How do you get rid of those kids?


White heterosexual male
Yeah, so I was gonna play Fallout 2 for like the twentieth time when I discovered there was this thing called 'the children patch.' Since I never played the game with children in it, I thought it might be fun, but for crying out loud: how do you stop those brats from stealing stuff from your inventory and giving it to the shopkeepers?
You can't just off them, right? I tried that and I became a Childkiller and Sulik left my party. No fun. Isn't there some sort of trick to kill them anyway?

Hey, it's not that I hate children or anything, but these kids are just asking for it. I want revenge! Revenge!
Or, if you want to keep the kids around for the Modoc quest and other fun bits:

1. Walk close to the entrance, keeping out of range of the kids, initiate combat, run through and exit combat. They won't have any time to steal from you. It's a bit annoying, but it works.

2. Ór steal whatever they stole back. You have to be quick, though, and pretty good at stealing. Free XP nevertheless.
What you needed to install a patch to have children in the game.
In my version they were there when i bought the game
Well, slicer, the US version of Fallout 2 had the children in it already, but for some strange reason all of the European versions of the game had no children in it.
no, no, no, you guys have it all wrong. there is only one right method to deal with the little brats.
first, let them pickpocket you. then go behind them, check if they stole anything and steal it back. NOW, enter combat mode and SLAP the little brats! that's right, after a good beating the little bastards will think twice before they steal from you. in fact, they will even run away from you when you approach them, so you will never have to worry about being robbed by children again!

P.S. beating a child doesn't affect your reputation in any way. killing one does, however.
Jazz_Fascist said:
Well, slicer, the US version of Fallout 2 had the children in it already, but for some strange reason all of the European versions of the game had no children in it.

I have an american and an english versions of the game, both with children. But several versions didn`t, you are right on that.
Actually the brats still steal from you in the UK version... It's just they're invisible...
Thanks, you guys. I kind of followed Ratty's advice: after one of those kids stole a stimpack from me, I stole it back, entered combat mode and gave him a good spanking (well, I just kicked his sorry little ass - a couple of times). Guess what? The little brat tried to take a run for it, but then Sulik took his sharpened spear and killed the poor little bastard himself! Ha! And no 'Childkiller' status! I've already taken care of five kids that way!

What a wonderful wonderful world!

Turns out these kids are kind of fun after all!
If you feel like spenting a load of money, you can just buy plastic explosives and plant them on the kids. No angry people if they die.
Ratty said:
no, no, no, you guys have it all wrong. there is only one right method to deal with the little brats.
first, let them pickpocket you. then go behind them, check if they stole anything and steal it back. NOW, enter combat mode and SLAP the little brats! that's right, after a good beating the little bastards will think twice before they steal from you. in fact, they will even run away from you when you approach them, so you will never have to worry about being robbed by children again!

P.S. beating a child doesn't affect your reputation in any way. killing one does, however.
An excellent way to get rid of flares and plant spikes :twisted: