And you have another thread similar to this, but I want to get into such great, extensive detail that it will probably be too long to read. Spoilers are included.
(Reasons listed are not rated which is worse)
Reasons why it sucked:
1) The large, expansive environment is actually only Washington DC, and the amount of walking you have to do early in the game, and in some sections, is just stupid. But as soon as you can auto travel, that takes away all forms of surprise, random people attacking you, you can just travel, be there in a blip of a second, and go "What a thoroughly exciting adventure I had with that hooker and those super mutants, BUT YOU DIDN'T GET TO SEE IT!" So it takes away any fun from fast travel, but you have to be retarded to just normally walk everywhere, or you want to find a reason to commit suicide due to boredom. And to put it quite bluntly, it's the smallest map of the Fallout series. Fallout 1 and 2 are state maps, Fallout 3 is a city map. And all things considered, I'd think the capital of a country that was heavily nuked, regardless that it was one of the main forces in the great war, would have a bigger population than the rest of the wastelands. Oh, and as a closing word, all the locations on the map are a cluster fuck, they're all just thrown together like someone puked on a map and said, "There." Just to give you a better idea, here's an image from Fallout Wiki of the Fallout 3 map. All the red squares equals places you can go to. And keep in mind, 70% of those places are just things you see, like a destroyed house, or a particularly interesting rock formation (Shale Bridge) that is repeatedly reused in the wastelands so you don't realize you're just seeing the same stuff over and over again.

2) Super mutants. They don't make sense. The explanation in this is that they look big, are retarded, and generally suck is because some vault was working EEP, a preliminary FEV virus on them, and it created centaurs and retarded mutants. I thought FEV was developed pre-war? Why would you make the last pieces of humanity go into the vaults and completely fuck them over not by even good experiments, but by killing your entire populace by transforming them into super mutants? Not only that, but apparently super mutants don't need to eat, sleep, do anything as proven by Fawkes, one of the npcs. Apparently he was sealed in his room for decades, centuries, whatever. But he managed to live perfectly fine. In an air tight room. Without food or water. Nevermind for more than a few weeks. And he's perfectly sane, although the stupid computers say that all mutants became retarded. So that back fired on them. And there are different classes of super mutants. Fallout 1 had 2 classes, Super Mutants, and Nightkin Supermutants. Either one raped your face. Really badly if you had anything weaker than power armor. Even with power armor, I got my ass flame throwed by them. In this, there are Super Mutants, Super Mutant Brutes, and Super Mutant Masters. Can someone say Orcs? I kid, but seriously. Every class is stupidly easy, and doesn't make sense why they differentiate them. I can get a shotgun, and kill them with 1-3 shots to the head. That's not a super mutant. You get a shotgun to one in Fallout 1 or 2, they'll look at you, eat you, and shit you out for even thinking about using a shotgun. However, there are accounts of super mutants being killed by lvl 5's via brass knuckles. So, what the hell. Super Mutants don't even look close to their original selves. And behemoths? They're not cool. Shopping cart armor, hurray. There's about 5 in the game. You meet one in the main quest. Otherwise, wow. That's it. The preview you saw with the behemoth is the only time it pops up. So in case any of you are shitting your pants, waiting for it to come by, you're only going to see it once. I'll get into the weapons soon enough, so don't worry folks about "How do you kill it if you don't have the Fatman?". And mutants in this game are incredibly, if not stupidly common. I fought more mutants than Raiders. It keeps a count of how many humans and "other" monsters you killed. I killed maybe 275sh humans, and over 500 monsters. At least half, if not more of those are mutant kills. Super Mutants, are stupid in Fallout 3. They're a bigger disappointment than originally believed. On to reason 3.
3) The towns. Megaton is the biggest town you'll find. Case and point, Arefu. You go to this mighty town, and there are a total of 5 citizens (Not including the 2 deceased). Wow. They make it seem like such a huge establishment, they're constantly attacked by fucking vampires (I'll talk about this later), and it's up to you to save this mighty establishment. Of 5 people. Shady Sands was a town. Hell, Arroyo was a settlement. 5 people is not a freaking town. Especially since they'll all die out in at least 100 years due to the fact that not enough descendants could possibly be created to make a family, nevermind a settlement. And all the towns are like this. They're about 5, 6 people, and they make it seem like it's the biggest shit that was taken in the wastelands. Megaton is the biggest city in Fallout 3, save for Rivet City. As Rivet City is on a tanker, and going through room, after room, it seems huge. But guess what? It's got less than 30 people, most of them guards. So it still isn't that big, and every other town you go to is just stupid. I mean, 5, 6 people, wee. One town only had 2 occupants, because of some amazing fire ant infestation. One town even has a super hero and a villain battling it out, one with fucking robots, the other with giant ants. I still don't get what the point of making giant ants is. Don't get me wrong, I know there are giant ants in Fallout 2, but in this game fire giant ants were made by some scientist. Seriously, what is the point for a mad scientist to make giant ants he can't control, than expect you to kill them? Giant ants exist, sure, but that's still stupid. Almost as stupid as some jack shit making fucking robots in a post apocalyptic wasteland from scrap parts like it's making sunny side up eggs with a side of bacon. But I digress, I will get into the monster list later. And just as an added bonus, Arefu is a Romanian town that is rumored to have the descendants of Dracula's noblemen, so that's why they threw in the vampires into the mix. Real original, am I right?
