
  1. The_Proletarian

    NMA: ATOM RPG Trudograd Review

    I really liked ATOM RPG and when I started playing Trudograd I immediately found that it was good. Since I knew I would play it more than once I figured that I might as well put down my thoughts in a review. Below is my review of Trudograd which is also my first attempt at a game review. I hope...
  2. The_Proletarian

    NMA Olympus 2207 review

    A few days ago @Keyboard Gecko posted a video review of the newly translated Fallout 2 total conversion mod Olympus 2207. I found it very good and asked him if he could also provide a written review for the site, to which he gladly agreed. See below for our very own, very thorough, review of...
  3. The_Proletarian

    NMA Wasteland 3 review

    Our very own SquidVan has reviewed Wasteland 3 for us! It's a mostly spoiler free review, however some middle section things are spoiled but not their possible endings or any in detail things, just their premise. Without further ado let me present this great Sunday read to you all! Wasteland 3...
  4. KingArthur

    The New Colossus Order’s Old Blood, or Arthur Reviews Rebooted Wolfenstein

    As I stated in that thread about how we’re coping with the Holocoof, I’ve been replaying one of my favorite series, from Wolf 3D up to New Colossus. Now, I could theoretically review “classic” Wolfenstein, Wolf 2009, and RtCW, but I’m gonna focus on the 3 rebooted titles for the sake of this...
  5. AgentBJ09

    Fallout 76: The Review (Base + Wastelanders + Steel Dawn)

    Kept you waiting, huh? Let's not waste any time with this. If you are reading this, then you know that Fallout 76 was a money sink, a bad idea, a glitch-fest, and many other negative things. It was a cavalcade of embarrassment of such proportions that only the launch of the Playstation 2 and...
  6. MPPlantOfficial


    Given the current state of gaming "journalism", Metacritic to be the only platform that is both widely recognized and relatively valued by the gaming community. It's an added bonus that the site doesn't require you to own the game to leave a review. But looking at the actual ratings, seems like...
  7. P

    How Fallout 3 made myself pregnant. [Secret love story gamez!!] Teh gamez fo the realzz!!

    Fallout 3 is the game of this century, and if you don't agree to me you are not a valid person. FACT: Fallout 3 is better than 1, 2 and New Vegas combined!!! I know you people secretly love Fallout 3! You can't stop the denial of the love of your life at the current time of the day, year...
  8. TerminallyChill

    "No Todds, No Masters" Creator Disappears

    YouTuber MisterCaption, best known for his 3 hour critique of Fallout 4 titled "No Todds, No Masters" has apparently disappeared under mysterious circumstances. His videos and social media accounts have been deleted, and there is evidence he was under severe emotional stress leading up to the...
  9. D

    Ahoy looks into one of the most prevalent video game urban legends: Polybius.

    Ahoy, general quality game lore maker, looks into the mythical Polybius UL. I hope he makes a video about Fallout, one day. He'll do it justice.
  10. The Dutch Ghost

    The Fallout 4 review by members of No Mutants Allowed

    Hello all, This project has been some time in the making now and it was suppose to be released much earlier during November on the day that Fallout 4 was released a year ago. When no review was written for the original game in the weeks after the release of, we decided to instead write a review...
  11. Ediros

    Fallout 4 review - No Todds, no Masters

    It seems like Mister Caption posted an updated review of shitout 4. Thoughts on the subject? Ps: We really should post NMA review ourseselves.
  12. 0wing

    Fallout 4 Weilard steam review (November 2015)

    I know it's a bit late but still, be positive. After @CT Phipps elaborated on his high praise for F4, I suddenly remembered of another rather long and interesting piece of positive review from a Fallout vet. fan. Weilard is an artist for hire, mostly famous for art support for Wasteland 2 KS...
  13. The Dutch Ghost

    Would people be interested in contributing to NMA's Fallout 4 and DLC review?

    Hello all, When the final DLC for Fallout 4 was released, Nuka World, I talked with Hassknecht about if it wasn't time now that No Mutants Allowed did a review on Fallout 4. We missed out on reviewing the game last year when it was released and though people have shared their thoughts and...
  14. Deeves

    Hey guys! We got mentioned in a Nuka World review!

    Why yes, I am constantly shitting myself in rage! It's a real problem in social situations! >:U
  15. NotAcasul

    My Review of Metal Gear Solid V

    Since I have nothing better to do except study let's break out the archives of all the things my asperger's little ass did a million years ago! Game Review #1 10/22/2015 Editor: NotACasul, soon to be Todd Howards wife. Game: Metal Gear Solid 5 Genre: Open world, Tactical Shooter, Stealth...
  16. Ben Soto

    Fallout 3 - Review (2008 - X360) If you're not willing to click the link; tl;dr this game is worse than ass cancer.
  17. Ben Soto

    The Icarus Experiment - A New Video Game Review Source

    For many years, I've toyed with the idea of forming my own site to review video games. Well, good job Ben, because I finally went through with it. Here is... The Icarus Experiment. Yes. That name is totally horrible. No, I do not care. The site, as it stands, is mostly about video game...
  18. kraag

    Oh, The Lies!

    Coming from a review on the 9th of November 2015 by Dennis Scimeca @ DailyDot. I'll only need to post the first few paragraphs for it to have maximum effect. It is seriously uncanny how much of a mirror image this review paints of the true Fallout 4, nearly everything in it is an outright lie...