Here's an interesting one...
Back a long time ago, I wasn't even 'into' computers or computer games; the only reason I even had a computer was because some friend gave it to me for free (it wasn't great, but more on that in a second), I wasn't complaining; not like it was going to cost me anything, so I took it. Anyway, one day, the same friend comes over to my house with his laptop and a gaming mag, with the magazine came a full, free version of the original Fallout...
Now, I was kind of intrigued, so I decided to try the game on his laptop... It was amazing, it was the first time I really got 'in' to a game, there was just so much to do! It wasn't like those other brainless games back then... I knew I had to have it, so I went out and bought the same gaming mag and consequently got my own, free copy of the game with it.
I dusted off the computer I never used... It was a (drum roll) :
DX400 100 MHz
SuperVGA display
15" CRT (with 'stains' in the corners)
Windows 95
Capable of 800x600 @ 256 colors
1 GB of hard drive space (when compressed, haha)
Anyway, it was a pain playing it on that PC - the load times would take minutes, many, many minutes... It was awful - but I played for my love of the game, I played it a lot.
I knew I had to upgrade, so I did so (albeit a long time later - and only because Fallout 2 wouldn't even run on the old computer

Anyway, now I love computers, video games, and especially Fallout... And I have the latter to thank for all of this.