You've done a great job here on the mapper issue, Sduibek. Your investigations, along with Sorrow and others, were long overdue and are very commendable.
Some of this seems a bit much, however. Unlike Fallout, neither Fallout 2 nor the Fallout 2 mapper (the last being but an enhanced version of fallout2.exe) require either critter.dat or master.dat files to function. As Red! reported years ago, one only needs folders named master.dat and critter.dat. In fact, the Fallout 2 mapper only needs a few files in order to work properly for editing Fallout material.
After reading your instructions, I set up a mapper installation for editing Fallout files but did a few things differently. I haven't noticed any serious troubles at all (with one reservation noted below regarding sounds), have no difficulty editing either the base Overseer et al protos nor the placed protos on maps for these critters, etc.
Let's say one wants to make a mapper installation to work with Fallout files at X:\mapper2\. One likely important thing for many readers to note here but not mentioned in your instructions is that unless one is habitually meticulous and has a considerable understanding of Fallout/Fallout 2 modding, under no circumstances should one set up a mapper installation to work with Fallout files on the same HD partition where one already has a mapper installation organized to edit Fallout 2 files (largely due to potential confusion/accidents with X:\Fallout2\dev\proto\). All one needs, then, are the following folders:
as well as the relevant subdirectories in each folder just mentioned. Even though most of the subfolders in X:\mapper2\master.dat\ as well as the entire X:\mapper2\critter.dat\art\critters\ directory will be empty (no critter art from Fallout 2 is needed to mod Fallout), the whole subdirectory folder structure is still needed as "placeholders." From the Fallout 2 file master.dat, the contents of the following directories should be unpacked and put in the folders at X:\mapper2\master.dat\:
No other Fallout 2 files are needed to run the mapper while editing Fallout files consisting of Fallout ("1")'s master.dat and critter.dat files unpacked into X:\mapper2\data\. In fact with the exception of \art\intrface\ likely only a handful of files from the Fallout 2's master.dat file are needed; I didn't go on experimenting further to whittle the list down, but I suspect that with the exception of most of the contents of \art\intrface\ only about 60-90 additional Fallout 2 files (a few sound effects used by the mapper and sndlst.lst from \sound\sfx\, a few frms for Fallout 2 specific perks without which one could crash the mapper while editing critter protos and skilldex.lst from \art\skilldex\, mapper2.lbm, and only perhaps half of the text files from \data\ and \text\english\game\) are needed to run the mapper.
In X:\mapper2\data\, I found excising the Fallout files in \data\art\intrface\ necessary as well as (as you noted) \data\sound\sfx\. However, I don't use the hi-res patches and therefore I'm not sure what may be necessary in X:\mapper2\data\art\interface\ for those using the mapper hi-res patch. You recommend deleting the entire X:\mapper2\data\sound\ directory. I recommend against this, as one should maintain all the files in X:\mapper2\data\sound\music\ and in fact point one's mapper.cfg to that folder as the location of all available music for Fallout maps (that's what I did). We both mentioned getting rid of X:\mapper2\data\sound\sfx\; this is but a mere hedge to address the issue of a few sounds actually used by the mapper UI. The ultimate problem, as yet unaddressed, is that Fallout doesn't use a sndlst.lst file. Properly making new item (namely, weapon) protos will be quite difficult unless accounting for this difference. I haven't yet tried, but perhaps:
a) finding out exactly which sounds are needed by the mapper UI, and then
b) updating and/or replacing the contents of X:\mapper2\data\sound\sfx in these particular instances only, and then
c) eliminating all the contents of X:\mapper2\master.dat\sound\sfx, and then
e) rebuilding sndlst from scratch (with the mapper or with regsnd)
may likely be the best answer at the end of the day. When transferring one's mod from the mapper installation to one's Fallout installation, one would then only copy to the game folder such genuinely new sounds as were added while making new weapons/critters/etc.
Other than the differences I've noted, the other steps you mentioned are of course still required (modified ai.txt and scripts.lst, delete Fallout's perk.msg from X:\mapper2\data\text\game\english\, use Cubik2k's converter after editing maps, resize critter proto files, etc). On a side note, though perhaps I missed a mention of such "installing" the mapper itself needn't consist of anything more than copying the two files mapper2.exe and mapper2.cfg to X:\mapper2\ and updating the copied mapper2.cfg to seek data in the proper locations inside X:\mapper2\. Neither fallout2.exe nor falloutw.exe and their accompanying cfg files are needed, and installing Fallout 2 is definitely not necessary for your purposes.
