Lonecat Nekophrodite
First time out of the vault

My idea is . dividing all stories leading up to Fallout 2 into two or three seasons
Season 1. is a narrative of Vault Dweller chosen is Albert Cole (Black Isle made quite clear that Vault Dweller identity is him). Begins with his brief story about himself inside Vault 13, (and even his ancestors, how well-to-to they were, so they purchased a spot there), and then Water Chip Crisis, which followed with Ed being sent to the wasteland and didn't return, second being sent is Talus, and the third will be chosen with straw draw. with Max Stone and Natalia Dubrovhsky (who should be his former love interest) joined. and it turned out Cole is chosen. (I'd like to see his face when he got a bad luck draw), and in the next day he is summoned to the Vault entrance with chief security, got a briefings and Overseer (Jacoren) update Cole's pipboy map, and wrote 'Find Water Chip in 150 days' and had this parchment taped into Cole's pipboy vent grill. and Chief Security handed him over a Colt 6520 10mm Autorevolver pistol and a carton of associated JHP rounds. and bid a farewell, saying 'Just in case, you will have to use it. but hopefully you don't need to, Good Luck, you will need alot of it'.
The Endgame ends the first season, with vault 13 fell into a bickering state.
Season 2. Dissidents group, led by Theresa and Lyle, left the vault, in searching for their banished Hero. meanwhile a Vault 13 Revolution eventually outsted Overseer Jacoren. and the next 'overseer' is a supercomputer built by Brotherhood of Steel (A scene where Brotherhood scribes with a pair of knights escorting entered the Vault and doing many works.). in weeks (or months), Cole eventually met a group of people in Vault 13 jumpsuits, and he realized the reasons why he's banished. Here is a great trek, and here is when Cole met with his two rivals (Max Stone and Natalia Dubrovhsky), and now Cole took another role--Leader.
A full season is a trek to find a new home for them, and this is when Cole taught his followers how to survive the Wasteland, and first things he teach is fighting, and lootings, within weeks his group becomes an armed force.
Notable settlements they should visit included San Jose, San Francisco (where they met a city full of Asians. and they were not welcome), eventually they went to Redding, Klamath Falls, where local overlord granted the group a land around the city but not city itself, an isolated plot of land by the canyon.
Season ends with Vault Dweller's departure.
Season 3. How Roger Maxson founded Brotherhood of Steel, also origins of a cabal of business magnate that later leads into foundings of The Enclave. and the Dynasty of Maxson. Season ends with the death of John Maxson. the Third Leader.
Season 4. Foundings of the NCR. Seasons begins with the evacuations of Vault 15. Albert Cole's adventures through Tandi's point of view, and his post-Fallout 1 involvements running errands for Aradesh in the foundings of the Republic. sometimes before Cole reunited with his fellow Vault 13 denizens led by Theresa and Lyle and trekked north.
Season 1. is a narrative of Vault Dweller chosen is Albert Cole (Black Isle made quite clear that Vault Dweller identity is him). Begins with his brief story about himself inside Vault 13, (and even his ancestors, how well-to-to they were, so they purchased a spot there), and then Water Chip Crisis, which followed with Ed being sent to the wasteland and didn't return, second being sent is Talus, and the third will be chosen with straw draw. with Max Stone and Natalia Dubrovhsky (who should be his former love interest) joined. and it turned out Cole is chosen. (I'd like to see his face when he got a bad luck draw), and in the next day he is summoned to the Vault entrance with chief security, got a briefings and Overseer (Jacoren) update Cole's pipboy map, and wrote 'Find Water Chip in 150 days' and had this parchment taped into Cole's pipboy vent grill. and Chief Security handed him over a Colt 6520 10mm Autorevolver pistol and a carton of associated JHP rounds. and bid a farewell, saying 'Just in case, you will have to use it. but hopefully you don't need to, Good Luck, you will need alot of it'.
The Endgame ends the first season, with vault 13 fell into a bickering state.
Season 2. Dissidents group, led by Theresa and Lyle, left the vault, in searching for their banished Hero. meanwhile a Vault 13 Revolution eventually outsted Overseer Jacoren. and the next 'overseer' is a supercomputer built by Brotherhood of Steel (A scene where Brotherhood scribes with a pair of knights escorting entered the Vault and doing many works.). in weeks (or months), Cole eventually met a group of people in Vault 13 jumpsuits, and he realized the reasons why he's banished. Here is a great trek, and here is when Cole met with his two rivals (Max Stone and Natalia Dubrovhsky), and now Cole took another role--Leader.
A full season is a trek to find a new home for them, and this is when Cole taught his followers how to survive the Wasteland, and first things he teach is fighting, and lootings, within weeks his group becomes an armed force.
Notable settlements they should visit included San Jose, San Francisco (where they met a city full of Asians. and they were not welcome), eventually they went to Redding, Klamath Falls, where local overlord granted the group a land around the city but not city itself, an isolated plot of land by the canyon.
Season ends with Vault Dweller's departure.
Season 3. How Roger Maxson founded Brotherhood of Steel, also origins of a cabal of business magnate that later leads into foundings of The Enclave. and the Dynasty of Maxson. Season ends with the death of John Maxson. the Third Leader.
Season 4. Foundings of the NCR. Seasons begins with the evacuations of Vault 15. Albert Cole's adventures through Tandi's point of view, and his post-Fallout 1 involvements running errands for Aradesh in the foundings of the Republic. sometimes before Cole reunited with his fellow Vault 13 denizens led by Theresa and Lyle and trekked north.