How many of us actually finished FO4?

One game which I thought handled not giving too much of a sense of urgency was Morrowind.

It made you feel like your quests were important, and you needed to do them soon, but there were always times you were given breaks to go and experience the world by being told "Why not join a guild so you can increase your standing in the world?" or "We need time to figure things out, so you should go and visit this area if you haven't already".

I liked that, I also liked that you are told to get more experience - not "more xp" but actual experience :D It is also recommendable to take it to heart, since the enemies aren't "levelled" and some of the beasties encountered during the main adventure can be quite terrifying (like first visit to Kogoruhn, I think it was, my very first stumble-upon the Ash vampire in there - the boss level one, I u-turned and ran :D)
I finished it twice. I do try to finish all of the games that I buy, especially at full retail price.

My first playthrough was with the Railroad because their views on the Synths aligned most closely with my own. I was mostly unimpressed by their lack of depth, downsides and the lack of subterfuge in the radiant quests. Except for the Institute part, it's mostly just bang bang shooty like the rest of the game.

My second playthrough was with the Institute. I tried joining the Brotherhood of Steel, but I was glitched out of that (I was playing it on Xbox so I couldn't use console commands). So I ended up deciding to join the Institute and play with mods. I was stunned by how it was literally the same thing as the Railroad questline. And it was just more bang bang shooty.

I stopped playing after that and just watched the other endings on YouTube. It's remarkable how there's only two real endings. Not even an epilogue to comment on the player's actions and the future of Boston. None of the secondary quests are even that good. Fallout 4 is one of the most disappointed AAA titles I've ever played. I used to be optimistic that Bethesda could improve, but now...
I played through the whole game and DLCs once, i.e. no starting another new game. The way I play "modern" Fallout games is searching nearly every inch of the world, completing all quests with lots of saves before all branches, and killing every hostile critter I encountered (over 600 hrs on FO4, yes I have no life). For FO4's extremely lacking of replayability, I have zero motivation to start again. Plus I hate to rebuild the settlement stuff, made/used some cheating mods to make settlement (many of them are empty though) management a lot easier.

I also disabled all respawns in the game to prevent annoying radiant quests from popping out. I never did the same thing to FO3 and NV...
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I finished it in every possible solution (with save game abuse...)

... and I've spent time 'enduring' most of what the game offers in it's game world.

I can honestly say, the game offended me by becoming progressively worse the deeper I went.

The main quest line is an abuse of human intellect and the options of the side-quests so very often left me questioning the sanity of even attempting to maintain a suspension of disbelief and remain immersed in the game world.

So many true face-palm moments, so many shallow and meaningless concepts, events and occurrences.

Yes, I played the game.
No I was not pleased with it.

Was it worth my money / time.

I don't think it truly was, but I think I've had my moneys worth and do not utterly begrudge having made the purchase.

(just mostly)
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I tried to do a 100% run so i got like 13x hours in but i quit due to me wanting to wait for the DLC's will probably make a new run once i fix my computer and add quite a few mods. It is my least favorite Fallout with the exception of POS but i can ignore the flaws and just cruise the waste so to say.
I haven't finished the game, any of the faction quests, or most of the DLC quests. I think Automatron is the only one that I completed, because it's short, and at least Beth was trying to have fun. They're better when they fail at comedy than when they fail being dramatic or intellectual. IMO, failed humor is usually just awkward or bland.

The funny thing is that I've progressed a fair way into most of the big quests, but I have restartitus and I tend to try to install mods to fix things, restart, then spend hours exploring and building up the new character. So I have over a hundred hours in. Twice now I've gotten to the point where I was overwhelmed by the stupid, and uninstalled the game.

Ironically, reading these forums occasionally tempts me to reinstall and try to finish the game again, or at least a couple of quest lines. But then I remember the pain.
I haven't finished the game, any of the faction quests, or most of the DLC quests. I think Automatron is the only one that I completed, because it's short, and at least Beth was trying to have fun. They're better when they fail at comedy than when they fail being dramatic or intellectual. IMO, failed humor is usually just awkward or bland.

The funny thing is that I've progressed a fair way into most of the big quests, but I have restartitus and I tend to try to install mods to fix things, restart, then spend hours exploring and building up the new character. So I have over a hundred hours in. Twice now I've gotten to the point where I was overwhelmed by the stupid, and uninstalled the game.

Ironically, reading these forums occasionally tempts me to reinstall and try to finish the game again, or at least a couple of quest lines. But then I remember the pain.

I did the same with Fallout 3, kept adding mods to change things that annoyed me and starting new games. I also have a bad habit of obsessing over collecting unique weps and armor in Fallout games.
I did one playthrough on hard. I finished in about 40ish hours siding with the BoS only cause I enjoyed jumping off the air ship in power armor. Then Liberty Prime reared it's stupid face (still want an action figure of it, can't lie there) destroyed the Institute, bland ending started over to try another way, got bored and only touched the game once since last November. I couldn't bring my self to play again. Tho my friend still streams the game once in a while and since I mod for her stream I am subject to drown it out while banning horny teenagers that came to see her cleavage.
I finished the damn game. Three times. One for every faction. Except for the minutemen because they seemed SO unimportant that I didn't think they were a main faction. They never really seemed affected by the other three factions. Plus all the DLCs once and the side missions.

