How do you take your Coffee? And other Culinary Creations.

I’ve tried to make my coffee the moſt claſſical way, by putting two teaſpoons of ground beans into a mug and pouring hot water over them. When they have ſettled, it’s ready to drink.
I’s actually taſtier than the normal filtered coffee from the coffeemaker, don’t aſk me why.
I press the espresso button on the machine on the counter and drink what comes out milk , no sugar.
Thomas de Aynesworth said:

Farm-grown veal Vienna Schnitzel, Teriyaki rice (from package) and corn (from can). A nice meal to conclude a decent Monday.

Thomas your Culinary Creations are questionable...I wouldn't feed that to my worse enemy. :P
Dark no sugar.

Ok, maybe with Bacon.

I usually either use a French Press, a basic drip machine or just instant works for me.

By the way, those who take their coffee with whipped cream are really just projecting their desire to perform oral sex on a man.
Which is fine, if you go that way.
As far as I know, not many people enjoy or know about my preferred beverage of choice. Ever hear of a hot Dr. Pepper? It's not particularly complicated drink, all you do is take a can of doctor pepper, or bottle, but I prefer the can because it's the right size for a mug of the stuff.

Anyway, you put it in a pan, on the stove, heat it up for about one or two minutes; however hot you prefer your tea/coffee. It'll start to boil immediately, except it's actually not; that's just the carbonation boiling off. After it's good and heated, put it in a mug, add some lemon, and enjoy.

In short, heat doctor pepper in a pan
add lemon
serve as tea.
In short, heat doctor pepper in a pan
add lemon
serve as tea.

That sounds a wonderful idea, why has it never occurred to me to try this? *regrets several years of his life*
i dont usually drink soda, but when i do, i drink doctor pepper heated in a pan with lemon. stay thirsty my friends.

sounds awesome i love DDP gona try that soon.