How much do you think Fallout 2 is worth?

You could also have used the edit button, it allows you to edit previous posts. Do so next time.
Sander said:
You could also have used the edit button, it allows you to edit previous posts. Do so next time.

I will, sorry.

To Mohrg: It's a very long distance and I don't have a gun with that kind of range :D
I was thinking someone could buy me Fallout2 and send it to me. I will send the money, of course.
You have just as much a shot at finding it as anyone else I think. Good luck on Ebay. :)
I understand, but that's about the only place I've seen ANY copies lately.

Considering it's almost abandonware now, or will be soon, it shouldn't be too risky to DL it though.

But dammit, I love the original packaging. :( I've only got the jewel box copy. And I really want to have the spiral bound manual.
It's more risky than downloading shareware/freeware. Of course it's much more risky for the site hosting the games, than the person downloading.

Remember some companies are still fighting tooth and nail to keep control over software that they are no longer supporting. Interplay doesn't have the resources to pursue it right now though.



Oh well, if I don't win on my other bid for a fencing mask and jacket, I might go for it. this is certainly ironic.

I had a hankering to go on ebay tonight and look for the originals, and I found that one and bid, and now I find this thread...


edit: What I really want, though, what I'd be willing to trade my soul for are those HUGE promo boxes that you see in stores. Or maybe one of those press packs they gave out back in the day. Now THAT would be sweet.
To my knowledge, Odin has one, possibly Roshambo has one as well.

Good luck tearing them from their cold dead fingers though. :wink:

/edit: I'm staying out of the bidding KoC. It's all yours.
Damnation. King of Creation. Didn't you notice I had the only bid on another E-Bay item you just outbid me on? Should have bought it outright when I had the chance. Would have, if my PayPal account wasn't giving me trouble, wanted the extra time the auction provided to get things in order.

*Sigh* In retrospect, I'm a little bitter at the moment. I hate technical problems which I can't fix. Rather reluctant to get into a bidding war, and the timing is particularly odd. Just as I decide to find a spiral bound manual myself, this thread appears, which points you to the same auctions.
Yup, i did it.... I outbid KoC!

($9.00 max bid)

Just wanted to drive the price up a bit...

Probably wont bid again untill 5 minutes before the auction ends

Elly - wise to the ways of the e-bay.
I have the original fallout in the unopened box, i got it WAY back in case my cd broke and I never opened it. Im thinking about putting it on ebay to help put some cash in my GET A X800 fund.
Elissar said:

Fallout 1 and two with manuals.

United States Only - It is always like this. Arrrrghh!
i got my fallout 2 from the UK.
I know its the stooged version but a quick patch fixed that. all for around 600kb.