How I/we would like combat in Fallout 3 to be done:

i'm pretty sure you were refearing to my post, as it has the only matrix refrence. i included that refrence as an exaple if a diffrent combat animation that could be included under this pesudo realtime idea.

i'm not sure what it is that the rest of your post is about, but i'm sure i could come up with some usefull input if you hadn't gone so
nuts and instead posted up some usefull disscussion.

my post was not ment to ba a flame or troll.
Regarding transistors, Dataspot, you have to remember that Fallout's setting is based on a 40, 50-ish retrotech (the future of the past), pulp feeling. Remember that in that timeframe, transistors weren't the direction that Electronics took. Transistors were invented in 1947 but they would revolution the world MUCH later. Notice how all the computers in Fallout include vacuum (sp?) tubes, tape reels and memory storage arrays? Think back to the ENIAC and other clunky hardware devices.

If you ask yourself that how can Fallout be based on the fifties-forties, just remember that even though the Fallout world is based on retrotech, it is an alternate timeline. The weird thing is that apparently that parallel universe touches ours in a few instances.
About the transistors, i never understood if the vaccuum tube computers (what is the correct name for those? i only know the portuguese name) were used due to the Retro-futuristic setting, or because in a nuclear war most Transistor-based electronics would be fried by the eletromagnetic shock caused by the nukes (i settled for a very ambiguous "both" response). Infact, those kind of "computers" were developed by both the US and Soviet armies during the whole cold war, to be used in bunkers, military bases, precisely because they could still work during/after a nuclear war.
Roshambo said:
Just because one ruleset works in one way, that doesn't mean that it's perfectly fine to kludge everything else into the same mess.

Please learn from where Fallout gets its roots. This isn't Dungeons and Dragons, kids.

I, for one, do know where Fallout gets its roots. GURPS. ;)

(Yes, yes, I know that GURPS was dropped after a dispute with SJ Games early on and swapped for SPECIAL - I'm being silly for silly's sake.)

Although - in an ironic twist - D&D3 has a lot of eerily-similar features to SPECIAL. More so if you use one of the more "generic" d20 system games like d20 Modern. But you gain perks... I mean, feats... every 3 levels, the skill system is similar, etc. Perhaps Fallout ain't D&D, but D&D has a little Fallout in it nowadays.
Well, that's a good thing.

I did actually notice that too, although Fallout's perks are way cooler than 3ed's Feats.
Dangerous Beans said:
i'm not sure what it is that the rest of your post is about, but i'm sure i could come up with some usefull input if you hadn't gone so
nuts and instead posted up some usefull disscussion.

Maybe if you had posted something a little bit more relevant, informed, and up to speed, you wouldn't be treated like a troll or an idiot.

I had already pointed out why Fallout used hexes, and yet you just blissfully wave them aside without any reasoning to back it up. You then go into some meaningless drivel about flips, spins, and self-masturbation material that it isn't anywhere approaching "amusing", or for that matter "part of Fallout's design". It is further suspicious that you haven't posted anything else other than this inane little exodus into the Bag of Nose Candy.

Maybe if you had some ability to understand game design and were able to formulate sentences a little more complex than a series of grunts, but if you had that ability, then you'd be able to see where your useless desires are just that and we wouldn't have to have this little side discussion. Yes. Your desires, and useless. Calling them irrelevant to this discussion and Fallout's setting was an obvious waste of time, given how obvious that is.

As for the tube computers, there were some made for the Cold War, but it was/would be more effective to just house them in shielding, depending upon their location. As SkynetV3 has pointed out and I'll elaborate with, the tubes in Fallout were used because semiconductors weren't invented into chip form. It also explains the dot matrix screens and more. Think of the 50's technology without any transistors and then add sci-fi influences that derive from that style. That is one aspect of Fallout's setting, and a very important one, as what would the post-apocalyptic world look like in a 50's sci-fi pulp, but just made into a Pick-Your-Own-Adventure form. (I have seen a rare few of these, and helped in cel shading a couple of panels, a Pick-Your-Own-Path Comic Book.) Some people say that time goes on and civilization advances, but if the 50's sci-fi style and tech (generally speaking, as Fallout does take some influences seen many years previous to the 50's as well) was at the height of the world when the bombs dropped, then it doesn't suit the Fallout universe to suddenly have a presidential election alongside the invention of silicon being developed as a semiconductor.

