither illegal nor discriminatory to disown and denigrate those who are illegal immigrants, in fact it's pretty much part of the law of the land.
This is a whole new can of worms. One that is easy for this big fish to digest.
What happens now when you illegally are in the US? Comparatively, a slap on the wrist, and you are returned to GO.
Crossing the border without authorization is a misdemeanor for the first offense and a felony for subsequent violations. Immigrants who are caught illegally trespassing U.S. territory are fingerprinted and immediately returned, unless they are a repeat offender, in which case they may be criminally prosecuted. The Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 (IRCA) made the hiring of an illegal alien an offense for the first time. American businesses have hired well over 10 million illegal aliens per year.
Compared to most other countries, this is light.
So, let's see what a felony entails? No right to if illegals had that in the first place, or even care except to get those sympathetic to them to skullfuck laws on their behalf. Jail time, but that shouldn't be a surprise to anyone outside of Mexico, though invading another country seems to be perfectly fine for them if it's the US border. For the cost of damages in deportation, it is more costly than such crimes as Grand Theft Auto, to put it into perspective in case some off-site reader reads this. Since that is a felony, being on foreign soil illegally without contributing is FAR less.
It is already in the law, as if you cross twice, it's treated as a felony. The difference is by including the "dwelling" into the count of "breaking and entering", to put it into more street vernacular.
It seems that instead of working through the lull, as the US once had to several times and through the Great Depression and is starting to have to go through troubled times again, the Mexicans want to run "to the promised land" and make their own situation better. In the past, Times Have SUCKED. The Irish had to go through the potato famine, and luckily they could immigrate to the US. Same with the Chinese and others. It depended upon when it could be provided for, and I have a feeling Japan might change its immigration policies for a while.
As in the article above...really, what kind of living is that, when you are still treated as a non-entity, face jail, can't do ANYTHING like a citizen...and you PAID a coyote or a snakehead for this privilege?
Go you.
You want to know why immigration has been restricted so badly? Because the illegals have made it too costly and too unknown while presenting a significant drain, that the immigration officials are more concerned with stopping the flow of illegals before considering opening the border to more with legal status. Unfortunately, it seems like half of fucking Mexico wants to move to the US now, at about 3% per year. All I can say is holy fucking shit, that has GOT to stop.
* - The Boondocks, the return of Martin Luther King Jr. episode, and the n-bomb is used in such a context, though I do refer to both the "white" and "black" varieties of these kind of people. Again, I have no problem with those of different skin or culture, but if you're going to tell me a black man that sells crack to his own people or otherwise preys upon his own people and gloats about it, then has BET to kiss their ass as if they are a celebrity any good for this country or his own culture, I'll point to the wetback and say that they are the same kind of human trash. They are doing the same kind of selling out of their people, their culture, all for the sake of having a personally easier life at someone else's expense.
** - I find this entirely too fucking funny. Cinqo de Mayo is about the only thing these wetbacks really only drag over about their culture, except for the cow painted on the side of the truck complete with wetback horn and the rest of the Standard Kit, and that is the celebration of something comparatively inconsequential.
It would be like holding the Battle of Antiem as a national holiday and celebrating that at US consulates and embassies across the, wait, that would make more sense. The Battle of Puebla was comparatively a minor scuffle when put against other military feats in the world, and minor compared to the other holidays from Mexico.
I guess it would have been
too ironic to have brought over Mexico's Independence Day (Sep 16), or even the Mexican Revolution celebration (Nov 20). I suppose they have to be proud of something, so they hold onto the Fifth of Miracle Whip as if it means something that Americanized Mexicans without any other clue of their family's culture hold onto a holiday that commemorates a Mexican general fighting off a French attack in the defense of a Mexican fort.
Great way to celebrate your "Mexican Pride" without bringing up the point that YOUR HAPPY ASS CROSSED THE BORDER ILLEGALLY TO DO WHAT?
NOT BE IN MEXICO!!! I give that a Carlos Mencia "Dee! Dee! Dee!"
I could also walk into a barrio, see no decorations and talk about Dia De Los Muertos (one of my favorite holidays in the world) to see some fucking confused children. Ah, so hiding from the honored ancestors as well, to make
children clueless about the Day of the Little Angels, eh? That's the problem. Those fleeing are urbanites, with little culture background or heritage, it seems. So, in essence, those fleeing to the US are mostly Mexico's spare yuppies. I simply don't give a shit about US yuppies, who honestly expects me to care about unskilled illegal yuppies from another country?
I guess that is what all the gang warfare going on is about. They are trying to decide the official "Dia De Travesía Del Rio" date (pardon if my Spanich sucks) and can't decide for certain if it should be in 1954 to commemorate Operation Wetback (which should be one of their holidays, I would think, for having become enough of a problem as they have again today).