How would you do a Fallout Show?


First time out of the vault
So we all pretty much agree that the Amazon show is ass but I was wondering what y’all think they should have done. This is what I would have done:

1. Primarily serve as prequel to FNV(because anything taking place after makes no sense and/or invalidates any choices made in FNV)
2. Follow a NCR scout as mentioned in the intro of FNV.
3. Show NCR brotherhood war, desert rangers becoming NCR rangers, Mr house establishing the strip and Benny taking over the chairman tribe. Show first battle of Hoover dam. Nipton, Nelson, and searchlight pre destruction. Quarry junction deathclaw takeover, mutants moving into black mountain and powder Ganger breakout. Many other things but especially show Benny traveling to goodsprings and have the final scene be him trying to find out who at the saloon is the courier. (Don’t show couriers face tho)

Also, I think the vibe should be more f1 than the goofy Reddit humor of f2 and f4. Perhaps they could show the events of f1 and f2 via the whole memory lounge bullshit they had in f4? I mean, in the west coast though cause who cares about east coast.

Also, vault tec shouldn’t be anywhere near as evil or powerful as they are in the show. Also, the majority of vaults shouldn’t be experiments. Maybe a few, like count on one hand few. Most vaults should just be something going wrong. Like maybe each commonwealth has their own vault tec corporation like how we have different health insurance corporations for each state, and these commonwealths had different ways of regulating these vaults.
Finally, the timeline should be changed. Obviously F3/NV/F4 are way too far in the future but honestly if Fallout Bible is canon and there’s no nuclear winter then why the fuck does it take society so long to recover even in F1? Oh, and the art style should be F3 not f4. Biggest disappointment in the show for me. It should at least look good.

Oh, and ZERO pre war scenes or immortal ghouls. EVER
Before the show, I had an idea of a Fallout TV Show/Game.

The premise is that the Great Khans lead an alliance of tribals as a "Great Raider Horde" and sack NCR. The protagonist learns how imperialist, conquest hungry, brutal, and genocidal NCR has been to the tribal peoples of the Wasteland and has to decide between the Raiders and the people of the Wasteland.

Much of it would take place in the Boneyard.

The people of New Arryo as the only people who have "moved on" past the evils of the Old World would be a focus of the balance between the Old and New Worlds.

The final choice is the protagonist deciding whether to nuke the NCR army on a mission to exterminate the tribals and their families or the Horde before they massacre the NCR refugee camps.

Or both.
Before the show, I had an idea of a Fallout TV Show/Game.

The premise is that the Great Khans lead an alliance of tribals as a "Great Raider Horde" and sack NCR. The protagonist learns how imperialist, conquest hungry, brutal, and genocidal NCR has been to the tribal peoples of the Wasteland and has to decide between the Raiders and the people of the Wasteland.

Much of it would take place in the Boneyard.

The people of New Arryo as the only people who have "moved on" past the evils of the Old World would be a focus of the balance between the Old and New Worlds.

The final choice is the protagonist deciding whether to nuke the NCR army on a mission to exterminate the tribals and their families or the Horde before they massacre the NCR refugee camps.

Or both.
I’m not saying it would be a bad show, but unless it’s explicitly non-canon I’m not a fan of showing anything resembling destroying the NCR or anything that game changing. Though I like the idea of a choice and it could be a choose your path adventure type show. Though that can get complicated.
I’m not saying it would be a bad show, but unless it’s explicitly non-canon I’m not a fan of showing anything resembling destroying the NCR or anything that game changing. Though I like the idea of a choice and it could be a choose your path adventure type show. Though that can get complicated.

It's more I think we don't reveal what the protagonist did.

I understand that but I point out that Van Buren, which is usually treated as gospel around here, is the place where NCR falling into chaos came from. It's not a new idea and I think it's where the games and canon timeline were headed anyway.

But there's nothing wrong with wanting NCR to live, I just enjoy the idea it's going to suffer its own turns of fortune like the BOS.
It's more I think we don't reveal what the protagonist did.

I understand that but I point out that Van Buren, which is usually treated as gospel around here, is the place where NCR falling into chaos came from. It's not a new idea and I think it's where the games and canon timeline were headed anyway.

But there's nothing wrong with wanting NCR to live, I just enjoy the idea it's going to suffer its own turns of fortune like the BOS.
Yeah I’m ok with making a non-canon show that does something like wiping out the NCR. I think canon should include F1,F2, and FNV. Since people are generally the most emotionally attached to those and even the most diehard f3/4 fans care that much about their respective stories.
Yeah I’m ok with making a non-canon show that does something like wiping out the NCR. I think canon should include F1,F2, and FNV. Since people are generally the most emotionally attached to those and even the most diehard f3/4 fans care that much about their respective stories.