At least not in the wasteland.
Hah. That'd be hilarious. The whole planet was nuked to ashes, and then the survivors make a breakthrough invention in electronics that requires high industrial capabilities. Shit, I bet if their investors found out about it they'd tar and feather them for squandering the money on developing something so useless.
Now that we're talking about computers in Fallout, there were some things I was curious about. We agree that tubes were used because integrated semiconductor circuits weren't invented yet, but what about memory? I know army used these really small coils as memory cells, because data stored in them can survive the EM pulse, but did they even exist in the 50ies? And what of holodisks? What kind of technology do they use? To me they looked like simple magnetic tapes. Can such tapes even survive a nuclear blast?
the only thing that bugged me with the hexes is that people keep runing in zig-zag patterns :freak:
Ratty said:
And what of holodisks? What kind of technology do they use? To me they looked like simple magnetic tapes. Can such tapes even survive a nuclear blast?
The Fallout Bible 9 mentions real Holotapes, although better holotape concepts have been developed, allowing an extremely high storage density and other advantages over magnetic storage.

In any case, they are based on laser technology, they are not magnetic and wouldn't be affected by EMP.

They look like tapes because they are - the laser imprints information on the tape in form of a hologram. Not a visual image mind. I guess the one mentioned in the bible may have been like that.
And, in protected areas, they still used reel-to-reels judging from the looks of many computers in Fallout.
Good god I hope they don't try to implement this pseudo real time crap.

The most irritating damn thing about KOTOR was the fact that even though you looked like you were hitting twice, you really only hit the guy one damn time.

I agree that a JA 2 system might do pretty well. I mean it is only fair if I spot the mutant before he spots me, I shoot first. If I use a rocket then its bye bye time to mutant/s.
DarkCorp said:
I agree that a JA 2 system might do pretty well. I mean it is only fair if I spot the mutant before he spots me, I shoot first. If I use a rocket then its bye bye time to mutant/s.
Tried Silent storm yet? the game has a "hearing" system, where depending on your character's perception and how stealthy the enemy is you get a kind of "shade" indicating a Sound contact. Then you can shoot through the wall (Yes, destructible environments), throw a grenade over it.... but you got to be careful, it could be a civilian on the other side....
i think FO3 has to do some pseudo-realtime battling in it cos thats hot in RPGland. althru i think implement:
1. high perception+agility=bullet/weapon dodging
2. enough stength+perception=blocking and damaging attacking enemie(while defending!)
3. shooting a rain of bullets from a gattling(minigun) in the enemies turn
4. taking cover: stones, crates, dead things(dead scorpion works better than a raider!), bookshelves enz.
5. physics: thow a molotov in a room filled with carpet/fuel/ammo
First, psudo realtime ? Please die.

1. high perception+agility=bullet/weapon dodging

Not sure if you mean something retarded like bullet time, if so please leave.
This feature is allready implemented in FO/FO2 thru armor class.

2. enough stength+perception=blocking and damaging attacking enemie(while defending!)

I actualy like this. Youre a weak low lvl characther with subpar St and you punch a super mutant.
It blocks your punch and grabs you, and inflicts damage.

However, it should ONLY apply when you have a certain number of AP left over after a turn.

3. shooting a rain of bullets from a gattling(minigun) in the enemies turn

Um... howbout NO. Thats why its the enimes turn.

4. taking cover: stones, crates, dead things(dead scorpion works better than a raider!), bookshelves enz.

It allready exists in FO/FO2. You just cant crouch/go prone behind something.

5. physics: thow a molotov in a room filled with carpet/fuel/ammo

Now this I actualy like. Having destroyable terrain, some of which is flamable.........