HOW TO: Fully edit Fallout1 maps in mapper2.exe, the BIS official Fallout 2 Mapper.


Creator of Fallout Fixt
ATTENTION: PLEASE READ THE ENTIRE THREAD BEFORE TAKING ANY ACTION IF YOU NEED TO LEARN HOW TO EDIT FALLOUT 1 MAPS. This is because there are some corrections and additions to my directions by others below. I haven't had time yet to reorder and revise everything, but if you read all the posts in this thread you should be all set to go. .Pixote. adds some info as does Endocore here:!&p=3900263&viewfull=1#post3900263 and there is a screenshot of Endorcore's setup here:

This includes work by many others, so a shout-out to them first:

Cubik (your map converter app, we love you)
and probably others i'm forgetting.

Anyway, I spent many hours working on this, and i've finally gotten a configuration of BIS Mapper ("mapper2.exe") that as far as I can tell, is 100% functional for editing and saving Fallout 1 maps!

Link is also in my sig for future reference and ease of access.


Scroll down to post#2 below for the instructions.


To-Do list for this guide:
--Reorganize the AI.TXT so that it's listed alphabetically :cool:

/// List of maps now only has FO1 maps:
/// (optional)


/// Displays proper Critter Name, AI Packet, and Script:


/// Can move, add, remove, & equip items in inventory:




1) install Fallout2 to the default directory - [main drive]:\Program Files\BlackIsle\Fallout2

2) Extract ALL files from BOTH of Fallout 1's data files, and put them into the directory above.

2a) For me personally, it worked better when I put them in the root directory, instead of \DATA\*, so it'll look something like this:

C:\Program Files\BlackIsle\Fallout2\ART
C:\Program Files\BlackIsle\Fallout2\MAPS
C:\Program Files\BlackIsle\Fallout2\PROTO
C:\Program Files\BlackIsle\Fallout2\SCRIPTS
C:\Program Files\BlackIsle\Fallout2\SOUND
C:\Program Files\BlackIsle\Fallout2\TEXT

2b) Having or not having Vault13.GAM didn't make a difference for me.

2c) If you're working with stuff from my mod (in which case, thank you!) copy over all the files from my mod too, overwriting any of the above.

3) This step is important: after copying over everything in the above folders from the Fallout 1 data, locate PERK.MSG in Program Files\BlackIsle\Fallout2 and delete it.

4) Then, you have to add a couple lines to SCRIPTS.LST to fix the display craziness - here they are, in context:
Code:       ; From the Demo, guard for the Crypts.                                        # local_vars=4     ; Generator for the demo                                                      # local_vars=0    ; generic Crypt ganger member for the demo                                    # local_vars=4    ; generic Fool ganger memeber for the demo                                    # local_vars=4    ; fix for display in Mapper2                                                      # local_vars=0    ; fix for display in Mapper2                                                     # local_vars=0    ; fix for display in Mapper2                                                 # local_vars=0       ; the Bhrama master for the demo                                              # local_vars=4     ; Leader of the Fools.                                                        # local_vars=4

4) Lastly, convert all Item and Critter .PRO files to 416 in length and mark them all as Read-Only. - tool for this in the download link below.

5) Make sure the Fallout2 exe is in the directory... the mapper still looks for the most basic FO2 files, so you need them in there for it to work.

6) Make sure the CRITTER.DAT and MASTER.DAT in the Fallout2 directory are actually the files from Fallout 1.

7) Run it through Cubik's FO1-to-FO2 Map Converter:

If you wanna try it out, here's a couple useful tools, and my mapper2.cfg file. Technically the only ones you need would be chsize.exe, mapper2.cfg, and scripts.lst, but make sure you edit the config file to match your drive path(s):

[Megaupload data lost, I'll get a newer version up on Mediafire or Gamefront eventually]



critter_dat=C:\Program Files\BlackIsle\Fallout2\critter.dat
critter_patches=C:\Program Files\BlackIsle\Fallout2\
master_dat=C:\Program Files\BlackIsle\Fallout2\master.dat
master_patches=C:\Program Files\BlackIsle\Fallout2\
Last edited:
Here's what i've done to edit FO1 maps with BIS Mapper2. As far as I know, everything works and this is now a fully functional Fallout 1 map editor. Fuckin' A!

