How would you create a Fallout Movie/TV series


Venerable Relic of the Wastes
How would you create a movie or TV Series based on the Fallout universe?

Mine would be a Wasteland traveler who finds the settlement of Shady Sands. He find out that Raiders keep attacking them. So he goes to the Raider camp and kills their leader.
The head of Shady Sands then welcomes their hero into their settlement. Shortly, the head of Shady Sands hears rumours of a new Super Mutants army. He tell the traveler to check them out. On his journey, he find the BoS who confirms these rumours. Our hero goes back to shady Sands at is told to find their base and stop them. So he find the millatary base (with the help of bos) and derstroys it.
He find out about the master and goes to the chapel, there he confronts the master.

He returns to Shady Sands a week latter, and is welcomed as the new head of Shady Sands.
Millim said:
Mine would be a Wasteland traveler who finds the settlement of Shady Sands. He find out that Raiders keep attacking them. So he goes to the Raider camp and kills their leader.
The head of Shady Sands then welcomes their hero into their settlement. Shortly, the head of Shady Sands hears rumours of a new Super Mutants army. He tell the traveler to check them out. On his journey, he find the BoS who confirms these rumours. Our hero goes back to shady Sands at is told to find their base and stop them. So he find the millatary base (with the help of bos) and derstroys it.
He find out about the master and goes to the chapel, there he confronts the master.

He returns to Shady Sands a week latter, and is welcomed as the new head of Shady Sands.

This sounds basically like the plot of FO1 but with Shady Sands as the home base instead of the Vault.

I think that it would be more interesting to explore a new direction or part of the story. This could be dangerous as it means that there aren't as many preset canon "rails," but it would also allow the developers of the show to add in plot twists, etc.
A TV show based on the exact plot of FO1 would be pretty boring-- a lot of trekking through the desert each episode, and there are very few cities. There would really be no way to continue the series, so it would have to be a movie.
Simple, make a pre-quel about Richard Grey AKA the masters expedition to Mariposa.

Otherwise you could re-tell Fallout movie style but then again everyone already knows the story so the onl other option is to butcher it *GASP*.

But yeah side stories that occasionally feature the lone wanderer like BoS stories or have the viewpoint be from "the mysterous stranger" oooooooooh.
There are lots of stories a movie would cover. I'd love a psychological thriller focusing on Roger Maxson's mutiny at Mariposa.
Tagaziel said:
There are lots of stories a movie would cover. I'd love a psychological thriller focusing on Roger Maxson's mutiny at Mariposa.

That would be pretty fackin awesome. You'd have suspense all the way through declaration of seccession. Not to mention the actual trip to lost hills.
yeah haha that game was the first MGS I skipped cutscenes on. MGS3 was the best

anyway I also like the psycho thriller sugg.
Reconite said:
thegaresexperience said:
I"d make it the way I'd make a Metal Gear movie...

I wouldn't
Metal Gear Solid 4 has already been made.

:lol: that joke never gets old. I remember when people called me I would say I'm watching MGS4.

But you know what I mean, the game tells the story better than and hour and half movie could.
making it very similar to how Jericho was filmied I think. That if you ask me was the TV show closest to the "Fallout" like feeling. But as said "similar" not "exactly like it".
Jericho done from the perspective of Military unit/goverment bunker; There was little Fallout themes in Jericho as you can't compare desolation made by 20 small warheads exploding in entire country to seventy warheads aimed at New Vegas alone in Fallout Amagedon. In Fallout such town woud be quiclkly wiped out by raiders or turned into Ghuls from masive nuclear fallout.
since the main thing i hate the most in apocalyptic movies is them settling down (mostly to save budget) then i would create the show where some bastard(s) wander around the wastes... big emphasis on showing how the world looks and how the mentality has changed.
I reckon they should do a film where a group of NCR soilders get shot down by the enclave and there's one survivour, the Survivour then goes after all the people that was involved.
Requete said:
Jericho done from the perspective of Military unit/goverment bunker; There was little Fallout themes in Jericho as you can't compare desolation made by 20 small warheads exploding in entire country to seventy warheads aimed at New Vegas alone in Fallout Amagedon. In Fallout such town woud be quiclkly wiped out by raiders or turned into Ghuls from masive nuclear fallout.

That was more regarding the actors which did in Jericho really a great job and I would love to see a Fallout based series or movie even with them.
I'd make it a Sergio Leone spaghetti western-style film with an independent standalone story.

I'd like to point out at this point that I am also a film student.