4) The A.I. Not just enemy A.I., but general A.I. When you hype that your A.I. is the biggest thing to since Jesus Christ himself, you expect some half decent A.I. from people. For example, As soon as I got a chance to use my fists, I beat the shit out my father in the begining. And his science partner, or rather his gay buddy, sat there, and watched me beat the ever living unholy fuck out of dear old Dad. Than Dad got up, and was smiling, "Get to your G.O.A.T test now sport!" "Uh, I hate you, I just beat the fuck out of you." "Go to the test now sport!" Amazing. Enemies will sometimes not notice you if you're behind them, softly groping their ass before deciding to kill them. Sometimes you're walking, and you start being shot randomly. So when you use VATS, you see from 500 feet or so, that they're shooting you perfectly fine. Amazing shots once in a while, but once you get close to them, they start firing blindly, as if their weakness is that they all need a prescription for glasses, because they have eagle eyesight as long as you can't see them. NPC's A.I. is generally stupid in all the Fallouts in all honesty. They refuse to wear armor in the first game, in the second game they go crazy with burst as usual, so on and so on. But as I said before, when you say you make the greatest A.I. since the Hal 9000, you expect these kind of shortcomings to not be very noticable, or at least just a, "Fuck, I thought I told you to use your gun." Not run at 4x the speed of your character, and disappear altogether. Some of the time I can't even tell where my npcs are, so I just keep walking by myself, hoping that no message will pop up saying, "They died because they fucking disappeared due to some amazing sentient A.I." I remember I decided to have fun with some townsmen one time, and I tossed a grenade between two people. Than I ran and hid. It exploded, amazingly did not instantly kill them at point blank range. But then, all of the sudden, they started to attack each other! Obviously one of them had to have a grenade, and decided to kill himself and his most hated foe. It wasn't someone that just tossed it between them, hoping it would take out the two annoying bastards. Very sentient A.I. there. I think there are plenty of Oblivion videos proving a similar quirk. Anyways, the A.I. simply makes things, well, simpler for you to lay waste to your enemies. As is the next reason:
5) It's too easy. And no bullshit, "SO MAKE IT A HARDER DIFFICULTY DUMB ASS I WRITE IN CAPS" excuse. You didn't have to increase Fallout's, or rather any game's difficulty to have a difficult game. Games like the first Contra, or Castlevania are amazingly hard, but they don't have an amazing difficulty changer switcher upper. Fallout didn't need one either. I was fully decked out in Power Armor in Fallout 1, I had the best equipment possible, I was hopped up on several drugs, I was a machine. A Nightkin with a flamethrower ran straight at me, and killed me, snap. That's because regardless of your amazing armor of fire resistance +25%, a flamethrower is going to fucking roast you alive. Fallout 2, I had some trouble against Frank Horrigan, I admit it. I got the recruits, I got my npcs, I thought maybe I don't need to turn the turrets on Frank. He rips me apart. "Alright, maybe I do get the turrets." He aims at me first, criticals my ass, and I die. Repeatedly. Time, and time again. I get pissed off, I cripple his gun arm, laughing, thinking he's got nothing on me now. He whips out a giant blade from his right wrist, and starts wailing on me with that. Fallout 3 does not have these tense moments, at least, not for somewhat capable people of society. As I mentioned before, a lvl 5 person killed a super mutant with his brass knuckles. The level scaling is not applicable to everyone, true, but it is applicable to most things. You won't meet a mole rat that'll rape you, but dogs are subjected to lvl scaling, up to the point that sometimes one good head shot with a hunting rifle won't kill them on the spot. Raiders likewise are subject to level scaling, and I find fighting a large group of Raiders are harder than fighting than super mutants, as they shoot with somewhat amazing accuracy from behind walls once in a while. Still, I have as much trouble with a raider as I do with an Enclave soldier. Scratch that, I have more trouble with a raider than I did with the last boss of Fallout 3, which I will discuss later. There is no difficulty in the game, not one point made me sweat bullets in the hopes that I will eventually get past this part. It was all relatively just point and shoot, you win. If you cannot beat this game, you need to be sent to kindergarten to learn the basics of life before trying other games. The game is easy enough so a toddler can beat it no problem. On to the next reason.
6) The slow-mo death animations. I admit, the first time I killed someone, I thought, "Eh, kinda cool." Than you have to see that slow-mo death animation hundreds of times. The reason the game took as long for me to beat it as it did was not because of the gameplay, it was because I had to sit through so many of those god forsaken death animations. Below is an amazing animation of you doing a bloody mess kill. With what gun? It doesn't matter, all that you need to know, is that it is not a plasma nor energy weapon kill. I want to know what kind of gun does this amazing display of gore, because it is simply astounding to how the gun rips off all the skin, and some flesh, but leaves no bullet holes. I mean, shit man. Not even the Cerebral Bore from Turok 2, which sucked people's brains out did this level of damage

Now I bet you're satisfied with that image, thinking, 'Indeed, definitely possible." And some of you will probably say, "But it's only a video game, it doesn't have to be realistic." True, but there's a fine line between realism, and "Give me a fucking break." Also, the gore seen in this game, is not that bad. I've seen worse from Soldier of Fortune, hell, the graphic deaths look from Soldier of Fortune. I also love to see how a pistol shot decapitates animals if you shoot it in the forehead, or just the fact that it decapitates anything at all. Seriously, astounding weaponry from a Beretta. But I am not speaking about weaponry...yet.
7) The Enclave. Jesus monkey fisting Christ in Heaven. This should be the #1 reason for me to dislike the game so much. Not because they're mysteriously back, and stronger than ever. Not because they have magical abundant suits of power armor. Not because they follow a robo-president. It's because they're complete, and utter idiots. First off, they want to get your amazing Water Purifier so they can contaminate the waters, with a special virus that kills ghouls, mutants, and generally everything that's mutated. So, allow me to ask you this: You live in a post apocalyptic wasteland, are you exposed to radiation? If so, than what are the side effects of radiation? If you said mutation, correct. Now who has been exposed to radiation in a post apocalyptic nuclear holocaust future setting that is Fallout? If you guessed everyone, that is correct. So if the Enclave distribute this amazing virus, which god knows how they develope when they have limited resources of a dead future, they'll kill themselves. And everyone. Everything will die, as everything has a form of mutation in it. So their grand plan is to commit a mass kool-aid suicide pact. Wow! And don't even get me started about what if you take the virus. The Comp-U-Comp president gives you the only vial of this super virus, in the entire wasteland, so if you decide to give it to the brotherhood, the Enclave are going to attempt to start up the Purifier anyways. Now, does someone see something inherently wrong about this? Anything at all? They don't have the virus. So now, they're evil, master plan, is to give the entire wasteland pure, clean water! Ah hahahaha! Take that mutant scum! The fact that anything can make pure water for everything in a wasteland is nonexistent and unbelievable, as we don't even have the friggin' tech, but what do I know? Their evil plan makes perfect sense. Also, convincing to kill the President is the easiest thing since breathing. If you have alright speech, or good science, you can just convince him with a snap of your fingers, no questions asked. The last boss deserves his own section, so I will not discuss him here.
