How many bunkers BoS got left in West Coast?


First time out of the vault
by the end of the latest Fallout franchise: New Vegas, or year 2281
how many bunkers the Brotherhood of Steel got left in West Coast?

as far as Im aware of, BoS' knowing presence are/were:
Lost Hills (Maxon)
Shady Sands
San Fran
and New Vegas/Mojave

But after the prolonged BoS-NCR war, how many of them have survived?
Lost Hills probably is still intact, since that's the supreme headquarter and it was hinted in Fallout 3/NV that it still exists
Shady Sands bunker is probably destroyed??? dont think NCR would tolerate a BoS stronghold right under their nose
Wt about the Den?
Maybe San Fran bunker has survived as well, since San Fran isn't exactly under NCR jurisdiction but Shi
Mojave bunker largely depends on courier's action of course, bt I think it is also gone
So, literally, by 2281, BoS have probably only 1 or 2 bunkers that still intact besides their Lost Hills central command, or is there anything else that I've missed?
There's really not much known about how the conflict is playing out, only that most chapters are in hiding and that even if the Mojave Brotherhood reconciling with NCR proves to be canon, there are still hostile chapters in the west.

It is worth noting that the when you meet the Mojave chapter, after their catastrophic losses at Helios One and subsequent demoralization under a prolonged lockdown, their circumstances aren't indicative of the Brotherhood's status on the whole. They're probably far worse off than the remaining chapters to the west. The war is going poorly for both sides, but the Brotherhood isn't broken, merely stalemated.
the problem is we dont know wt exactly happened to other chapters of West Coast BoS, except that the continuation of Lost Hills was hinted for few times in Fallout 3/NV

I've heard there is another bunker called Maxon bunker? if that is cannon, means BoS may has one more outpost besides wt is mentioned above

I can't say if other chapters must be better off than Mojave, Mojave chapter is already located at far eastern corner of NCR territory and it still got jumped, those who are deep within the NCR heartland are probably got beaten even worse than Mojave Hidden Valley boyz
Interesting quotation for you:

From time to time, the NCR has assaulted Brotherhood bunkers. In four of the six incidents I know of, the bunkers self-destructed. I surmise it's standard practice for the Brotherhood to install a self-destruct system. It's consistent with their uncompromising nature
dogy_kane said:
I can't say if other chapters must be better off than Mojave, Mojave chapter is already located at far eastern corner of NCR territory and it still got jumped, those who are deep within the NCR heartland are probably got beaten even worse than Mojave Hidden Valley boyz

The Mojave chapter was kind of a special case, though. They were openly occupying Helios One when the NCR showed up, so it's not as though the NCR undertook a competent seek-and-destroy operation or anything, and pretty much everyone in the Brotherhood except for Elijah acknowledged that the location was an indefensible suicide trap they should never have tried to hold. It was a prime strategic resource coveted heavily by the NCR upon their arrival in the Mojave, which means they were going to attempt to take it no matter who was there, if they could justify doing so. It was taken within the wake of the establishment of McCarran, when the NCR forces were still at full initial deployment strength and before morale had been broken, and when the rout of the Brotherhood began, Elijah, who was never a competent strategic commander in the first place, left his troops leaderless amidst the disarray. If anything, the events of Operation Sunburst speak more to the strength of even an abysmally mismanaged Brotherhood chapter than they do to the capabilities of the NCR-- at every possible disadvantage a Brotherhood chapter could have faced, they still managed to escape what should have been their annihilation with half their force intact and disappear without a trace, subsequently evading NCR's attempts at detection for a full five years.

Languorous_Maiar said:
Interesting quotation for you:

I knew I remembered House saying something about that. One has to wonder just how far his "feelers" extend, how complete a picture of the conflict he's managed to piece together thus far.

At any rate, I've got to tip my hat. You're pretty good at this loremongering thing, Maiar.
From time to time, the NCR has assaulted Brotherhood bunkers. In four of the six incidents I know of, the bunkers self-destructed. I surmise it's standard practice for the Brotherhood to install a self-destruct system. It's consistent with their uncompromising nature

I didn't even know that since I went to Independent route n nvr worked for that old man

So Brotherhood of Steel must have more bunkers than all previous games have unveiled if at least 6 bunkers are already destroyed.
We know for sure that there are 5 canon BoS bunkers, plus 1 non-canon outpost (Maxon Bunker in Van Buren), we also know by 2081, Lost Hills central command is still intact. That doesn't add up to what House might says, means there are more bunkers that unknown to us.

