Hugo Claus is dead


White heterosexual male
Hugo Claus, Belgiums most important post-war author, died today!

The 78-year-old fossil suffered from Alzheimer and requested euthanasia to stop all his suffering and despair (and drooling, can't forget the drooling part, eh?).

He will be mainly remembered for his chicklit book "The Sorrow of Belgium", a tearjerker about famine, ennui and Nazi gangbangs.

More info in Dutch

Good riddance, some will say. Definitely more space and money for the young ones now, eh? :D
alec said:
"The Sorrow of Belgium"

You shouldn't post things ike that on NMA if you want me to head a tear other than forced out by an excessive LOL.

Sad, though, I guess.
Silencer said:
Sad, though, I guess.
No, not sad.
The old man was getting on lots of people's nerves, actually. Especially the nerves of young authors.
The man was a shameless imitator of Faulkner and L.P.Boon, a Flemish author who is infinitely greater than he ever was.
One time, when I was handing out autographs during a bookfair (yeah, I know, it's stupid), he came to me and he shook my hand. His skin felt like sandpaper. Probably from playing with himself, because his wife looked like a fat cow by then and I can't imagine a writer fucking a fat cow.

"The Sorrow of Belgium" ain't too good either, really. I never found the courage to read more than two chapters of it.

He did fuck a lot of gorgeous women when he was younger, though. I take my hat off for that, especially since he had a head that resembled an overripe watermelon, but that's about it, really. :roll:
he'll mostly be remembered for being a writer living a rockstar life... fucking pornstars and whatnot.

eitherway, he was terminally ill and requested to be euthanised.
Is euthanasia common in Belgium?
It is a pretty disputed matter. At least in my country where it is illegal.

How many countrys allow euthanasia anyway?
Euthanasia is (partially) legal or allowed in Belgium, Albania, the Netherlands, Austria, Japan, Luxembourg and Switzerland.

It's a pretty disputed manner in many places, there's still some discussion in the countries where it's legal about how careful you have to be about it.

I don't think it's "common" anywhere
I'm surprised to see how many countrys allow euthanasia, even if only partially.
I should have looked it up before asking, but I wanted to raise the question.
Then I realized it has been discussed to some extent in a couple of previous threads. Particularly in Gun control thread yay
So perhaps it is not a topic, though ever so grave, for me to dig up?

I agree it doesn't seem common. The case with Hugo Claus is even used as an example on the wikipedia article on euthanasia.
Not many other examples are mentioned.
Jack The Knife said:
Is euthanasia common in Belgium?
It is a pretty disputed matter. At least in my country where it is illegal.
there's quite a bit of rules, which we're now trying to lower, as it is still too restrictive (but the christian parties are blocking it off for now).

amongst the restrictions:
- have to be terminally ill,
- have to be in unbearable pain,
- have to be major,
- of full capacity of mind (with the exception if you wrote a will before you went into a coma, but that's not really strict "euthanasia" anyway), which means people with alzheimer and so on cant get euthanised.

i'm hoping we expand it to terminal children and dementing people with a specific written will regarding their present situation.
Well, euthanasia is a dificult subject - you know, sometimes you can't bear the pain and pray for death, but later the pain passes and you are glad everything is over. Taking away life is not something to be done lightly.
I am definitely pro euthanasia. If someone wishes to die. Fine by me.
I certainly would want to end my life if the only other option was to live strapped to a bed in extreme agony waiting to die.
I even dare to mention the practical use for it. We're over populated enough already.
If someone doesn't want to live anymore, someone else probably could use the space. Not to mention the savings on medical bills.
I know it is a very cynical way of thinking, but still, it's a harsh reality we live in. Cynical but practical.
That said. I would never encourage or wish for anyone to commit suicide. Even though in such cases, my sympathies goes only to those left behind.