8) The Brotherhood. They're amazing folks, especially since they were so sparse in Fallout 2, hell, even Fallout 1 they had like 60, 70 people in the Bunker in total. But no, these Brotherhood are amazing. They have a giant, Communist hating Mech, that goes on a killing spree at the end of the game, because post nuclear apoc futures have giant mechs in them all the time, especially in the more realistic setting of the Fallout universe. It shoots lasers from it's eyes for God's sake, and talks about killing the Chinese as it rips through the Enclave. Which I forgot to mention, the Robot is activated because he needs to destroy these giant force fields that the Enclave mysteriously have. Force fields the size of fields can't possibly exist in a dead future, in bunkers or military bases, more believable. But you walk outside and see this giant force field, you think, "Hell no." But I digress from that point. The fact that the Brotherhood remain so ambigious is stupid. The only solid fact about them is that they talk and act like medieval knights, except thrown into the future. The leader will at one point say that they want to save everyone, but then the next point he'll say they hate mutants, but then they love mutants, and it just becomes this confusing hypocritical mess. I still don't quite understand why the Outcast Brotherhood exists, or why they can have their own mysterious brand of power armor, since it seems to be so abundant that even Raiders have it (I've seen it, I kid you not). Another thing that pissed me off about the BoS is that you can bring Fawkes into their base, located at the Pentagon which has become a fortress. Fawkes is a super mutant, they hate outsiders, they kill mutants on sight. Fawkes = OK! In Fallout 2, you can't enter Vault City with Marcus or Lenny, because they're mutated, they have to stay outside, or else you can't go in. I mean, come on, the BoS hate mutants more than Vault City, so what the hell? Another thing that perturbed me is that you can choose to give the BoS Elder the vial of that super virus I was talking about earlier, and he goes, "Oh, really? Thanks." Maybe with a few more words, but that's it. He has a vial, that will kill every single mutant, on land, and he doesn't want to use it? Huh?
9) Speech, facial expressions. I decided to combine them both to save time. The speech doesn't make much sense, as righteous characters talk knightly. Case and point, Fawkes, "You lead, and I shall follow." And then he breaks out his lute and starts singing a tune. The voice acting honestly doesn't make much sense in this game, as everyone who is good, talks waaay too educated for their own damn good. Even the kids you meet talk amazingly, I can't speak as well as some of those kids, but hot damn are they fluent in their big words. But it's not just about how people talk, or how monotonous the speech seems, it's also the speech options you have. You have two options: The obvious good one, and the obvious bad one. You KNOW what the consequences are going to be, you don't have to guess it, like in Fallout 1 or 2. Fallout 1 is a prime example, you're at the hotel, you wake up, some lunatic has this girl hostage. You try and convince them, not sure whether you can talk them out of it or not, but you try. Some people succeed, some people fail despite how high their speech is. Fallout 3 does not give you this chance. They tell you outright what your % is to convince someone of something, or how to properly convince them using what skill. So say you're talking to some guy, you want some information. There's an option, literally saying [Speech 25%], meaning, you got a 1 in 4 chance to succeed in convincing him. Which means "YOU OUGHT TO DO THIS," which is reflective to my previous reason of why this game is so goddamned easy. Also, talking heads. A relatively simple idea, you zoom in to the person's face, and you see their facial expressions. You zoom in to everyone's face in this, but they might as well have one of these two faces:
. Sure, they yell, and scream, but they're about as convincing of their character as William Shatner would be if he played the Punisher. It just looks really stupid when the guy looks like he was just at the optometrist, got some drops in his eyes, and he's telling you, "You're a jackass! Fuck you!"
10) Child Killing. Now, don't think of me as masochistic. I don't want to kill children, I like kids, not in a pedophiliac way either for you strange mother fuckers out there thinking, "Hur Hur." I mean that there's a part of this game, called Little Lamplight, that is ruled only by kids. You want to kill them. So, fucking badly. They're talking about they want to shoot you, you're stupid, you are a fucker, you ought to go get killed. And you are wearing freaking Power Armor, and using a Plasma Rifle. I don't fuck with people if they have a gun, nevermind a plasma rifle and a full suit of power armor. These kids also don't let you choose an evil path. You have to either: 1] Save the kids they want you to from a slaver camp or 2] Use speech to convince them to let you in. I luckily was a good guy, and accidentally saved the kids while on my way there. But still, the way they speak to you. The way they act, it just makes you want to become Jack the Ripper and slice them up. Little Lamplight is physical proof that Bethesda hates Fallout fans, because I will bet that as soon as they announced no child killing, they made that place. And thought, "This is going to be hilarious." The kids deserve to die, trust me for you non-players. Trust me.
11) The weaponry. The weaponry is extremely limited, and you feel like you're playing Call of Duty. Fallout 3 at it's core, is a FPS that has been slapped with the words "CREATIVE RPG" on it. To start off, what irked me most is that you can get the Fatman so early in the game. That behemoth I previously talked about, that you have to kill? You grab the Fatman from one of the BoS soldiers helping you fight it, and you get plenty of ammo to use the fucker. So there you go. The strongest weapon, in the game, by the time you're lvl 9 at least. You don't even have to be proficient with big guns to use it properly, just aim and see everything die. Forget the logistics behind it, forget the fact that the radiation from being near a nuclear missile should kill you, even if you somehow survive the fact that you're right in ground zero of the blast radius. The amount of weaponry is stupidly small. You have about 4, 5 melee weapons that are gimmicks. Wow, a deathclaw gauntlet, or the shishkebob. For future reference, you are retarded if you use anything else but the shishkebob as a melee weapon. The most powerful melee weapon is the super sledge, 30 damage. You get the shishkebob, that's 40 dmg + burning damage. If you make the improved version, that's 60 damage. And what the fuck is it? It's a fire sword! Yes, a fire sword folks! That's what every good post apocalyptic future needs! Who needs a pistol when you have a fire sword, that also grants the ability to summon genies! But don't worry folks, you also get an array of other swords to choose from. Also, some of the weapon names are staggering. You can get an Assault Rifle, or a Chinese Assault Rifle.
