How Old are you (revisited)

How old are you?

  • 10-15

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 15-17 (older teen)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 18-20 (major in most part of the worl)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 21-25 (major everywhere)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 25-29 (Odin Old)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 30-34 (Ugly John old)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 35-39 (Welsh old)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 40-50 (too damn old)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Older

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
I've heard that Generation X ended in 1980, and is after the Baby boomers who ended in 1965 (?). Everyone born after that is in Generation Y. This is according to magazines and self-appointed culture-philes, at least. As far as I'm concerned, the more you let society label you the less unique you are, so fuck all this shit.
I'm with you Alec, I shave when my face starts to itch... or in the winter, when it starts getting stuck in the zipper of jacket.

Hmm... searching on the topic, I found this:
Business Week said:
Born during a baby bulge that demographers locate between 1979 and 1994, they are as young as five and as old as 20, with the largest slice still a decade away from adolescence. And at 60 million strong, more than three times the size of Generation X, they're the biggest thing to hit the American scene since the 72 million baby boomers. Still too young to have forged a name for themselves, they go by a host of taglines: Generation Y, Echo Boomers, or Millennium Generation.

On the same vein, Education Week defines Generation X as those born between 1968 and 1979.

So it works out to something like this:
Baby Boomers: 1946-1967
Generation X: 1968-1979
Generation Y or Millennium Generation: 1980-???? (I refuse to acknowledge the name "Echo Boomers")

That seems to fit everyone's time definitions rather well, and it makes Jay a Baby Boomer.

Murdoch, it's useful to have a name which people can agree on. I'd rather say 'Generation X' than 'People born between 1968 and 1979.'
ConstipatedCraprunner said:
No, Generation X STARTS after 1980. I'm a Millineal with heavy X influence.

No, you are wrong. We've all gotten used to that.

And Kotario: meh, okay. And good research too. :)
What about "Generation shove it up your ass and eat my diahrrea, cunt!" ?
millennium generation sounds very post-apocalyptic/dystopic, for some reason. Yeah, people shouldn't name stuff anyway. Makes everything seem totalitarian, in that unfresh 1984 way.
Wooz69 said:
What about "Generation shove it up your ass and eat my diahrrea, cunt!" ?

That's the Xers. That's when you where'nt lauged out of University for describing you'reself seriously as an anarchist.
Damnit.... why am i generation y? I take that as a personal slap in the face... like whoever named this generation is askin "why" we are even here....

Fuck this shit... someone's gettin shot.
Elissar, seems like you've had one too many drinks to be posting coherently.

Is that why it is "Generation Y?" I've always thought it was a sequential naming, Y comes after X, like two comes after one.
What are you, some commie profiler, like comrade wooze? ... I got your name comrade... I'VE GOT YOUR NAME, I'VE GOT YOUR ASS!
Just to clear up a little confusion, "Generation X" was coined by Douglas Coupland in the book of the same name published in 1992, and was used to refer to people in their 20's at that point and post baby-boomers in general. So basically, if you were born in the mid/late 60's or the 70's you're in generation x. 80's and beyond is "generation y", or whatever they're calling it.
Im twenty and a half. :) I think this is one of the best ages man can have. Now I can even by booze!
Kotario said:
Aye, sorry about that Jay, for some reason I was thinking that you said '52, not '62. So you are not quite that old.

It's bad enough, Kotario, don't make me any older! :)

Kotario said:
I'm with you Alec, I shave when my face starts to itch... or in the winter, when it starts getting stuck in the zipper of jacket.
So it works out to something like this:
Baby Boomers: 1946-1967
Generation X: 1968-1979
Generation Y or Millennium Generation: 1980-???? (I refuse to acknowledge the name "Echo Boomers")

That seems to fit everyone's time definitions rather well, and it makes Jay a Baby Boomer.

Keep my beard a 1/4 inch all the time...have not shaved since I got out of the army, just mow it every two weeks.

Now that Kotario just HAD to do the research, I guess I'm stuck with being a boomer... Thanks a bunch... :(

Okay, I thought I felt somewhat young until I happened along some of your replies.

It's hard to believe next month I'll be 33.. AARGH. Maybe I should make that appointment now for the false teeth and call the AARP. Dang Whiper Snappers.

I tell you, when I was a growin' up we had to walk 10 miles to get to the gaming store, uphill, both ways, and boy.. we had to install all are games usin' DOS. None this new fangled Winders stuff.

Ain't it past yer bed time yunggin?

Granpa Greg

P.S. Can you do gramps a faver and go my geritol from the cupboard. It keeps the juices a flowing while I'm playin' Fallout 1. You have heard of Fallout, right yungin?
Lady Ronin said:
Well I'm feeling a bit old

I'm 31.

Nearing 32 rapidly...

I must learn how to reverse time.

Yay!!! Another post 30 folk.

33 here, hitting 34 next month.

Gods help me.

Welcome aboard, mi'Lady.