Dangerous Beans said:
i'm not sure what it is that the rest of your post is about, but i'm sure i could come up with some usefull input if you hadn't gone so
nuts and instead posted up some usefull disscussion.
Maybe if you had posted something a little bit more relevant, informed, and up to speed, you wouldn't be treated like a troll or an idiot.
I had already pointed out why Fallout used hexes, and yet you just blissfully wave them aside without any reasoning to back it up. You then go into some meaningless drivel about flips, spins, and self-masturbation material that it isn't anywhere approaching "amusing", or for that matter "part of Fallout's design". It is further suspicious that you haven't posted anything else other than this inane little exodus into the Bag of Nose Candy.
Maybe if you had some ability to understand game design and were able to formulate sentences a little more complex than a series of grunts, but if you had that ability, then you'd be able to see where your useless desires are just that and we wouldn't have to have this little side discussion. Yes. Your desires, and useless. Calling them irrelevant to this discussion and Fallout's setting was an obvious waste of time, given how obvious that is.
As for the tube computers, there were some made for the Cold War, but it was/would be more effective to just house them in shielding, depending upon their location. As SkynetV3 has pointed out and I'll elaborate with, the tubes in Fallout were used because semiconductors weren't invented into chip form. It also explains the dot matrix screens and more. Think of the 50's technology without any transistors and then add sci-fi influences that derive from that style. That is one aspect of Fallout's setting, and a very important one, as what would the post-apocalyptic world look like in a 50's sci-fi pulp, but just made into a Pick-Your-Own-Adventure form. (I have seen a rare few of these, and helped in cel shading a couple of panels, a Pick-Your-Own-Path Comic Book.) Some people say that time goes on and civilization advances, but if the 50's sci-fi style and tech (generally speaking, as Fallout does take some influences seen many years previous to the 50's as well) was at the height of the world when the bombs dropped, then it doesn't suit the Fallout universe to suddenly have a presidential election alongside the invention of silicon being developed as a semiconductor.
At least not in the wasteland.