Fallout 1 and 2 mostly used real guns, hell, even Fallout Tactics used mostly real guns. The Gauss Rifle, Gauss Minigun, and generally all plasma weapons are fake, true. But they had names. YK32 Plasma Rifle vs F3's Plasma Rifle. True, Fallout 1, 2, and even Tactics did not all have their real names, as being generic wepaons means that they're not the greatest, such as the Shotgun compared to the H&K CAWS, but the fact that Fallout 3 differentiates generic weapons with names such as, "Vengeance" for a gun, is stupid. I don't want to use a gun called Vengeance +5, it shoots out magic missiles that deal 1d4 + how many levels the spell caster is. It may be a small quirk, but it annoys me none the less into disliking the game more.
12) Glitches. I'll give you guys a break here: . Read this, and I assure you that many of them are very true. One of my favourite is that some people, npcs or enemies, fly 1000 feet into the air, walk around for a while, than drop down to their deaths mysteriously.
13) Enemies. Aside from super mutants? You've got Radscorpions, Fire Ants which piss the hell out of me, Vampires, Raiders, Dogs, Feral Ghouls, Deathclaws, Brain Bots, Mr Gutsy (Weapon version of Mr Handy), and some Sentry Bots to name most of them. What do they share in common? They all suffer from level scaling. Fallout 3's level scaling is not Oblivion's form, I admit. But still, they become stronger and get more hp as you level. They don't get fancy weapons, except those few raiders that I saw with miniguns, flame throwers, power armor, sniper rifles, power fists, and rippers, but they just increase in durability. You don't feel like you improve, because they all die as easily as before, just one more bullet and done, you're amazing. The vampires piss me off because it seems like every popular post apoc has decided that Vampires are a new hip trend. Look at Battle Angel Alita: Last Order. Vampires, zomg. Hell, even shitty webcomics like Last Blood has vampires in a post apoc. I hate future vampires. They're stupid. They suck the life out of any media medium they're in. Arefu, a Romanian town famous for being servants of Dracula, + actual vampires that don't say they're vampires, but contradict themselves constantly equals originality. Hip hip huzzahs. Still, enemies in general are just incredibly easy, stupid, and you should give yourself a challenge by looking away and aiming blindly, hoping that they will actually eventually hit you.
14) Durability. Your Power Armor eventually becomes weaker than Leather Armor, and your rocket launcher eventually becomes as strong as your pistol. Enough said.
15) Skills, Stats and Perks. Skills, to tag any skill is stupid. You are retarded if you tag explosives folks, because I saw only one case where I needed to use it, Megaton, and you need only 25% to arm the bomb. But guess what? That's 1/4th of your skill right there. That's right, none of your skills go above 100%. What you need to eventually get past through most of the game is Repair, Lockpick and Science, at least to make things easier than it already is. But you just gain so much to add to skills, you max out atleast 4-5 things, and become an expert in several other skills. So tagging a skill is just bringing you closer to the inevitable, the fact that you will become the elite master of all your skills because you rock so hard. So that just further exemplifies the easiness of this game. Than perks. Stats are also stupid. Just to let everyone out there know, you are mentally retarded if you take charisma, because people love you anyways. There is no downside if you're not charismatic. Or dumb as a rock. You can't act retarded, you speak the exact same way. Agility is only useful if you're a V.A.T.S user, which is redundant because you get better aim if you point and shoot. Perception doesn't help too much, because the person who is playing this game is not blind, so they have no worries of aiming. Luck equals having more shitty slow-mo scenes, so get rid of that, you won't see the scenes so often (Oh if only I knew this!) The only useful stats are Strength and Endurance, because you need HP, and strength allows you carry amazing amounts of shit. So you are stupid if you don't max out Strength and Endurance, because everything else doesn't frankly matter, as you can just fix it with your amazing skills, since the max is only 100. Oh boy, now we get into perks. Because you don't get traits, perks have fancy names, such as "Lady Killer," which means you get to seduce the wimmens and do another 20% damage to women. I'll just let you know now, make your main character a woman. She gets "Black Widow," meaning that's an extra 20% dmg to men, which is 70% o the enemies in the game, which include: Raiders, Enclave, Super Mutants, the Last Boss. Perks have no downside. You can use perks to increase your stats starting from level 2, so that means you can make all of your stats 10/10/10/10/10 by the time you're done the game. But aside from that, Perks don't really do anything that makes sense. One perk is to become a cyborg, and get super enhancements to science, energy weapons, and I think dmg resistance, I'm not sure. I know there's an admantium skeleton perk that gives you +10% dmg resistance and less likely of breaking limbs. Have you noticed something? Because there are no traits, such as small frame, faster but weaker, Perks give NO downside. At all. Stop thinking that. No downside to that perk laddie/lassie (lol). You just become a super rape machine, that lays waste to everything from the bitter start to the bitter end. And now, the finale. The piece de resistance.
16) The Last Boss and the Ending.

This guy, is the last boss. You go from the Master, to Frank Horrigan, and the climax is meeting this guy. Amazing. That's all I have to say about that. And now, for the ending! You die! No, I shit you not. You have 2 options, either you die, or some Paladin slut dies. But still, say you have the super mutant Fawkes in your party. He's immune to the deadly dosage of radiation the water purifier is about to emit due to starting up, but he says "No! I can not! It is your destiny, I would not take that from you!" So say you're a smart good person. You SHOULD say, "Fuck that, go ahead asshole." Or if you're evil, "Either you go in, or I will kill you." Seriously, not a hard choice. But NO, you HAVE to go in, or send in that paladin chick Now the ending is divided into 3 sections. The first section is not changeable, just saying you left the vault, you had adventures, hurray. The second part relies on whether you were good or evil. Than the 3rd part relies on whether you killed yourself, or had that Paladin Bitch kill herself, and if you added the virus or not. There. That's the ending. That's it. Can you think of a way around not dying due to radiation? I can think of 2, or 3. But the main question is, if your daddy decided to make a machine that emits HUGE amounts of radiation when it starts up, how the fuck did he expect to get out of there in time when he starts the machine up, or did he think it'd be hilarious to get the intern to click the button, and watch him die? This is not a shitty ending for just a Fallout game, it is a shitty ending, in general. Just in it's entirety, my God. A five year old can think of more endings than this. Well, more creative endings.