I noticed in your screenshots your critter editing screens seem to show a valid "kill type" listed without any accompanying comment; note that the entry shown only seems correct. Due to engine differences reflected in their respective proto.msg files, Fallout and Fallout 2 don't handle this critter stat in quite the same way. If one wanted to change some of the kill types, note one would need to change the Fallout 2 proto.msg in X:\mapper2\master.dat\ starting at line 1450 to reflect changes made to Fallout's proto.msg in X:\mapper2\data\ to avoid confusion while using the mapper.
I also recommend no one ever try editing AI packets with the mapper while using a mapper installation configured to edit Fallout ("1") files. Due to the close entanglement of AI packets with various Fallout 2 files (the mapper often modifies even fallout2.exe itself while editing AI packets), I suspect little good would result from such an experiment. I didn't actually try, but I also think you'll likely not be able to get any new AI packets to work flawlessly for Fallout (by "new" I mean "a greater quantity than already exist"), especially in regard to combat floats. In Fallout 2, simply adding new bits to the various text files isn't sufficient-- the fallout2.exe must be changed (using the mapper, as noted in regard to sometimes merely editing existing AI packets as well).
Sooner or later, mistakes will be made by anyone and everyone; scenery, tiles, walls, items, critters, AI packets, or other content found only in Fallout 2 will be assigned in a Fallout map, resulting in CTDs, lock-ups, or other errors when trying to use the result in an actual game of Fallout. By utilizing only the absolute minimum of Fallout 2 files required by the mapper2.exe in X:\mapper2\, the likelihood of such "accidents" is significantly reduced. I suspect in fact something along these lines was behind your troubles editing the Overseer, Gizmo, and the Master (none of which I encountered)-- you'll note that the first Overseer entry is precisely the spot where Fallout 2's critters.lst begins to diverge from Fallout's critters.lst. In the method I've here used, all the subfolders in X:\mapper2\master.dat\proto\ are left empty as no Fallout 2 protos are needed for editing Fallout. The master.dat folder method is generally more efficient as well, since all requisite Fallout 2 files remain readily accessible at all times with no need to unpack/repack dats, etc. Furthermore, with only perhaps 600 or fewer (maybe as low as 450 though I didn't continue downsizing to find out) files in one's X:\mapper2\master.dat\ folder, a substantial savings in HDD space is achieved (sure hard drives are cheap, but I still seem to fill them pretty quickly no matter how much new drive capacity increases from year to year).
One of the first lines of your OP mentions "Reorganize the AI.TXT so that it's listed alphabetically." I'm not sure what this means; your modified ai.txt provided as a link correctly adds the line entries each packet needs to be comprehended by the mapper, but unless I missed something the order of the packets themselves in your modified file and the unmodified Fallout ("1") ai.txt is identical. You may want to edit that bit to avoid possible confusion for readers.
One additional step not mentioned in your instructions is after unpacking the contents of Fallout's master.dat and critter.dat files into X:\mapper2\data\, one would also want to further add (i.e. overwrite) the files there with the content of one's patch (i.e. data) directory from wherever one installed Fallout itself.
From your posts, you seem quite fond of F.U.C.K. I strongly discourage anyone from engaging in either regular or prolonged F.U.C.K. sessions, as misfortune seems inevitable (incorrect internal pid references, frequent urination accompanied by a burning sensation, etc). Though I've had many satisfying experiences engaging in F.U.C.K. sessions and don't mean to impugn the practice, the sound way to edit protos is with the mapper and you already know how to do that. With all due respect meant to its creator, the former aging tool is mainly intended for people who want to give an npc a few extra hit points rather than for intensive modding.
You asked about the purpose of lines like "fix_map_inventory" and so forth in mapper2.cfg. Using the text files in \Fallout2\dev\proto\, the mapper can do things like rebuild base proto files, reconcile either the currently loaded map or all maps in (in this case) X:\mapper2\data\maps\ with information from the base protos of placed items (otherwise when making a change to a placed proto one may end up with oddities like a crowbar that won't stack with other crowbars in the player's inventory, critters using the wrong AI packet, etc) and so forth. The mapper, venerable though it may be, is fairly persnickety and prone to errors in the first place; when working with Fallout files in a jury-rigged mapper installation, I'd recommend these functions are likely best left alone.
