How Old are you (revisited)

How old are you?

  • 10-15

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 15-17 (older teen)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 18-20 (major in most part of the worl)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 21-25 (major everywhere)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 25-29 (Odin Old)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 30-34 (Ugly John old)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 35-39 (Welsh old)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 40-50 (too damn old)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Older

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Or, perhaps, like many males eighteen years of age, you would like to think that you have a 'big beard.' Such as aspect would emphasis your physical maturity and masculinity, therefor you exaggerate it's size in your own mind.

Actually, my maternal great grandfather decided in his old age that his goal in life would be to grow a beard that would touch the floor. Unfortunately, one day while building the fire (this was in the late 1800s mind you), some sparks set his beard on fire. He had to cut the whole affair off, much to the delight of his wife (his fourth, about 20 years old to his 80).

To make this post not completely off topic, I'll state my age, roughly. I'm old enough to drink, take that as you will.
Kotario said:
Or, perhaps, like many males eighteen years of age, you would like to think that you have a 'big beard.' Such as aspect would emphasis your physical maturity and masculinity, therefor you exaggerate it's size in your own mind.

unfortunatly, your depiction isnt always right either... who are you to question Baboon on this?

as a little illustration: i'm a fucking caveman (not something i'm proud of tbh). i had to start shaving at my 12-13th, i could grow a FULL moustach by 14 and a FULL beard at 15.
Same here roughly. I only started shaving around 15 because it was really getting too beardy. Many people mistake me for 25 or something. It's both a blessing and a curse. Sometimes, I cut my beard (yes cut, not shave) but it grows back. And why the fuck would I be braggin 'bout it?
Who are you to question my questioning Baboon?

I know far too many boys who brag about their face fuzz, even when they have little reason to. Like I said previously, 'having' a emphasizes physical maturity and masculinity. I've also heard that "both a blessing and a curse" line far too often. Not to mention it was a joke in the first place, my original comment held a certain levity about it.

If you want to prove it so badly, post a picture Baboon. It appears we have a picture of you on file, SuAside, but that doesn't prove anything since it wasn't from when you were 15. Even if you posted such a picture, how would we know that it was truly from that age?
This hostility comes from.. where? If someone makes up lies on the internet about his(/her - eww) facial hair, he is obviously retarded and deserves to be punched in the cunt.

Kotario said:
I know far too many boys who brag about their face fuzz, even when they have little reason to.

Why would anyone you know in real life go about bragging about their 'face fuzz', especially if they don't have any? "Hey guys, I have teh coolest beoard.. rly!!1" And why do you refrain from stating your age? "Take that as you will" indicates you could well be thirteen and allowed to drink for your parents. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
Hostility is far to strong a word for it, much more on the level of 'annoyance.' As for the reason, it was their tag-team antagonism towards my initial light comment. It is irritating when people miss the point entirely, and then get after you for it.

Have you never encountered someone, during your youth, around 15 or 16 years old; who exagerated their beard-growth (for the two reasons I've mentioned twice previously). I knew far too many of them at the time.

As for "take that as you will," I don't really believe that anyone really cares, and it was continuing the levity of that post. I purposely gave an extremely vague comment to keep that tone.
Kotario said:
Have you never encountered someone, during your youth, around 15 or 16 years old; who exagerated their beard-growth (for the two reasons I've mentioned twice previously). I knew far too many of them at the time.

You're just jealous because you couldn't grow a sweet 'stash like they could.
I myself am quite happy with my facial hair... I only have to shave every other day. Some times though, i wish i could go back to basic training, when i only had to shave once a week...
I am 21 going 22 in November. When I find something edificating and original, I'll post it as an addendum (sp?).
Kotario, dude, don't be sad. I'm hairy because I'm half French. Don't take it personally, but I'm not lying. I wouldn't lie to you guys. And why the fuck would I lie about facial hair? :? And the hair isn't just on the face. I'm pretty werewolfy for my age, ya know. I'm not posting a picture, because I don't have any recent one.
Baboon said:
And the hair isn't just on the face.

Whoa, hold it right there.. This is an how old are you? thread, not how much pubic hair y'all got?
there are some people who have other hair than just facial and pubic hair you know Luke

cavemen like me & Baboon for instance
ow, i was more expecting a speaking gay cock from you instead of a talking postcount

but lets play nice and go back on topic shall we?
Elissar said:
Some times though, i wish i could go back to basic training, when i only had to shave once a week...

When you only had to shave once a week, or only could shave once a week?