This is in fact, my short rant. This is not nearly complete, because there are so many things I can still nit pick at, but I just wanted to give you NMA'ers the general feeling of disgust that I felt when I finished this game, and had my childhood of playing Fallout 1 and 2 shot down like Ceausescu. Seriously, I'd give this game a 6/10. The only reason it doesn't downright fail is because it's an FPS, as long as you can point and shoot, that technically doesn't destroy the mechanics of the game, so it can't just utterly fail. It's not the worst game out there, but it is certainly the absolutely most disappointing game I have ever played in my life. Not even giving into the hype of Bethesda, it's just, I didn't think someone could fail at making a storyline, a game, so unbelievably hard, and sell hundreds of thousands of it.
Also, if they ever make mods for Fallout 3, I want the first one to fix 90% of the plot holes in this game, as well as make the characters somewhat interesting.
(Reasons listed are not rated which is worse)
Reasons why it sucked:
1) The large, expansive environment is actually only Washington DC, and the amount of walking you have to do early in the game, and in some sections, is just stupid. But as soon as you can auto travel, that takes away all forms of surprise, random people attacking you, you can just travel, be there in a blip of a second, and go "What a thoroughly exciting adventure I had with that hooker and those super mutants, BUT YOU DIDN'T GET TO SEE IT!" So it takes away any fun from fast travel, but you have to be retarded to just normally walk everywhere, or you want to find a reason to commit suicide due to boredom. And to put it quite bluntly, it's the smallest map of the Fallout series. Fallout 1 and 2 are state maps, Fallout 3 is a city map. And all things considered, I'd think the capital of a country that was heavily nuked, regardless that it was one of the main forces in the great war, would have a bigger population than the rest of the wastelands. Oh, and as a closing word, all the locations on the map are a cluster fuck, they're all just thrown together like someone puked on a map and said, "There." Just to give you a better idea, here's an image from Fallout Wiki of the Fallout 3 map. All the red squares equals places you can go to. And keep in mind, 70% of those places are just things you see, like a destroyed house, or a particularly interesting rock formation (Shale Bridge) that is repeatedly reused in the wastelands so you don't realize you're just seeing the same stuff over and over again.

2) Super mutants. They don't make sense. The explanation in this is that they look big, are retarded, and generally suck is because some vault was working EEP, a preliminary FEV virus on them, and it created centaurs and retarded mutants. I thought FEV was developed pre-war? Why would you make the last pieces of humanity go into the vaults and completely fuck them over not by even good experiments, but by killing your entire populace by transforming them into super mutants? Not only that, but apparently super mutants don't need to eat, sleep, do anything as proven by Fawkes, one of the npcs. Apparently he was sealed in his room for decades, centuries, whatever. But he managed to live perfectly fine. In an air tight room. Without food or water. Nevermind for more than a few weeks. And he's perfectly sane, although the stupid computers say that all mutants became retarded. So that back fired on them. And there are different classes of super mutants. Fallout 1 had 2 classes, Super Mutants, and Nightkin Supermutants. Either one raped your face. Really badly if you had anything weaker than power armor. Even with power armor, I got my ass flame throwed by them. In this, there are Super Mutants, Super Mutant Brutes, and Super Mutant Masters. Can someone say Orcs? I kid, but seriously. Every class is stupidly easy, and doesn't make sense why they differentiate them. I can get a shotgun, and kill them with 1-3 shots to the head. That's not a super mutant. You get a shotgun to one in Fallout 1 or 2, they'll look at you, eat you, and shit you out for even thinking about using a shotgun. However, there are accounts of super mutants being killed by lvl 5's via brass knuckles. So, what the hell. Super Mutants don't even look close to their original selves. And behemoths? They're not cool. Shopping cart armor, hurray. There's about 5 in the game. You meet one in the main quest. Otherwise, wow. That's it. The preview you saw with the behemoth is the only time it pops up. So in case any of you are shitting your pants, waiting for it to come by, you're only going to see it once. I'll get into the weapons soon enough, so don't worry folks about "How do you kill it if you don't have the Fatman?". And mutants in this game are incredibly, if not stupidly common. I fought more mutants than Raiders. It keeps a count of how many humans and "other" monsters you killed. I killed maybe 275sh humans, and over 500 monsters. At least half, if not more of those are mutant kills. Super Mutants, are stupid in Fallout 3. They're a bigger disappointment than originally believed. On to reason 3.
3) The towns. Megaton is the biggest town you'll find. Case and point, Arefu. You go to this mighty town, and there are a total of 5 citizens (Not including the 2 deceased). Wow. They make it seem like such a huge establishment, they're constantly attacked by fucking vampires (I'll talk about this later), and it's up to you to save this mighty establishment. Of 5 people. Shady Sands was a town. Hell, Arroyo was a settlement. 5 people is not a freaking town. Especially since they'll all die out in at least 100 years due to the fact that not enough descendants could possibly be created to make a family, nevermind a settlement. And all the towns are like this. They're about 5, 6 people, and they make it seem like it's the biggest shit that was taken in the wastelands. Megaton is the biggest city in Fallout 3, save for Rivet City. As Rivet City is on a tanker, and going through room, after room, it seems huge. But guess what? It's got less than 30 people, most of them guards. So it still isn't that big, and every other town you go to is just stupid. I mean, 5, 6 people, wee. One town only had 2 occupants, because of some amazing fire ant infestation. One town even has a super hero and a villain battling it out, one with fucking robots, the other with giant ants. I still don't get what the point of making giant ants is. Don't get me wrong, I know there are giant ants in Fallout 2, but in this game fire giant ants were made by some scientist. Seriously, what is the point for a mad scientist to make giant ants he can't control, than expect you to kill them? Giant ants exist, sure, but that's still stupid. Almost as stupid as some jack shit making fucking robots in a post apocalyptic wasteland from scrap parts like it's making sunny side up eggs with a side of bacon. But I digress, I will get into the monster list later. And just as an added bonus, Arefu is a Romanian town that is rumored to have the descendants of Dracula's noblemen, so that's why they threw in the vampires into the mix. Real original, am I right?
