Surf Solar
So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs

Just asking... While reading this article here ( ) it says the GECK contains a cold fusion plant for powering machines, lights etc... But, which machines? From where do those things come?
The GECK also contained various Seeds and a mechanism to make the ground harvestable again. Ok. Also it contained holodisks with Pre-War Knowledge, ok. But still I don't get how a pretty well developed community can evolve out of this? I can more imagine that the result will just be a slight bit more advanced town like modoc or something. Because - from where come the machines, which help the inhabitants creating buildings, weapons, new computers etc? I just fail to understand how a little device with a power supply, some seeds and a summary of knowledge can lead to such a powerful town like Vaul City f.e.
Just an example:
"The only known successful use of the GECK (though whether it can be attributed to the GECK alone is debatable) was the creation of Vault City by the former inhabitants of Vault 8. By combining their GECK's contents with power from Vault 8's fusion generator, the residents of Vault City were able to erect their settlement's first buildings. "
With what tools did they create those laser turrets? How did they buy new computers? Or even stuff like this advanced medicine. From what?
The GECK also contained various Seeds and a mechanism to make the ground harvestable again. Ok. Also it contained holodisks with Pre-War Knowledge, ok. But still I don't get how a pretty well developed community can evolve out of this? I can more imagine that the result will just be a slight bit more advanced town like modoc or something. Because - from where come the machines, which help the inhabitants creating buildings, weapons, new computers etc? I just fail to understand how a little device with a power supply, some seeds and a summary of knowledge can lead to such a powerful town like Vaul City f.e.
Just an example:
"The only known successful use of the GECK (though whether it can be attributed to the GECK alone is debatable) was the creation of Vault City by the former inhabitants of Vault 8. By combining their GECK's contents with power from Vault 8's fusion generator, the residents of Vault City were able to erect their settlement's first buildings. "
With what tools did they create those laser turrets? How did they buy new computers? Or even stuff like this advanced medicine. From what?