I don't think you've ever said such, but while catching up on some reading in the forum I've seen some recent remarks to the effect that the \Fallout2\dev\proto\ folders "Must be on drive C! Only!" This is categorically false. As noted above, the dev folders need only be on the same partition to which one installs the mapper. If this doesn't work, the user has other problems quite unrelated to the dev folder.
You or anyone else setting up the mapper for Fallout 1 may also want to use the Fallout 2 mapper debug patch (search NMA) if not already so doing; I run this tool almost every time I use the mapper, and it's very helpful for determining the cause of problems when the mapper misbehaves.
Off-topic, I was rather startled to read (as you reported) that Fallout relies so pervasively on temporary script variables rather than local variables for numerous vital functions. If you're going through the game script by script anyway and want to introduce some standardization, the local variable allocation "system" typically used in Fallout 2 works fairly well-- particularly if you're using FSE, as volumes of standard procedures need only be written once and stored in header files for inclusion as needed. I saw you had another thread where you were rather onerously trying to decode various internal script referents; you'll have a much easier time (as someone already pointed out) if you make frequent reference to the various header files for Fallout 2 that come with the mapper. Likely you already know they contain some errors (search NMA for artfid.h, animcommand.h, Haenlomal's fixes, etc), and their "handy reference chart" aspect is somewhat diminished in the case of critters, scenery, and items as most of the substantial differences between Fallout and Fallout 2 relevant for a scripter are in those areas. Yet the by far easier way to get details like crpids and artfids is to simply open proto files in the mapper, make a minor change, undo the minor change, and then look at the resulting text file in \Fallout2\dev\proto\. There's no need to make matters hard on yourself with the tedium of alternate methods, as your general objectives are already quite ambitious.
Further off-topic (and perhaps even impolitely so since you indeed have a proper place to report such things), you'll note that in the script from your mod that restores interactive working gals to the Maltese Falcon no check exists to see whether the player-character actually has any caps to pay for the requested service. A simple "if (op_item_caps_total(op_dude_obj()) < SexCost) then" check in two relevant nodes of hhooker.int is a decent band-aid if sufficient time isn't available to make a more exploit-proof revision.
Good luck on your mod; you've already made more progress with the original Fallout in a few months than has been made in the previous nearly two decades. All of us are here because we're eager to get our mitts on more better Fallout; since the various commercial devolutions of the franchise in this century have resulted neither in more Fallout, nor in better Fallout, nor in truth in either worse or less Fallout (as less and worse would casually imply at least some measure of Fallout remains in those offerings to provide a substantial basis for comparison in the same way we're unlikely to say my cup has less when we mean my cup is empty), efforts such as yours are vital if the community is to sustain itself. Don't let anyone tell you how to make your mod, and remind naysayers they're welcome to make their own versions at their own leisure.
I couldn't get your ListFiles... files to work; as a few hundred lines whizzed past my DOS prompt a few of them noted some or another sort of error, but I wasn't able to read them and the result was a one-line add or subtract batch file that didn't work as intended (no protos were resized). The general idea itself is sound of course, as when I made my own "add.bat" and "subtract.bat" files the hard way by typing:
chsize 00000001.pro +4...
[ten minutes and several hand cramps later]
...chsize 00000395.pro +4
and so forth the resultant files naturally did properly resize the critter protos for use in the mapper. I'm not sure exactly what the trouble was, though, as I never was very good at understanding the enigmas of %@$! etc from DOS days. Likely I suppose the trouble was user error (= me), or perhaps something you've already fixed (as your post is several months old at my time of posting).
Hopefully my post above answers far more questions than it poses; my internet usage is fairly erratic of late and I was in truth slightly reluctant to make a detailed technical post when I might not be attentive to any follow-up discussion (particularly since I may well have forgotten to address a minor detail or two). Nonetheless, I thought this information was fairly useful and should be available to everyone as I foresee interest growing considerably in this particular topic in the months and years to come.