4) The A.I. Not just enemy A.I., but general A.I. When you hype that your A.I. is the biggest thing to since Jesus Christ himself, you expect some half decent A.I. from people. For example, As soon as I got a chance to use my fists, I beat the shit out my father in the begining. And his science partner, or rather his gay buddy, sat there, and watched me beat the ever living unholy fuck out of dear old Dad. Than Dad got up, and was smiling, "Get to your G.O.A.T test now sport!" "Uh, I hate you, I just beat the fuck out of you." "Go to the test now sport!" Amazing. Enemies will sometimes not notice you if you're behind them, softly groping their ass before deciding to kill them. Sometimes you're walking, and you start being shot randomly. So when you use VATS, you see from 500 feet or so, that they're shooting you perfectly fine. Amazing shots once in a while, but once you get close to them, they start firing blindly, as if their weakness is that they all need a prescription for glasses, because they have eagle eyesight as long as you can't see them. NPC's A.I. is generally stupid in all the Fallouts in all honesty. They refuse to wear armor in the first game, in the second game they go crazy with burst as usual, so on and so on. But as I said before, when you say you make the greatest A.I. since the Hal 9000, you expect these kind of shortcomings to not be very noticable, or at least just a, "Fuck, I thought I told you to use your gun." Not run at 4x the speed of your character, and disappear altogether. Some of the time I can't even tell where my npcs are, so I just keep walking by myself, hoping that no message will pop up saying, "They died because they fucking disappeared due to some amazing sentient A.I." I remember I decided to have fun with some townsmen one time, and I tossed a grenade between two people. Than I ran and hid. It exploded, amazingly did not instantly kill them at point blank range. But then, all of the sudden, they started to attack each other! Obviously one of them had to have a grenade, and decided to kill himself and his most hated foe. It wasn't someone that just tossed it between them, hoping it would take out the two annoying bastards. Very sentient A.I. there. I think there are plenty of Oblivion videos proving a similar quirk. Anyways, the A.I. simply makes things, well, simpler for you to lay waste to your enemies. As is the next reason:
5) It's too easy. And no bullshit, "SO MAKE IT A HARDER DIFFICULTY DUMB ASS I WRITE IN CAPS" excuse. You didn't have to increase Fallout's, or rather any game's difficulty to have a difficult game. Games like the first Contra, or Castlevania are amazingly hard, but they don't have an amazing difficulty changer switcher upper. Fallout didn't need one either. I was fully decked out in Power Armor in Fallout 1, I had the best equipment possible, I was hopped up on several drugs, I was a machine. A Nightkin with a flamethrower ran straight at me, and killed me, snap. That's because regardless of your amazing armor of fire resistance +25%, a flamethrower is going to fucking roast you alive. Fallout 2, I had some trouble against Frank Horrigan, I admit it. I got the recruits, I got my npcs, I thought maybe I don't need to turn the turrets on Frank. He rips me apart. "Alright, maybe I do get the turrets." He aims at me first, criticals my ass, and I die. Repeatedly. Time, and time again. I get pissed off, I cripple his gun arm, laughing, thinking he's got nothing on me now. He whips out a giant blade from his right wrist, and starts wailing on me with that. Fallout 3 does not have these tense moments, at least, not for somewhat capable people of society. As I mentioned before, a lvl 5 person killed a super mutant with his brass knuckles. The level scaling is not applicable to everyone, true, but it is applicable to most things. You won't meet a mole rat that'll rape you, but dogs are subjected to lvl scaling, up to the point that sometimes one good head shot with a hunting rifle won't kill them on the spot. Raiders likewise are subject to level scaling, and I find fighting a large group of Raiders are harder than fighting than super mutants, as they shoot with somewhat amazing accuracy from behind walls once in a while. Still, I have as much trouble with a raider as I do with an Enclave soldier. Scratch that, I have more trouble with a raider than I did with the last boss of Fallout 3, which I will discuss later. There is no difficulty in the game, not one point made me sweat bullets in the hopes that I will eventually get past this part. It was all relatively just point and shoot, you win. If you cannot beat this game, you need to be sent to kindergarten to learn the basics of life before trying other games. The game is easy enough so a toddler can beat it no problem. On to the next reason.
6) The slow-mo death animations. I admit, the first time I killed someone, I thought, "Eh, kinda cool." Than you have to see that slow-mo death animation hundreds of times. The reason the game took as long for me to beat it as it did was not because of the gameplay, it was because I had to sit through so many of those god forsaken death animations. Below is an amazing animation of you doing a bloody mess kill. With what gun? It doesn't matter, all that you need to know, is that it is not a plasma nor energy weapon kill. I want to know what kind of gun does this amazing display of gore, because it is simply astounding to how the gun rips off all the skin, and some flesh, but leaves no bullet holes. I mean, shit man. Not even the Cerebral Bore from Turok 2, which sucked people's brains out did this level of damage

Now I bet you're satisfied with that image, thinking, 'Indeed, definitely possible." And some of you will probably say, "But it's only a video game, it doesn't have to be realistic." True, but there's a fine line between realism, and "Give me a fucking break." Also, the gore seen in this game, is not that bad. I've seen worse from Soldier of Fortune, hell, the graphic deaths look from Soldier of Fortune. I also love to see how a pistol shot decapitates animals if you shoot it in the forehead, or just the fact that it decapitates anything at all. Seriously, astounding weaponry from a Beretta. But I am not speaking about weaponry...yet.
7) The Enclave. Jesus monkey fisting Christ in Heaven. This should be the #1 reason for me to dislike the game so much. Not because they're mysteriously back, and stronger than ever. Not because they have magical abundant suits of power armor. Not because they follow a robo-president. It's because they're complete, and utter idiots. First off, they want to get your amazing Water Purifier so they can contaminate the waters, with a special virus that kills ghouls, mutants, and generally everything that's mutated. So, allow me to ask you this: You live in a post apocalyptic wasteland, are you exposed to radiation? If so, than what are the side effects of radiation? If you said mutation, correct. Now who has been exposed to radiation in a post apocalyptic nuclear holocaust future setting that is Fallout? If you guessed everyone, that is correct. So if the Enclave distribute this amazing virus, which god knows how they develope when they have limited resources of a dead future, they'll kill themselves. And everyone. Everything will die, as everything has a form of mutation in it. So their grand plan is to commit a mass kool-aid suicide pact. Wow! And don't even get me started about what if you take the virus. The Comp-U-Comp president gives you the only vial of this super virus, in the entire wasteland, so if you decide to give it to the brotherhood, the Enclave are going to attempt to start up the Purifier anyways. Now, does someone see something inherently wrong about this? Anything at all? They don't have the virus. So now, they're evil, master plan, is to give the entire wasteland pure, clean water! Ah hahahaha! Take that mutant scum! The fact that anything can make pure water for everything in a wasteland is nonexistent and unbelievable, as we don't even have the friggin' tech, but what do I know? Their evil plan makes perfect sense. Also, convincing to kill the President is the easiest thing since breathing. If you have alright speech, or good science, you can just convince him with a snap of your fingers, no questions asked. The last boss deserves his own section, so I will not discuss him here.
