I drew things

>be me
>be totally unable to draw
>try photography
>good at that shit
>still wish I could draw well

but anyway, nice. The skelebrain on the blue background looks like a sort of post rock/stoner rock album cover.
There's two routes in drawing:

1. Draw a fuckton. Such a fuckton you learn how to draw inadvertently.

2. Just copy your drawings off photo's or other references.

So I just went for 2 since I never put a lot of time into anything, except the internet.
For me, all the image links in the above post [to scontent-ams3-1.xx.fbcdn.net], fail to load; I see nothing. The other images in this thread display fine though.

*Good thumb foreshortening on the Bruce Lee.
Made two new digital things:

P. cool, but the writing on the second one kinda ruins it for me. You should have put some random symbols there if you decided on putting anything - actual words weren't the best choice.
If web cam-shots count as "photography", then yes, terrible.. :D

Of all the people I know snapping artsy photos for their fb and such, I only count one of them (that would be about one in fifty or so) as a photographer. Not only artsy fartsy objects up close and such (which he does very well indeed!) - but the more awkward approaches: random people. Tons of people photograph models, and that bores me, but I always like random-people portraits, especially if the photographer has en eye for "characters"

Photography, to me, seems very intimidating. It is an art that is so desceptively easy - aim and click - and therefore the standards are so enormously high in comparison (something all the fb-photographers seem oblivious about :D)

I've wanted to snap good photos though, but again, the standards daunt me, and I imagine nothing but top-toppity-top notch equipment to even begin to get wanted results (especially with weather pics)

One day the sky was entirely orange, like a movie effect, I ran for my cellphone cam, took 3-4 pics, all of them showed the same idiotic blue sky with a yellow sun in the middle, as if the phone just went "nono, i got it from memory, sun, sky, i seen it a thousand times", crap phone cam...