How much do you think Fallout 2 is worth?

King of Creation said:
I'm in this other auction too, with BlueDev, who is a Bethesda dev. Ain't lettin him win!

A FO auction ? Ive known he's a FO fan, but this reinforces my opinion of him.
I dug up my fallout 2 disc about a month ago, which is why I came here one day and began posting. Once I found out Blask Isle was dead....well, I was heart broken. Anyway, I still have my FO2 manual (spiral bound) in very good condition. I still have the original jewel case (although it has a hole burned through the plastic from coughing into a pipe and blowing the hot smoldering ash onto the case) What I desperately seek is the original Fallout 1 with the original manual. FoT is easy enough to find and the manual was crap anyway so it isn't too much of a concern for me to obtain a new copy. God I love Fallout...the best game in the world. (IMO)
Badass man! I bet I could whip up a similar shirt with photoshop cs and some iron-on paper! That sounds like something worth while. Mass produce T-shirts at cost for hard core fallout gamers, keeping the spirit alive!
If you have a decent color inkjet/laser printer, you can buy the t-shirt plates at just about any art or copy store.

Thing is, I think that one is authentic.
If more auctions shipped worldwide, i think they would get alot more business. very few people are shipping fallout worldwide.... incredibly frustrating for some
When I get that t-shirt, I'll take it to one of my father's friends, who runs a t-shirt making business. I'll see if he can reproduce it. No promises though!
Janeus said:
If more auctions shipped worldwide, i think they would get alot more business. very few people are shipping fallout worldwide.... incredibly frustrating for some

Stop remembering this to me!!! I am beyond frustration right now.

King of Creation said:
When I get that t-shirt, I'll take it to one of my father's friends, who runs a t-shirt making business. I'll see if he can reproduce it. No promises though!

Here's to hoping. That would be really fuggin cool. If he can't get the t-shirts duplicated, then post the measurements for the logos and I'll try to duplicate it to the best of my abilities.
Don't worry King of Creation, I would have won anyway. :wink:

Actually, I was going to ask you about that, bidding on several auctions for the same item. What would you do if you won more than one? Actually, I could drive over and steal it from you... hmm...
Well, there's only really one Fallout game auction that i'm focusing on. I'll let Elissar win that other one too, won't bid competitively. Maybe I'll make one more bid, but it won't be like 1 second before time runs out.

My priority auction, on the other hand....I will murder someone if i get gipped out of that.
November said:
Stop remembering this to me!!! I am beyond frustration right now.


I am almost in the same boat as you. i guess its slightly easier here in Australia... but the West is fairly stooged (ie WA).
I live an hour out of Perth and the broadband, where is it?
It is not here, it is not there, so i am stuck on 33k dial up.
I wish more places would ship internationally, like Amazon (they dont ship cd's internationally)
I know which one you are bidding on, I've been keeping my eye on that for a while. Haven't bid at all because there was so much time before the auction ended. Now, I don’t have to.

Though that strategy guide looks appealing... perhaps I'll bid on that as well. :D
If I had money I would try my hardest to locate either guide and I would pay good money for it too.


Damnit! I was looking around for my boxes and I only found my two Fallout boxes and the other two(Fo2) are no where to be found! Looks like I'm going to have to jump on some of those auctions, just for the box. :P

Mohrg :twisted:
If you touch, my auction for fallout 1 and two, with the boxes and manals.... I'll put your little clown ass in a blender....