8) The Brotherhood. They're amazing folks, especially since they were so sparse in Fallout 2, hell, even Fallout 1 they had like 60, 70 people in the Bunker in total. But no, these Brotherhood are amazing. They have a giant, Communist hating Mech, that goes on a killing spree at the end of the game, because post nuclear apoc futures have giant mechs in them all the time, especially in the more realistic setting of the Fallout universe. It shoots lasers from it's eyes for God's sake, and talks about killing the Chinese as it rips through the Enclave. Which I forgot to mention, the Robot is activated because he needs to destroy these giant force fields that the Enclave mysteriously have. Force fields the size of fields can't possibly exist in a dead future, in bunkers or military bases, more believable. But you walk outside and see this giant force field, you think, "Hell no." But I digress from that point. The fact that the Brotherhood remain so ambigious is stupid. The only solid fact about them is that they talk and act like medieval knights, except thrown into the future. The leader will at one point say that they want to save everyone, but then the next point he'll say they hate mutants, but then they love mutants, and it just becomes this confusing hypocritical mess. I still don't quite understand why the Outcast Brotherhood exists, or why they can have their own mysterious brand of power armor, since it seems to be so abundant that even Raiders have it (I've seen it, I kid you not). Another thing that pissed me off about the BoS is that you can bring Fawkes into their base, located at the Pentagon which has become a fortress. Fawkes is a super mutant, they hate outsiders, they kill mutants on sight. Fawkes = OK! In Fallout 2, you can't enter Vault City with Marcus or Lenny, because they're mutated, they have to stay outside, or else you can't go in. I mean, come on, the BoS hate mutants more than Vault City, so what the hell? Another thing that perturbed me is that you can choose to give the BoS Elder the vial of that super virus I was talking about earlier, and he goes, "Oh, really? Thanks." Maybe with a few more words, but that's it. He has a vial, that will kill every single mutant, on land, and he doesn't want to use it? Huh?
9) Speech, facial expressions. I decided to combine them both to save time. The speech doesn't make much sense, as righteous characters talk knightly. Case and point, Fawkes, "You lead, and I shall follow." And then he breaks out his lute and starts singing a tune. The voice acting honestly doesn't make much sense in this game, as everyone who is good, talks waaay too educated for their own damn good. Even the kids you meet talk amazingly, I can't speak as well as some of those kids, but hot damn are they fluent in their big words. But it's not just about how people talk, or how monotonous the speech seems, it's also the speech options you have. You have two options: The obvious good one, and the obvious bad one. You KNOW what the consequences are going to be, you don't have to guess it, like in Fallout 1 or 2. Fallout 1 is a prime example, you're at the hotel, you wake up, some lunatic has this girl hostage. You try and convince them, not sure whether you can talk them out of it or not, but you try. Some people succeed, some people fail despite how high their speech is. Fallout 3 does not give you this chance. They tell you outright what your % is to convince someone of something, or how to properly convince them using what skill. So say you're talking to some guy, you want some information. There's an option, literally saying [Speech 25%], meaning, you got a 1 in 4 chance to succeed in convincing him. Which means "YOU OUGHT TO DO THIS," which is reflective to my previous reason of why this game is so goddamned easy. Also, talking heads. A relatively simple idea, you zoom in to the person's face, and you see their facial expressions. You zoom in to everyone's face in this, but they might as well have one of these two faces:

10) Child Killing. Now, don't think of me as masochistic. I don't want to kill children, I like kids, not in a pedophiliac way either for you strange mother fuckers out there thinking, "Hur Hur." I mean that there's a part of this game, called Little Lamplight, that is ruled only by kids. You want to kill them. So, fucking badly. They're talking about they want to shoot you, you're stupid, you are a fucker, you ought to go get killed. And you are wearing freaking Power Armor, and using a Plasma Rifle. I don't fuck with people if they have a gun, nevermind a plasma rifle and a full suit of power armor. These kids also don't let you choose an evil path. You have to either: 1] Save the kids they want you to from a slaver camp or 2] Use speech to convince them to let you in. I luckily was a good guy, and accidentally saved the kids while on my way there. But still, the way they speak to you. The way they act, it just makes you want to become Jack the Ripper and slice them up. Little Lamplight is physical proof that Bethesda hates Fallout fans, because I will bet that as soon as they announced no child killing, they made that place. And thought, "This is going to be hilarious." The kids deserve to die, trust me for you non-players. Trust me.
11) The weaponry. The weaponry is extremely limited, and you feel like you're playing Call of Duty. Fallout 3 at it's core, is a FPS that has been slapped with the words "CREATIVE RPG" on it. To start off, what irked me most is that you can get the Fatman so early in the game. That behemoth I previously talked about, that you have to kill? You grab the Fatman from one of the BoS soldiers helping you fight it, and you get plenty of ammo to use the fucker. So there you go. The strongest weapon, in the game, by the time you're lvl 9 at least. You don't even have to be proficient with big guns to use it properly, just aim and see everything die. Forget the logistics behind it, forget the fact that the radiation from being near a nuclear missile should kill you, even if you somehow survive the fact that you're right in ground zero of the blast radius. The amount of weaponry is stupidly small. You have about 4, 5 melee weapons that are gimmicks. Wow, a deathclaw gauntlet, or the shishkebob. For future reference, you are retarded if you use anything else but the shishkebob as a melee weapon. The most powerful melee weapon is the super sledge, 30 damage. You get the shishkebob, that's 40 dmg + burning damage. If you make the improved version, that's 60 damage. And what the fuck is it? It's a fire sword! Yes, a fire sword folks! That's what every good post apocalyptic future needs! Who needs a pistol when you have a fire sword, that also grants the ability to summon genies! But don't worry folks, you also get an array of other swords to choose from. Also, some of the weapon names are staggering. You can get an Assault Rifle, or a Chinese Assault Rifle.

12) Glitches. I'll give you guys a break here: . Read this, and I assure you that many of them are very true. One of my favourite is that some people, npcs or enemies, fly 1000 feet into the air, walk around for a while, than drop down to their deaths mysteriously.