This is absolutely necessary;
it automates the process that Sorrow detailed above, turning hex editing of map files to make them Fallout-1-compatible into a one click operation :mrgreen:

So once you've finished the long and annoying setup process below, and then have also done some changes to a map you wish to implement, you must run it through this converted to have it actually work properly in Fallout 1 (otherwise it will just be a black screen when that map file loads)

2) Obtain a copy of master.dat and critter.dat FROM BOTH FALLOUT GAMES. This is necessary for two reasons:

2a) You need FO2's data files because Mapper2 tries to read FO2's stuff by default, so this way it always has access to what it needs (font files, AI file, graphics, blah blah blah)

2b) You need to extract ALL of Fallout1's information if you want the Fallout 1 maps to look, work, save and play properly. So with that in mind:

3) Copy FO2 master.dat and FO2 critter.dat to a new folder, let's say C:\Mapper2

4) Extract ALL FILES from FO1 master.dat and FO1 critter.dat to the above directory. Personally I use F1UNDAT because it's very easy, just a "set it and forget it" command to extract everything.

f1undat -ep master.dat
f1undat -ep critter.dat

So now you'll have a full directory structure in the above, like this:
...and so on.

4a) It's worth mentioning here that I don't know if installing Fallout 2 is technically required. For the sake of completeness, you might as well install Fallout 2 into the directory you're going to be using for Mapper2, but as far as I know, you only NEED the main data files, not the game install itself.

5) So to recap, we have the main .dat files from Fallout 2 in the same directory that Mapper2 is installed, and in that directory we also have the DATA\* file tree for all of Fallout 1's files. It should be somewhere in the realm of 20000-24000 files. Mine is currently 24,547 (twenty four thousand five hundred forty seven) but it could be as low as about 20,000 for you, because i've got some extra stuff in there. As long as the number is about that high, you've more than likely extracted everything as needed.

6) SCRIPTS.LST (from Fallout 1) must be modified, otherwise when hitting 'i' to display scripts, or 'e' with an object selected to modify the script its using, you'll get wildly incorrect display of script names.

EDIT: Here's my already-edited version

Three lines must be added to SCRIPTS.LST, and later on, three lines removed.

The ones to ADD are lines 406,407,408:
403     ; Generator for the demo        # local_vars=0
404    ; generic Crypt ganger member for the demo    # local_vars=4
405    ; generic Fool ganger memeber for the demo    # local_vars=4
406 **Added by Sduibek**    ; fix for display in Mapper2        # local_vars=0
407 **Added by Sduibek**    ; fix for display in Mapper2       # local_vars=0
408 **Added by Sduibek**    ; fix for display in Mapper2          # local_vars=0
409       ; the Bhrama master for the demo       # local_vars=4
410     ; Leader of the Fools.          # local_vars=4
411     ; gate guard for the demo       # local_vars=4

6a) Now, completely remove these three lines from SCRIPTS.LST

Line# 427 MVAirloc.ssl    ;  Master's Vault: Airlock door   # map_init  # local_vars=3
Line# 428 MVBShelf.ssl    ;  Master's Vault: Bookshelf    # local_vars=2
Line# 429 MVSctShf.ssl    ;  Master's Vault: Bookshelf with secret door # local_vars=5

6b) Lastly, make sure there are no empty lines at the bottom of the file. An easy way is to open SCRIPTS.LST in Notepad, then hit Ctrl+End. If your cursor is at the beginning of a blank row, hit Backspace. You want the cursor to be at the end of the last row of text when hitting Ctrl+End, otherwise the blank row will cause your last script line to duplicate in Mapper2

Line# 927    ; script allowing the red fields in MB to be destroyed          # local_vars=3
(Line # 928 does not exist)

Line# 927    ; script allowing the red fields in MB to be destroyed          # local_vars=3
Line# 928  (blank)

See the difference?

7) Delete worldmap.dat and mapper2.lbm from your Mapper2 directory. Delete all instances of them in this directory.

8) Once you've run Mapper2 at least once, you should get a Mapper2.cfg file. Open up this file, and make sure override_librarian=0. If it's set to 1, change it. Otherwise you can't save maps at all.

9) As with SCRIPTS.LST, if you want critter AI Type to display properly, you need to modify the AI.TXT file (under DATA\DATA).

For a download link to my already-modified version, see the bottom of this post.

10) Finally, I made a version of FO2's master.dat with all MAP files removed -- I was really tired of scrolling through all the Fallout 2 maps I don't care about when looking for a Fallout 1 map to edit. So please check the links below to download the modified FO2 master.dat. If you plan on editing FO1 maps, it will make you happy :clap:

11) Oops almost forgot, like Sorrow says above you gotta put your critter .PRO files into 416 bytes. Nothing needs to be done with any other PRO files. The other benefit of this is then you can edit them in FUCK -- which is very useful, because I have yet to find a way to edit critters with Mapper2, it crashes.