If I was even more insane I'd do it all over again to do the other sides of the DLCs, but I think we all know that that tree bears nothing but turd fruits. This all clocked to about two hundred and four hours of gameplay time. Still wish I could get a refund. And it was all in the name of research. I deserve a god damn fucking medal. WHERE IS MY CROWN FOR SIFTING THROUGH THIS BULLSHIT!? I AM A GOD AMONG MEN FOR SEEING MY HATRED TO THE END! WORSHIP ME, FOR I AM MOSES AND I WILL PART THE BULLSHIT SEA!
I might've started like 6 playthroughs but I never finished any cause it's the same shit no matter what character you make in that game.
I seriously couldn't bring myself to finish it. I played about 60 hours worth the two weeks following its release, really trying to be open minded about all the shit that is horrendously wrong with the game. At some point it hit me that I was forcing myself to play the damned game and I wasn't really enjoying it. I tried taking a break and since then I've put another 15 hours or so in since its release and I can't play it anymore; every time I've booted it up since I play for a few minutes before realizing why I stopped. How many actually finished the story?

I sort of feel bad not even finishing the main storyline but it just doesn't feel right to me. Plus the male player character voiceover kind of makes me nauseous.
Two minutes into this site & I already know I'm on the losing side, but I didn't think FO4 was that bad. The story sucks, but other than that, the game is actually quite good. The settlements are implemented quite nicely, & the gameplay is a HUGE step-up from the others.
Two minutes into this site & I already know I'm on the losing side, but I didn't think FO4 was that bad. The story sucks, but other than that, the game is actually quite good. The settlements are implemented quite nicely, & the gameplay is a HUGE step-up from the others.

I slightly disagree i think the story really sucks to the oint I would say it has the worst story overal out of any fallout game. I also think it has the weakest side quest out of any fallout game (mostly what I play the game for) It also have the weakstest story and side quest out of every other bethesda game too. Most are just shoot this or whatever very weak and badly written. The settlements are good but are broken to shit and actually annyouing when you try to build what you want. And finally the game play is improved in terms of better PA animations and that whloe system but in every other sense no. What so much better gameplay wise than NV or fo3 for say. You've got the hunting rifle that is realoaded wrong the pipe guns with look like crap. And all the game is shot this and shoot that. Yes the shooting is better but its far weaker than both NV and FO3 because that is literally the whloe game shotting stuff
There is no "losing side" when it comes to personal preference. You either like something or you do not.

Your reasons for liking something or not CAN be based on absolutely nothing, falsehoods, truth, facts.. all sorts of things.
While you are entitled to your own opinion, there is no rule that says all opinions are of equal value or that they are based on the same amount of factual information.

The only way you can lose in the game of opinion is by having one that is based on nonsense.

When you make a statement like "The gameplay is a huge step up from the others" with very little to back that up, and very little effective difference exists between the "gameplay" of the last 3 installments in the series, I am left to wonder "how huge can this difference be, if there is pretty much no noticeable variation in the bulk of the gameplay mechanics between all of the recent additions to the series?" "Is huge even a useful word in this context?" and things like "I wonder what he means by THE OTHERS?"

These are the kind of questions that lead to someone dismissing your opinion for not being based on much of anything.
There is no "losing side" when it comes to personal preference. You either like something or you do not.

Your reasons for liking something or not CAN be based on absolutely nothing, falsehoods, truth, facts.. all sorts of things.
While you are entitled to your own opinion, there is no rule that says all opinions are of equal value or that they are based on the same amount of factual information.

The only way you can lose in the game of opinion is by having one that is based on nonsense.

When you make a statement like "The gameplay is a huge step up from the others" with very little to back that up, and very little effective difference exists between the "gameplay" of the last 3 installments in the series, I am left to wonder "how huge can this difference be, if there is pretty much no noticeable variation in the bulk of the gameplay mechanics between all of the recent additions to the series?" "Is huge even a useful word in this context?" and things like "I wonder what he means by THE OTHERS?"

These are the kind of questions that lead to someone dismissing your opinion for not being based on much of anything.
You're right, I should probably clarify. New Vegas & 3's combat was very annoying because in 3, you could never really tell if you hit something unless it was three feet from your face. In both, sprinting was not an option, which made it feel like you were wading through irradiated mud 24/7. Also, the settlement building was the reason I played for an extra 20 hours. Building your own towns was oddly relaxing, & kept me playing late into the night. But I do understand everyone's hate towards this game. Hell, after playing FO2, even I feel a little pissed.
thanks, that's a lot clearer.

I can agree on the sluggish player controls making for a very sub par shooter experience. In NV it became very obvious how badly it was held back by the engine when you had to fight cazadores or nightstalkers and they were literally running you down in a second and mobbing you. I disliked having to abuse stealth to snipe them, or use AOE weapons or high rate of fire to deal with them, when a good player movement system meant for a first person shooter would have allowed us to dodge around quite a bit more and avoid attacks.

In most of my playthroughs I invariably ended up using a light armored character and took the perk to increase movement speed, and then ran around with a pistol in hand just to have a halfway decent player speed.
Two minutes into this site & I already know I'm on the losing side, but I didn't think FO4 was that bad. The story sucks, but other than that, the game is actually quite good. The settlements are implemented quite nicely, & the gameplay is a HUGE step-up from the others.
That's alright. Several other forum members defended what they perceived as Fallout 4's redeeming qualities, and so far, I am proud to say, almost fourteen of them are still alive and kicking!
I have to admit that the weapon crafting system is pretty good. I miss it when I inevitably return to New Vegas. As far as I'm concerned, it's the only redeeming quality I could find though (except maybe for the atmosphere of the glowing sea and the bar where Magnolia sings). The idea of settlement building was great, but hell, the interface is not adapted for it at all. If a modder could find a way to automatically switch to an isometric view while in building mode, that would fix a lot of problems that shouldn't have been there in the first place.