How Fallout 3 made myself pregnant. [Secret love story gamez!!] Teh gamez fo the realzz!!


Fallout 3 is the game of this century, and if you don't agree to me you are not a valid person.
Fallout 3 is better than 1, 2 and New Vegas combined!!!

I know you people secretly love Fallout 3! You can't stop the denial of the love of your life at the current time of the day, year, miles.

My god ness! Where did you come from? Pacific? No, I work on the street two pizzas right left up down swim crash.
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Welcome to NMA, I think you will like it here. While there are some members who like Not-fallout 3 and 4, they can see their flaws, most of the time.

My story is pretty much similar to you, I got 3 from my dad, played it as a kid, thought it was fun, forgot about it. Played New Vegas later, I thought it was good, but nothing besides that.

I hyped myself up for 4 and oh boy, this game it broke me, it broke all the trust I had towards this shitty industry. It wasn't the only game franchise I loved that was killed by greedy, shitty publishers, but it was probably the most devestating blow.

After that, I came here, played New Vegas again and over time accepted that Fallout is dead, except for the mods. Nowadays, it is better to not get attached to any game franchise, acting sceptical towards all the news and never preordering is the way to go. It is simply not worth it, there are some exceptions to two of these rules (you should never preorder period), but other than that, I can see where you are coming from.

If it is any consolation there are some games that try to emulate Fallout to an extent, like Atom, underrail I think and such. Still, nothing that scratches the same itch as 1/2/NV.
Another case of someone actually replaying the game recently after only playing 9 years ago and realizing how much a piece of shit Fallout 3 is. I bet a lot of people that say the game is good now haven't actually played in years, probably not since release. And some others that do like it now are just nostalgia blinded that it makes them ignore a majority of the problems in the game.

Fallout 3 was actually my first Fallout and i hated it. It was Oblivion with guns except even worse somehow than Oblivion.

Welcome to NMA.
You still have the first two games and i'm gonna assume you enjoy New Vegas as well. You can just play these and ignore the rest of main series.
Ho ho! Nice vent!

I love how quick dad is.
You're not even out of the vault that day, and dad's had the time to run out, down stiff drinks in the bar, bang the whore, and run all the way to rivet city

Bethesda was simply never very good at this, writing "engaging" stuff, so they really need you to play along. You aren't supposed to dart directly from spot to spot, following your dad. If you do, dad suddenly turns into fastest-man-alive. You're supposed to "get lost" in all the exploration, "ooo whats this, ooo whats that!"
If you don't do this - if you don't act like a little kid, with cute little short term memory, the game won't behave as intended.

FO2 was beautiful in that as soon as you begin, the game world tells you that the urgency you were convinced of right away, is probably not that real. Vic isn't some savior, he's just a fat fuck, "GECK" is most probably a myth, no NPC has ever heard about it, and the world is too vast for you to reach in any quick ammount of time. FO2 lets you completely decelerate, at will, or keep a sense of urgency, as you please. Either option works, immersion wise.
FO1 had _actual_ urgency. Too slow - game over, you die, load previous save or start over.

But this hand-holdy "lets pretend"-urgency that Beth believes themselves to masterfully peddle only insults me. Skyrim a little - but FO4 a LOT - did this whole... "something is happening nearby that you should go check out!"-triggers. These are *tailormade especially* for little ADHD-kids, not focused adults. It irritated me every time, and - if you DON'T run off like a little child, to tend to this sudden distraction, there's a chance quests will bug up and stuff. My first attempt at the Automatron DLC completely fucked itself and needed to be reinstalled - because I ran past a triggered event, because I thought to myself "I am roleplaying, and I don't feel like tending to whatever little new distraction this might be"

There, now I vented a bit too!
Oh man, that sounds bad. Thank god I didn't bought Fallout 4!

One thing I really liked is the one that you said above; the time limit in the first game! It made me hooked into the game!
"I just found out Junktown! Cool, but I need to haul ass and find the chip before the time's up, my vault dwellers are waiting for me! I will check it out later!"
You made it sound like you're forced to do those quests. You do know there are alternate ways to bypass those quests, including the Three Dog dad mission, right? (P.S.: It's called a "speech check")

Oh, and you cheated? No wonder you didn't have any fun.
"Forced to do quests"? Wtf man...

Someone buys a game, the game is about quests, if they suck it sucks. Doesn't have anything to do with anybody forcing anybody.

Bypass the quests, bypass the fucking game then, whats the point!? How about speech checks to bypass the story, the xp, the loot and the ending
You made it sound like you're forced to do those quests. You do know there are alternate ways to bypass those quests, including the Three Dog dad mission, right? (P.S.: It's called a "speech check")
And you can just directly go to vault 112 and found out your dad is a dog in VR, it still change no the fact the main quest are a boring chore to go through.
And you can just directly go to vault 112 and found out your dad is a dog in VR, it still change no the fact the main quest are a boring chore to go through.
What, you saying you don't want to shoot some more raiders before you shoot more bugs to get prepared for the next wave of mutants?
And you can just directly go to vault 112 and found out your dad is a dog in VR, it still change no the fact the main quest are a boring chore to go through.
Boring is subjective. I find The Godfather to be a boring piece of shit, but some people still eat up that crap.
And I find the main quest of Fallout 3 full of kill something/fetch quest/cut scenes with terrible writing to be boring, but some people still eat up that crap.
So you're basically regurgitating what I said. Thanks for proving that you have no argument.
I dunno, this kinda feels like one of those "trying to hard to fit in" threads.
Some people here like Fallout 3 and Fallout 4, so that's not it. Some people think we instantly trash someone when they say they like Beth Fallouts, but that couldn't be further from the truth. Heck, Risewild likes Fallout 3.