Humma Kavulaaaaaaa
WorstUsernameEver said:Surf Solar said:Even though they said they'll rebalance the companions with the latest patch, imo they are even stronger now. I'm playing on hardcore/very hard in my second playthrough and I can't even get close to my enemies before Raul blasts the fiends heads off with ease (and just a crappy Revolver). So yeah, as much as I like the companions, I think this time I'll scrap them.
Some companions were made stronger, Sawyer said so himself. I think, pretty much the only one made weaker was Boone. Plus he's apparently bugged too now.
Regarding companions, I didn't experienced this, some became weaker for me. Perhaps this happened because my actual build is less reliant on them, heavy energy weapons courrier (plasma caster, gatling laser, gauss rifle, tri-beam laser, etc).
Boone's was a killing machine and now is more of a burden, the same goes for Cass.
Seriously, Obsidian mess up something because they don't use guns like before, no matter what kind you give to them.
I gave the All-American for Cass and Gobbi for Boone, before the patch they use this weapons proficiently.
Now they don't hit a simple Mole Rat and sometimes don't even use the gun , switching to their defaults.

ED-E and Rex became two beats on the other hand and Arcade was indeed balanced, he don't own the battelfield anymore.
As Raul, even before the patch he crush anything on his path with that simple 44 Magnum, so I didn't notice the difference.

And finally Veronica level right, but she remains the same.
I've liked a lot more if they tuned companions AI, because when wandering the Mojave and seeing a Deathclaw or a group of Cazadors up ahead the first thing you do is charge the motherf****s, right?
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