Is ironic since BoS West Coast is extremely conservative in the term of accepting outsiders but NCR has always managed to send in an agent to initiate the self-destruct system :(
House has money and serious computer network capabilities. Who knows what networking capabilities the NCR have, but it wouldn't suprise me if House had some data feelers out that way, aside from what information he could buy or hear through his people in Casinos or get from Securitrons, whether ones that went out as scouts or just overheard things people say.
dogy_kane said:
Is ironic since BoS West Coast is extremely conservative in the term of accepting outsiders but NCR has always managed to send in an agent to initiate the self-destruct system :(

We can't know for sure, but I think it's more a case of the NCR looking like they were going to carry the day and the B.O.S. destroying their bunkers rather than letting their contents fall into enemy hands.
Yamu said:
We can't know for sure, but I think it's more a case of the NCR looking like they were going to carry the day and the B.O.S. destroying their bunkers rather than letting their contents fall into enemy hands.

Yeah, good point!

Its kinda disappointing that Bethesda/Obsidian did not give the all out BoS-NCR war more coverage, BoS was such a major power in earlier Fallout stories, and they suddenly tell u: 'Okay! BoS is f@&ked by NCR, how? u dont have to know, just deal with it.'

instead of shift the focus to the continuation of Enclave-BoS war in Capital Wasteland, why can't we get a proper illustration of wt happened in the core region. . .
If anything, the events of Operation Sunburst speak more to the strength of even an abysmally mismanaged Brotherhood chapter than they do to the capabilities of the NCR-- at every possible disadvantage a Brotherhood chapter could have faced, they still managed to escape what should have been their annihilation with half their force intact and disappear without a trace, subsequently evading NCR's attempts at detection for a full five years.

And then they still hold them off for weeks, 20 TO 1.
Goddamn that single line of dialogue made the BoS into the baddest motherfuckers.
what about the enclave? not gonna lie, ive never EVER liked the Brotherhood. the "pseudo-knightly nonsense" of the eastern chapter really made me enjoy killing and eating every member of lyons pride. a step forward(or back, whatever) to the vegas chapter and you have a madman replaced by a coward usurped by a chode. too much corruption and not enough of anything else. apart from the outcasts of the dc wasteland who killed anything that looked at them wrong, i HATE the brotherhood!

now, back to my initial question... what about the enclave? we have 3 chapters accounted for and destroyed: east coast, oil rig, nevarro. what about the illinois and chicago groups? im also POSITIVE that the enclave wouldnt simply skip over high value cities like Houston, denver, the indian reservations all over america, and the bigger port towns... these places have to have seen some form of enclave occupation at one time. the great plains/dustbowl are populated with hundreds of windfarms... wouldnt the enclave try to do something with that?

(most asianic cultures revere the native americans so i personally believe that they would have been spared. this means that they would be priority targets for the enclave)

i want to see a game based on the enclave. no more of this BoS-save the whales bs. I WANT TO RAPE PILLAGE AND PLUNDER!(for a good cause though. hail america?)
You should realize that by 2241 Enclave was only in Oil Rig (around 1 thousand peole) and in Navarro (not more than 100).

Then during sabotage in Oil Rig some (obviously not more than 1/2 looking positively or rather 1/3 looking truly) escaped, and those we see in F3 in Raven Rock and around Capital Wasteland. Then Raven Rock, Mobile Base Crawler and Satellite Relay Station are destroyed, not even mentioning all outposts in Capital Wasteland, each having few members, which are lost too...

There are around 35 outposts + and 18 Vertibird events, so 53 in total. Multiply this by 3 (average number of Enclave soldiers per place) and we got 159. Take casualties from destroyed bases, and well... Enclave is basically lost, without any chance.

Why they should be presented in any future fallouts? They don't have numbers to reborn as faction and reproduce to have some "heirs."

Why they should be in other cities like Houston or so? Any evidence.
logancheddar said:
i want to see a game based on the enclave. no more of this BoS-save the whales bs. I WANT TO RAPE PILLAGE AND PLUNDER!(for a good cause though. hail america?)

Become a raider. The Enclave isn't about looting and killing.
They only did the last to further their goals, they are not sending random parties out to kill people for no reason.