Juza The Cloud
Nanto Goshasei
I believe I had a share-ware (remember those) version and I remember playing it and being somewhat confused as I was a teen and at the time I only knew JRPGs and even wasn't too good at them. I loathed RPGs a lot at the time on account of a terrible D&D session with my friends abusive older brother. Anyways fast forward many years (like a decade) and I see a different friend playing F3 and was interested. I had played Deus Ex in the interim and when my friend was leveling up his character I noticed the skills were similar to Deus Ex (lock pick, stealth etc) So I watched him play and I was curious to play another FPS RPG type game. I played 3 then a different friend bought me 1,2, and Tactics for my birthday and I devoured them with little difficulty this time around and much enjoyment (the Fixt and Restoration mods are a godsend). Then Vegas came out and I feel in love with that game as well. Having played 1 and 2, Vegas felt much more like the real F3 to me. That is the abridged version of my discovery of Fallout.