12) Delete the entire SOUND folder in your Mapper2 folder, or rename it if you think you'll need those files later. (Probably better to just rename it to something like _SOUND, since hard drives are cheap these days and having the SFX for later use might be helpful).
This of course applies to all files and subfolders, so you have SOUND\MUSIC (about 20 files) SOUND\SFX (about 850 files) and SOUND\SPEECH (about 6400 files)

So in my case, we now have:
And this directory DOES NOT EXIST:

13) Delete the file PERK.MSG in DATA/TEXT/(language)/GAME


In case it matters, here's the pertinent sections of what my Mapper2.CFG is currently set to:

critter_dat=C:\Program Files\BlackIsle\Fallout2\critter.dat
critter_patches=C:\Program Files\BlackIsle\Fallout2\data
master_dat=C:\Program Files\BlackIsle\Fallout2\master.dat
master_patches=C:\Program Files\BlackIsle\Fallout2\data



Files you will want such as FUCK.exe, CHSIZE.exe, SCRIPTS.LST and AI.TXT, just copy over the TXT and LST, and use the other ones per their command line intructions:

Modified FO2 master.dat:

Sduibek said:
*lots of stuff*

Good one if only we could modify critters in the mapper without crashing, day . :mrgreen:

By the way I use the same technique as your self and made my own smaller master.dat file when mapping, it saves having to scroll through useless maps. But mine is just 109 mb - I removed all the speech files, cuts (movies), heads, and maps.

I think you should add this tutorial to the - Sticky: FAQ/Guides/Tutorials thread.
How legal would it be to provide such a fallout 1 modding-specified master.dat for download?
Lexx said:
How legal would it be to provide such a fallout 1 modding-specified master.dat for download?
i may be saying something stupid but i'll say it anyway: scient modified the .exe of planescape torment and nobody said anything about it, chris avellone even posted on spellhold studios and never saw anyone reporting anything about copyright garbage and stuff, since nobody is charging for anything, why they should care? i believe there is no problem. ;)
But the *.exe file doesn't contain graphics or game / dialogue text of any sort.
i see, but the obsidian (old interplay guys) know about the RP of Fallout 2 and didnt give a damn, i guess they like it since somebody else is doing the job they should have done. ;) :P why they/bethesda (who surely knows about the RP/NMS and never did anything about it) will complain about this? if they consider it illegal they surely will give a warning to cease the mod and stop. ;) what i doubt they will do since this kind of stuff will extend the life of the fallout games and will make GOG/Bethesda/anybody else who sells the games happy. ;)
.Pixote. said:
Sduibek said:
*lots of stuff*

Good one if only we could modify critters in the mapper without crashing, day . :mrgreen:

By the way I use the same technique as your self and made my own smaller master.dat file when mapping, it saves having to scroll through useless maps. But mine is just 109 mb - I removed all the speech files, cuts (movies), heads, and maps.

I think you should add this tutorial to the - Sticky: FAQ/Guides/Tutorials thread.
Good idea on the sticky thread, thank you. I asked Killap about sticky-ing this thread but i'll still add it to that one in the meantime.

Would you be willing to send me your smaller version of FO2 master.dat? Why have other modders download 330MB when they can download 110 :mrgreen:

Please send me a PM or Email with the link to it, i'll only need a single use download, then I can host it on my Megaupload account like the current one I posted above.

Not sure about the critters thing, i'll look in to it.
Sduibek, What do you mean with
I have yet to find a way to edit critters with Mapper2, it crashes.
Because I can do that. Though I haven't tried to use them with Fallout 1 afterwards. Is that the problem?

Also a funny thing. My mapper crashed on start up until I removed perk.msg. Why would that be? Maybe cause I didn't install Fallout 2 but only used the master and critter dats from it?
Darek said:
Sduibek, What do you mean with
I have yet to find a way to edit critters with Mapper2, it crashes.
Because I can do that. Though I haven't tried to use them with Fallout 1 afterwards. Is that the problem?
Well it ended up being the sound folder for me, at least that's the most recent thing I tried that made it finally start working.... for some reason when the "ka-chunk" sound played when moving around items, Mapper2 would crash to desktop. Early on I assumed it was a crash in the code itself, because it happened when doing anything with their inventory besides a full wipe and adding stuff back. I didn't realize until later that it was playing that stupid sound when moving the items...

