How to make a smoking pipe?

Multidirectional said:
Well I got a pretty nice wooden pipe for my birthday couple of months ago, but I somehow still prefer rolling joints. So it lays mostly unused. Actually, every method of smoking pot I tried I liked less then smoking joints. There's a certain charm in rolling a joint too that I can't give up somehow.

I prefer joints myself. The only problem is, I don't smoke very often and most of the time when I smoke I'm not trying to get super stoned. Considering all that - a whole joint is a lot of weed (to someone like me).
Strelok said:
And cannabis u can buy it here by R$ 25.00 1Kg... yeah hell yeah! 50 american dollar!
Now you're exagerating, don't you think? 1 kg costs at least R$900 (~ U$400) for me. And I live in the Northeastern region, close to the "Triângulo da Maconha".

But for great justice,there is a law that the government is thinking of imposing, the law is on the legalization of cannabis throughout the national territory.
hAhaha. Now I remembered I recently saw FHC, former president of Brazil, in the TV, standing up for marijuana legalization. That was great!

Manaus - AM bros!
Welcome to NMA! Tu é brasileiro ou lusitano?

el_Prez said:
I prefer joints myself. The only problem is, I don't smoke very often and most of the time when I smoke I'm not trying to get super stoned. Considering all that - a whole joint is a lot of weed (to someone like me).
I like smoking joints, but a pipe reduces damages. Anyway, I think I'm gonna cook marijuana food. That means 0 damage points when using it. :D
[PCE said:
I prefer joints myself. The only problem is, I don't smoke very often and most of the time when I smoke I'm not trying to get super stoned. Considering all that - a whole joint is a lot of weed (to someone like me).

Can't you roll small joints? When I smoke alone, I usually make super small ones, cause I don't like getting super stoned anymore too - I cannot cope with that kind of high anymore, getting too old or something. :)
And, as promised, here it is, a nice wooden smoking pipe:


Not by my hand, though... :roll:
I bought it at an umbanda items store.

Ps.: You can see the signals of use.
Radwaster said:
Next on the list: pipe cleaners.

I clean my metal paraphenalia with boiling water, i just leave it to seep for a while- grinders, pipes, downpipes etc. Then again, that's the lazy way. There's probably more effective methods that ensure a cleaner smoke.

But after a smoke, you rarely do things as thoroughly and cleanly as you would otherwise.
Stealste wrote:
But after a smoke, you rarely do things as thoroughly and cleanly as you would otherwise.

Yeah some things do clog up more than just the pipe. Hope you don't make that disgusting cleaning water into tea like some (desperate) friends of mine used to.
Radwaster said:
Stealste wrote:
But after a smoke, you rarely do things as thoroughly and cleanly as you would otherwise.

Yeah some things do clog up more than just the pipe. Hope you don't make that disgusting cleaning water into tea like some (desperate) friends of mine used to.

I was going to say that is pretty wrong, but i once drank an ashtray with beer in it.

You do some wierd things when young and high...
I wish to retire everything where I said "I don't know how you can smoke pot and don't feel remorse", since I'm going to experiment marijuana for the first time Saturday hahahaha. But I'm not proud of buying this, I just want to experiment hahaha. And I think you guys convinced me, I think that legalizing, really, some problems would be gone. For example, if it was legalized, I'd buy from a shop, not from a trafficker.
Ooops. Another life wasted!

Stealste wrote:
I was going to say that is pretty wrong, but i once drank an ashtray with beer in it.

Chips with custard for me. God damn those munchies.
This fucking smoking pipe of mine broke. Fuck, shit, motherfucker... :irked:
It was made up of three parts, one being internal. This one unsticked, so, this time, my dad is gonna make a fucking cool pipe for me, since he's very skilled in workin with wood. Yay! :aiee:

radiatedheinz said:
I wish to retire everything where I said "I don't know how you can smoke pot and don't feel remorse", since I'm going to experiment marijuana for the first time Saturday hahahaha. But I'm not proud of buying this, I just want to experiment hahaha. And I think you guys convinced me, I think that legalizing, really, some problems would be gone. For example, if it was legalized, I'd buy from a shop, not from a trafficker.
:clap: It's nice that you think like that now. So dude, saturday is gone. Tell us, how was your first time smoking pot? How did you feel?

Yesterday, I went to a march in favor of marijuana legalization. It was barred by the Government, so there wasn't any march at all. Oh, and the policemen, aside of threatening of beating us if we mentioned the word "maconha" (that is, marijuana in portuguese), kept mocking us. Shit... I didn't want to go to jail, so I didn't answer.
not on topic but related....

What do you do with the branches left-over?


Stg Granite said:
Oh, and the policemen, aside of threatening of beating us if we mentioned the word "maconha" (that is, marijuana in portuguese from Brasil), kept mocking us.

fixed :p
My one of my legal prescription medicine contains enough morphine to kill a adult human being if the full package is entirely consumed at once.

So yeah, i dont need marijuana. I get "high" from just taking my prescribed medicine ACCORDING to the prescribed amount. :lol:

But , really, marijuana isnt as harmfull as they claim. Netherlands is doing fine.
Pot should be legalized and controlledly sold like alcohol or tobacco in stores. There is no scientific basis to claim that its more dangerous than smoking tobacco and use of alcohol. Obviously there are adverse effects. As with alcohol or tobacco.
Gateway drug concept is unproven. Its just a hypothesis.
Zeal said:
not on topic but related....

What do you do with the branches left-over?

Hm... No, I throw them out. I don't think they have any use. Do they? Also, not sure, but I think tea is made with the leaves, though this source says it's made with water + marijuana + butter(???).

Zeal said:
How do you call it in Portugal?

Patton89 said:
So yeah, i dont need marijuana. I get "high" from just taking my prescribed medicine ACCORDING to the prescribed amount.
You're lucky. :wink:
What do you use this for?
To keep my lungs pain free. I have somewhat severe asthma with contant coughing and trouble to breathe.

But damn, i cant take the medicine and drive a bicycle properly, but the package DOES have the red triangle signifying that i shouldnt operate heavy machinery or drive after i take it.
It makes me giggle first and then become sleepy but happy.
There's a lot of legals you can cook up for a bit of a buzz... not that i've ever done it :p. Downers aren't really my thing, other than the odd joint.

And Cannabis' health issues/benefits are neither here nor there in the face of governments. 'The War on Drugs' is a good distractionary issue, a useful scapegoat for 'the decline of society' and financially beneficial. It was made illegal in the first place (in the states) dues to worries that the logging industry would lose out on contracts to hemp growers for the paper industry. Que Harry Anslinger, bored and causeless ex-prohibitionist, and you have the scale of paranoia and misinformation regarding cannabis worldwide that we have today.