I admit, I think NV is built on the bones of F3. I don't see the divide that's been artificially created.

I also consider Wasteland to be canon.
I’m actually in the process of writing up a treatment for how I’d do the show while taking into account some of the characters and plot elements introduced by the show. To keep it short and sweet:

-I’d set the show between Fallout 2 and New Vegas, specifically in the year 2255 and in San Francisco area over Los Angeles

-I’d have the city of San Francisco nuked over the Boneyard with the culprit being the Enclave over Vault-Tec

-I’d have the MacGuffin of the show be launch codes for another nuclear silo the Enclave knew about and the race to find the runaway Enclave remnant carrying them before they arrive to the facility.

-I’d have the conflict of the show culminate in the Brotherhood and NCR war as the NCR wants the launch codes for themselves as a safeguard against any future threat while the BOS clearly wants it because they want to hoard it from humanity
I've given this a lot of thought over the years (maybe too much) but hey, here it goes.
Here's my Idea for Season One

So the show would be a non-canon entry inspired by the games across the board.
Season One would consist of anywhere between 10-13 episodes (but maybe 8 depending on budget).
Regardless, it would be a mix of Serialised storytelling and stand alone episodes (much in the same vein as X-Files or New Doctor Who, which I consider to have one of the best formats to any long running storytelling device).

Episode One would be all set-up, we introduce the Characters and their motivations. It would be set on the West Coast, with the Character coming from Vault 13 (I'll play fast and loose with the Vault Experiments as I don't want it to be a 1:1 caron copy).
I'll use the initial idea for Vault 101, a Vault that was never meant to be opened, this leads to a number of protests breaking out. A number of People manage to escape and our main Character, who is part of the Vault Security, is tasked with finding each member and either killing them for disobeying the Vault rules, or bringing them back (this part still needs to be ironed out).
Meanwhile, we start to introduce our supporting cast, a sniper girl who is a trained assassin and a ghoul scientist dude who used to be a gunslinger, but now repairs and uses energy weapons.

The second episode will be a very loose part two, simply bringing the Characters together. Maybe it's a case of the Sniper girl is hired to take down anyone who is hunting them, and with his bluff, our main character manages to convince her that he is actually someone who snuck out the Vault.
They begin a journey to go where the escapees are hiding. They reach a settlement where our Ghoul dude is. help out there and then he joins the team.

Episodes 3-5 will be mostly standalone episodes, they go to a Town, solve an issue and then leave. All the while our Main Character is secretly trying to find the escapees. (Maybe one episode they meet Tandi and help start the NCR or something).

Episode 6-7 will be the first official two-parter. Simply, they get to where the escapees are hiding. This is the moment where the facade starts to reveal itself. The main three are put into an internal conflict, with in the end, the leader of the escapees saying that he'll return to the Vault to try and cut out a deal.
They leave without the Sniper girl, who decides that she will try to hunt him down (they fight at some point in the story... and she is fairly injured).
The episode ends with the Vault dweller talking to someone via a communication.

Episode 8-10 will be... again, stand alone mostly.
The Main Character, the Ghoul and the Leader of the Escapees journey back to the Vault. Maybe there's an episode with the Brotherhood of Steel. Along the way, the Sniper girl is tracking them down.

Episode 11 is what I consider to be the "Emotional episode", the Characters are nearly Home, our Main character is seeing what the World is truly like and his place in it. The Ghoul reveals details about an Enclave as everyone looks at what they have been through.
The episode ends with the Vault going into a full on riot.

Episode 12-13 is the big season finale.
The three Characters end up meeting with the Sniper girl, who confronts our Main Character. However, he agrees to help the rest of the Vault after hearing the escapees story in the previous episode. The four head to the Vault where chaos is erupting.
They meet with the overseer who has gone made with power.
There they learn that the Vault was never meant to open for another 100 years to preserve humanity, and with the Vault opening, it exposed them to the disease of the outside World. There's a cliff hanger as the three (outside of the main character who hadn't revealed his hand just yet) are put in a Vault prison.
The last episode will deal with the final confrontation, the main character helps break the group out of Jail and they are captured again, and sent to the overseer who threatens to kills them personally.
The main character tries to talk him down, but manages to talk the head of security down instead. With that, with that, the security see what the overseer has done and essentially, he gets ousted from the Vault.
The riots end as the Vault is allowed to move freely and the main characters decide to go their separate ways for now.
The head escapee decides to return to where he hid, now his People can live peacefully, the Ghoul decides to stay at the Vault, becoming the head scientist there, the sniper girl gets a hit and the Main Character wonders off in the Wastes.
As a final stinger, the Overseer is seen running through the Wastes, but is stopped by a couple of Enclave soldiers who turn him into liquid.

