Urm you do understand the meaning of premise, don't you? The premise of Fallout is that it's a vision of the future turned post apocalyptic as imagined by a 50's pulp sci-fi writer. Either the (fictional) writer is dreaming the Fallout universe or writing the Fallout story, as you play.
No no no, I'm not arguing against that. I understand this part of the the Fallout setting, and I thought I'd referred to it many times. I'm not trying to dismiss it, now or ever. Please understand that. But to say it's strictly JUST that, it's like saying Fallout *is* 50's pulp sci fi, and I simply find more depth to it than that.
I think it's important to see how Fallout is looking at a 50's perspective of the future through a contemporary lense, with all the power of hindsight. Without an anchor in other times including the present, the emotions and issues of that pivotal era become isolated from current events (which is IMO how the Chinese and energy crisis fit in, for example, in place of the Soviets and the red scare). This is why the timeless quality of the Fallout setting is important to me. Do you disagree? I don't understand how it conflicts with ANY statements that have been made regarding the game's 50's premise.
Considering that this is the second time that you've tried to argue "real world" into this subject through whatever desperate backflip you try, I'm about to Vat the second attempt and prevent a third.
*I* don't necessarily care to argue reality into a fictional world, that wasn''t my intention. I think it has it's place artistically speaking to be connected with reality, otherwise it would be completely meaningless. But in this case, I was merely referring to a Q/A in the Fallout Bible:
(chris)...Was or wasn't there a nuclear winter? If not, why not? If so, why wasn't it mentioned before?...
Nope, I just assumed there was a nuclear winter and that was a bad assumption - I just assumed with hundreds of bombs flying around a nuclear winter was pretty inevitable, but I don't think one ever occurred in the Fallout universe....I'll make the assumption that the nuclear warheads used in the Fallout universe were of comparable tonnage to the nukes in the real world (early) 1950s era, in which case, many of them could have been used without causing a massive blackout. If someone out there with real nuclear warfare knowledge, however, can illuminate Evan and I, I'd appreciate it, and I'll make you the BIG WINNER for next time.
Anyway, that was from p133 of the bible. They get around to some probable explanations around p180. In any case, apparently they found it relavent enough to include.
But I don't care to "argue" about this any more, in this thread or another, so I won't bring it up again.