Three generations plastic only a convenience as an example + the 3rd war doesant start in 1950's it start around 2077 as said in the bible timeline.
And? Where do you think we get our plastics from? It sure as Hell isn't corn, I can tell you that.
Its petroleum. We've just started looking into corn as an alternative source for plastics, let alone all of the other petroleum products modern industry relies on to work.
How is a sci-fi writer from the 1950's going to know that you can create plastics through plant fibers?
Also military use many skilled personnel intelligence analysts radio operators mechanics (with nuclear power skills to repair Power Armour) Also strict diciplie would ensure that teachings would be larnt for anyone born in the base and new recruits would probably have it drilled into them (court marshell culture idf you will) Also as stated in on the Brotherhood deveopeda new laser pistol.
Developed a new laser pistol from pre-existing parts. What you fail to understand is that the Brotherhood can't expand because they aren't obtaining any new resources. That's right. They aren't getting any. There's no way for them to get any.
How would they? You think they can just strip mine for iron?
The nukes dropped in Fallout weren't tactical nukes or bunker busters, either. The writers were working with the preconception that the nukes used during the war would have 50's era potency. Los Angeles is a mass grave. You don't get that kind of shit with tactical nukes. The vault was able to survive because it was built underneath the city, so it would have easily survived an air burst from an ICBM.
And what are the Chinese going to invade anyways? The Americans were practically knocking on their door. They knew that a nuclear exchange with America would have lead to them being bombed back to the stoneage, but they did it anyways.
Made from Scrap metal.
Which is made from fungus grown in brahmin shit.
Both of these things require components and ingredients which are in no short abundance, and easily accessible. The brotherhood can't just get all of the alloys, semiconductors, and reactors they need for new Power Armors on their own. Its not like these parts can be found anywhere in the wasteland.
Also not TV dinners on ghouls shoulders Tycho. Etc + there are always those on the outside of society who do not have this also the computerising wasnt a thing to be proud of for the people of america as the car in the start advert proudlt advertises no computer parts obiously Mr Handy Didnt drive the chrysler.
Not sure exactly what you're saying, here, but that car would have been produced under the precept of a retro automobile culture. Who's to say that they didn't also manufacture it with no computer parts in order to avoid it being rendered useless by a nuclear EMP?
America was in the grips of nuclear fever. The reason so many people didn't find their way to the Vaults, as was stated in the bible, was that they didn't take the repetitive air raid sirens seriously.
This would be the prime environment to market a "nuke proof" automobile.
The Encalve and any other organisation for safekeeping would have manufacturing plant GECK's possibly or tools along the same line as your dinners.
Which means... nothing. The GECK made an environment habitable. It didn't build a city from scratch.