A season 2 will deal with the Enclave attacking the Vault as the Ghoul goes to find the rest of the Party and try and get their help.
The rise of the NCR and we take a deeper look with the Brotherhood of Steel.
There may be an episode taking place in a Vault (it'll make a good bottle episode).
Depending on structure, it may be a bit longer being anywhere between 13-16 episodes.
I think a loose retelling of Fallout 1 would make a good show. I’d start off each episode with a flashback scene of something we can only read or hear about in the first game. These flashbacks would serve to set up the main plot line, giving us details about FEV and the Master’s Army, while the majority of the episode set in the “present-day” would follow the Vault Dweller sent out to find a water chip, getting into adventures and fumbling around until he/she finally discovers the mutant threat.

For example:
-Opening scene would show the exodus of what would become the Brotherhood from Mariposa. They’d just be wandering the desert, talking to each other through radios, trying to figure out where they should go.
-Second episode’s opening scene would show some of Maxson’s soldiers splitting off to find West-Tek. They’d find the Glow, see some floaters/centaurs, get fucked by the security system.
-Third flashback would show Harold, Richard Grey and company finding Mariposa, and all that happens there.
-Fourth flashback would show the early transformation of Richard Grey into the mutant horror he would become.
-Fifth flashback would go further back, showing Maxson interrogating a scientist at Mariposa. We’d finally learn exactly what FEV is, and get a glimpse of the horrors the pre-war government was capable of.
-Sixth flashback would show a nascent Master’s army dipping captured humans in the vats. Think it would be cool to see the Lieutenant here. We’d learn about the effect of radiation damage on successful FEV transformations. See some horrifying FEV rejects.
-Seventh flashback would see the Master relocated to LA. Detail the creation of the Children of the Cathedral. I think it would be cool to see Marcus at this point, maybe Lily too. Show that the Master’s Army now has a not insignificant number of dumb mutants among its ranks.
-Next flashback would show the Master’s Army exerting control over Necropolis, with Set begrudgingly allowing it to happen.

That’s about all I got for now. I think this would be narratively interesting, if a bit cliche. Ideally, the flashbacks would be relevant to the episode in some way, though this won’t always be possible.

Also, I think things would flow better if the Vault Dweller never finds the water chip, or if he does, finds that Vault 13’s residents have been captured by mutants already, so he has to go save them Fallout 2-style.
Tbh I'd rather see a series of comic book mini series from fallout. But if I had to do a fallout show it'd be like the fargo show where each season is set in its own year following its own characters in their own region. There's no reason at all for a fallout show to have an ongoing story that strikes me as a really wierd choice tbh. Really creatively limiting too if you want to do more seasons. But then they don't seem super interested in being creative
Tbh I'd rather see a series of comic book mini series from fallout. But if I had to do a fallout show it'd be like the fargo show where each season is set in its own year following its own characters in their own region. There's no reason at all for a fallout show to have an ongoing story that strikes me as a really wierd choice tbh. Really creatively limiting too if you want to do more seasons. But then they don't seem super interested in being creative

That’s kind of how my ideal show would be. It would start with the NCR scouting party but change to different and more relevant characters. Hanlon or Graham for example.

but I really think any show should cover the events of F1 and F2 because those two, especially F1, capture the essence of Fallout. That’s why I mentioned the memory lounge thing from F4 as it could be used as a plot reason to cover the different games.