13) Enemies. Aside from super mutants? You've got Radscorpions, Fire Ants which piss the hell out of me, Vampires, Raiders, Dogs, Feral Ghouls, Deathclaws, Brain Bots, Mr Gutsy (Weapon version of Mr Handy), and some Sentry Bots to name most of them. What do they share in common? They all suffer from level scaling. Fallout 3's level scaling is not Oblivion's form, I admit. But still, they become stronger and get more hp as you level. They don't get fancy weapons, except those few raiders that I saw with miniguns, flame throwers, power armor, sniper rifles, power fists, and rippers, but they just increase in durability. You don't feel like you improve, because they all die as easily as before, just one more bullet and done, you're amazing. The vampires piss me off because it seems like every popular post apoc has decided that Vampires are a new hip trend. Look at Battle Angel Alita: Last Order. Vampires, zomg. Hell, even shitty webcomics like Last Blood has vampires in a post apoc. I hate future vampires. They're stupid. They suck the life out of any media medium they're in. Arefu, a Romanian town famous for being servants of Dracula, + actual vampires that don't say they're vampires, but contradict themselves constantly equals originality. Hip hip huzzahs. Still, enemies in general are just incredibly easy, stupid, and you should give yourself a challenge by looking away and aiming blindly, hoping that they will actually eventually hit you.
14) Durability. Your Power Armor eventually becomes weaker than Leather Armor, and your rocket launcher eventually becomes as strong as your pistol. Enough said.
15) Skills, Stats and Perks. Skills, to tag any skill is stupid. You are retarded if you tag explosives folks, because I saw only one case where I needed to use it, Megaton, and you need only 25% to arm the bomb. But guess what? That's 1/4th of your skill right there. That's right, none of your skills go above 100%. What you need to eventually get past through most of the game is Repair, Lockpick and Science, at least to make things easier than it already is. But you just gain so much to add to skills, you max out atleast 4-5 things, and become an expert in several other skills. So tagging a skill is just bringing you closer to the inevitable, the fact that you will become the elite master of all your skills because you rock so hard. So that just further exemplifies the easiness of this game. Than perks. Stats are also stupid. Just to let everyone out there know, you are mentally retarded if you take charisma, because people love you anyways. There is no downside if you're not charismatic. Or dumb as a rock. You can't act retarded, you speak the exact same way. Agility is only useful if you're a V.A.T.S user, which is redundant because you get better aim if you point and shoot. Perception doesn't help too much, because the person who is playing this game is not blind, so they have no worries of aiming. Luck equals having more shitty slow-mo scenes, so get rid of that, you won't see the scenes so often (Oh if only I knew this!) The only useful stats are Strength and Endurance, because you need HP, and strength allows you carry amazing amounts of shit. So you are stupid if you don't max out Strength and Endurance, because everything else doesn't frankly matter, as you can just fix it with your amazing skills, since the max is only 100. Oh boy, now we get into perks. Because you don't get traits, perks have fancy names, such as "Lady Killer," which means you get to seduce the wimmens and do another 20% damage to women. I'll just let you know now, make your main character a woman. She gets "Black Widow," meaning that's an extra 20% dmg to men, which is 70% o the enemies in the game, which include: Raiders, Enclave, Super Mutants, the Last Boss. Perks have no downside. You can use perks to increase your stats starting from level 2, so that means you can make all of your stats 10/10/10/10/10 by the time you're done the game. But aside from that, Perks don't really do anything that makes sense. One perk is to become a cyborg, and get super enhancements to science, energy weapons, and I think dmg resistance, I'm not sure. I know there's an admantium skeleton perk that gives you +10% dmg resistance and less likely of breaking limbs. Have you noticed something? Because there are no traits, such as small frame, faster but weaker, Perks give NO downside. At all. Stop thinking that. No downside to that perk laddie/lassie (lol). You just become a super rape machine, that lays waste to everything from the bitter start to the bitter end. And now, the finale. The piece de resistance.
16) The Last Boss and the Ending.

This guy, is the last boss. You go from the Master, to Frank Horrigan, and the climax is meeting this guy. Amazing. That's all I have to say about that. And now, for the ending! You die! No, I shit you not. You have 2 options, either you die, or some Paladin slut dies. But still, say you have the super mutant Fawkes in your party. He's immune to the deadly dosage of radiation the water purifier is about to emit due to starting up, but he says "No! I can not! It is your destiny, I would not take that from you!" So say you're a smart good person. You SHOULD say, "Fuck that, go ahead asshole." Or if you're evil, "Either you go in, or I will kill you." Seriously, not a hard choice. But NO, you HAVE to go in, or send in that paladin chick Now the ending is divided into 3 sections. The first section is not changeable, just saying you left the vault, you had adventures, hurray. The second part relies on whether you were good or evil. Than the 3rd part relies on whether you killed yourself, or had that Paladin Bitch kill herself, and if you added the virus or not. There. That's the ending. That's it. Can you think of a way around not dying due to radiation? I can think of 2, or 3. But the main question is, if your daddy decided to make a machine that emits HUGE amounts of radiation when it starts up, how the fuck did he expect to get out of there in time when he starts the machine up, or did he think it'd be hilarious to get the intern to click the button, and watch him die? This is not a shitty ending for just a Fallout game, it is a shitty ending, in general. Just in it's entirety, my God. A five year old can think of more endings than this. Well, more creative endings.
This is in fact, my short rant. This is not nearly complete, because there are so many things I can still nit pick at, but I just wanted to give you NMA'ers the general feeling of disgust that I felt when I finished this game, and had my childhood of playing Fallout 1 and 2 shot down like Ceausescu. Seriously, I'd give this game a 6/10. The only reason it doesn't downright fail is because it's an FPS, as long as you can point and shoot, that technically doesn't destroy the mechanics of the game, so it can't just utterly fail. It's not the worst game out there, but it is certainly the absolutely most disappointing game I have ever played in my life. Not even giving into the hype of Bethesda, it's just, I didn't think someone could fail at making a storyline, a game, so unbelievably hard, and sell hundreds of thousands of it.
Also, if they ever make mods for Fallout 3, I want the first one to fix 90% of the plot holes in this game, as well as make the characters somewhat interesting.