Darek said:
Also a funny thing. My mapper crashed on start up until I removed perk.msg. Why would that be? Maybe cause I didn't install Fallout 2 but only used the master and critter dats from it?
Oh wow, I knew I was forgetting something. Thank you so much for mentioning this, I added it to the list :clap:

Man, finding that out earlier took me so much trial and error. Delete a file, test. Rename, a folder, test. Delete a file.... lol. Booooooo. I'm really confused and a bit angry that no one wrote a guide like this earlier, in the fifteenish years this game has been modded. Kind of a shame really :( I had to discover almost everything myself

As far as I know it has nothing to do with installing vs not installing Fallout 2, the Mapper just doesn't like FO1's version of Perk for some reason (the same thing happens if you use an unmodified version of AI.TXT, it doesn't have certain fields and Mapper freaks out). I'd look into it, but I don't think it something that is at all necessary for mapping (although anyone correct me if i'm wrong)

ADDITIONAL: By "editing critters" I mean changing their stats such as Strength or HP, not their inventories. You are saying you can do this without issue?
Yeah by editing critters I mean the stats.


Without issues would be saying too much though as I only tried changing the strength stat.
The proto needs to be 416 bytes and AI.txt needs to be fixed or removed. Your AI.txt does not work with all critters (Killian crashes for instance).

It would be easier to help if I knew what problems you were having.
Darek said:
Yeah by editing critters I mean the stats.


Without issues would be saying too much though as I only tried changing the strength stat.
The proto needs to be 416 bytes and AI.txt needs to be fixed or removed. Your AI.txt does not work with all critters (Killian crashes for instance).

It would be easier to help if I knew what problems you were having.
Well I can successfully change quite a few of those stats, but when clicking Done I get "Error saving prototypes!"...

With some further text file edits i'm now able to open all critters except for these:

Overseer (chair in vault)
Overseer (standing man)

Granted i'm talking about *opening* them to view stats and everything, not actually making changes. Not sure why those three don't open.
Sduibek said:
Well I can successfully change quite a few of those stats, but when clicking Done I get "Error saving prototypes!"...
You need to create these folders:

Plus items, scenery, tiles and walls folders too if you want to edit any of those. The folder structure has to be exactly like that, it can't be placed anywhere else. A text file of any edited proto will be added in there. Also the proto you want to edit can't be write protected (as you probably already know, but just making sure).

Sduibek said:
Oh wow, I knew I was forgetting something. Thank you so much for mentioning this, I added it to the list :clap:

Man, finding that out earlier took me so much trial and error. Delete a file, test. Rename, a folder, test. Delete a file.... lol. Booooooo. I'm really confused and a bit angry that no one wrote a guide like this earlier, in the fifteenish years this game has been modded. Kind of a shame really :( I had to discover almost everything myself
You might want to add it to nr.7 instead of 13 as in 8 you tell us to open the Mapper, which is going to crash...

Anyway, I know how you feel, and I'm sure most who have done any fallout modding do too. It's a lot of trial and error. And it might as well be you who write a guide instead of some other poor sod, eh ;)
Ohhh my goodness you are a sage and a scholar. Thank you! How did you figure out the dev folders thing?

EDIT: Does that mean I should be running Mapper2 from that folder as well? Seems like it may make things a heck of a lot easier than having two trees to work with...

EDIT2: Well shit i'm very glad I started this thread, I may have never learned that otherwise, and now it's in here for everyone to read. Awesome :notworthy: :salute:

EDIT3: Yep, I moved my entire Fallout2 folder to C:\* and created all folders under dev, its working beautifully. Even updating descriptions for scenery items! :clap:

I'll update the guide with this once I have time and confirm that everything is working.
Creating /dev/ folders is step one when it comes to proto editing. :>
Lexx said:
Creating /dev/ folders is step one when it comes to proto editing. :>
Apparently! I wish i'd read/learned/been told it sooner :'(

I've discovered that on some critters (for me at least) crashes and other weird stuff happens if I don't refresh the MAP*****.CFG files and worldmap.dat at each load, so here's what i'm using instead of running Mapper2.exe directly:

DEL worldmap.dat
CD ..
CD ..
DEL worldmap.dat
Huh. I've got it so that Killian and Gizmo open properly, but still can't get the Overseer to open. It seems to have something to do with Mapper2 not liking the graphics (???) because if you change his look to leather armor or something like that, it opens just fine.

Same thing applies to Master.

I don't get it.