either way I agree that it shouldn’t be one unified story and shouldn’t follow one set of characters through multiple seasons.
but I really think any show should cover the events of F1 and F2 because those two,
Nah not super interested in adaptations. Fallout 1 and 2 were basically already retold in fallout 3 anyway and look how that turned out
Nah not super interested in adaptations. Fallout 1 and 2 were basically already retold in fallout 3 anyway and look how that turned out
Yeah but I mean a DIRECT adaptation. Not a re-imagining on the east coast. Maybe even have F2 through the perspective of Marcus. The flow is a perfect setup for an episode of a tv show. The brotherhood laughing at some stupid vault dweller and sending them on a suicide mission. The dweller going to the boneyard and getting that one female follower of the apocalypse companion (name escapes me) and venturing into the glow. Coming back victorious to a stunned brotherhood.
Yeah but I mean a DIRECT adaptation. Not a re-imagining on the east coast. Maybe even have F2 through the perspective of Marcus. The flow is a perfect setup for an episode of a tv show. The brotherhood laughing at some stupid vault dweller and sending them on a suicide mission. The dweller going to the boneyard and getting that one female follower of the apocalypse companion (name escapes me) and venturing into the glow. Coming back victorious to a stunned brotherhood.
I already saw that story. Fallout should tell new ones I'm tired of it recycling the same shit over and over
I already saw that story. Fallout should tell new ones I'm tired of it recycling the same shit over and over
I would argue that the translation from a voiceless isometric videogame into cinema can elevate or show something new in the same story.

Honestly, making a fallout show and having people not know what happens in F1 is pointless. F1 IS Fallout. IMO every fallout story has to be built off F1.

Every Lotr expanded story, Star Wars story, etc relies on you having seen the original installments. The NCR in FNV only has significance if you understand the state of the world in F1 and how much has changed.
I would liked the show set in New-Reno after F2. It could be interesting seeing how Reno becomes the part of NCR, how new families replace old ones and how town is affected and affecting other settlements.
Tbh I'd rather see a series of comic book mini series from fallout. But if I had to do a fallout show it'd be like the fargo show where each season is set in its own year following its own characters in their own region. There's no reason at all for a fallout show to have an ongoing story that strikes me as a really wierd choice tbh. Really creatively limiting too if you want to do more seasons. But then they don't seem super interested in being creative

I’m honestly shocked Bethesda don’t do this more for their ips.
More comics told in the Fallout and Elder Scrolls universes would probably sell pretty well (for a comic/game crossover).
Plus it’ll keep both franchises in the spotlight without the hassle of needing to put any effort into it.

Just liscence it out to Dark Horse and let them sort it out. Release a few minis and you’ve got yourself a decent audience.

I’ve always thought that Bethesda could do more to milk both franchises a bit. There’s a tonne of stories out there, and it’s not like Bethesda are telling the best ones, lets be honest here.

I’m hoping with Pete Hines gone, they may actually start to do that a bit more
I wouldn't do a fallout show.

For me, the Fallout universe is great because of all the mysteries and unknowns about the world. It makes us guess and think about stuff not explained in the games.

Fallout for me should have always been only a few core games and that's it, with maybe a few spinoff games. The more one expands the universe and explains things, the less interesting it gets.

Things are already too diluted with the addition of Fallout 3, Fallout 4, Fallout 76, and even with Fallout New Vegas. Although FNV is more consistent with the originals so it's less of an issue, but it still manages to dilute the universe a tiny bit. I haven't watched the Fallout TV series, but I bet it just adds to this problem, making the Fallout universe even more diluted (for my taste).

So... Yeah, I wouldn't be making a Fallout tv show, since it would make one of my problems with Fallout these days even worse.
I wouldn't do a fallout show.

For me, the Fallout universe is great because of all the mysteries and unknowns about the world. It makes us guess and think about stuff not explained in the games.

Fallout for me should have always been only a few core games and that's it, with maybe a few spinoff games. The more one expands the universe and explains things, the less interesting it gets.

Things are already too diluted with the addition of Fallout 3, Fallout 4, Fallout 76, and even with Fallout New Vegas. Although FNV is more consistent with the originals so it's less of an issue, but it still manages to dilute the universe a tiny bit. I haven't watched the Fallout TV series, but I bet it just adds to this problem, making the Fallout universe even more diluted (for my taste).

So... Yeah, I wouldn't be making a Fallout tv show, since it would make one of my problems with Fallout these days even worse.
the dilution doesnt come from expansions on the setting the dilution comes from the fact that every question you can have bethesda has one of 3 answers "something youve already seen before for brand recognition, it was pre war shenanigans, and bro who cares nerd lol look this nerd cares"

the series is diluted because they refuse to have anything actually happen in their entries. even when they had shady sands fall they immediately walked back on it as a PR move. so the only time they had a big setting changing event it was controversial because it was born of malice and they immediately said nevermind. like wtf

I would argue that the translation from a voiceless isometric videogame into cinema can elevate or show something new in the same story.

i would argue it can only take away from it. the whole cool thing about video games is how easily they can build a large setting as compared to movies or a single novel. so much would have to be cut or changes there'd be no point unless you just laser focus on the vault dweller's story and tell it as a tragedy