I just have to ask - fighting alongside other NPCs in Oblivion


Keeper of the trout
Is it just me, or is this simply an impossibility?

The Bruma oblivion gate fight, bounties of 1000, instantly, because I inevitably chop at my fellow troops, who are bouncing like rubberbands all around me, at hypersonic speeds
The Kvatch fight, chop chop chop, bounty bounty bounty
The Cheydinhal gate, those knights - impossible, their best chance of survival is if I stay the fuck out of their way, and offer absolutely no aid whatsoever.
The battle in front of the 3 gates, I keep maximum distance from everyone, while trying to cut down daedra - if I get even CLOSE to a guard or any such - BAM 1000 bounties, cus they get cut down by my swings, even if I aim far from them.

Was this intended?

Did they sit down and actually say to each others "Oh, and we should include several battle-situations where the player can fight alongside other NPCs and get several murder-bounties" "Oh, yes, that way they can take good advantage of the thieves guild, and integrate it into the main quest" "Ah, that's clever, good, make the other NPCs really unpredictable, give them the ability to move 2-3 metres in less than a tenth of a second"

Are anybody here able to actually fight alongside NPCs and not kill them?
At best I can sometimes keep a distance - monitor the fight super-closely, and the MICROSECOND theres a HINT of distance between enemy and friendly NPC, I dash forward, and slash the enemy ONCE, then HURRY back again, as the NPCs LAUNCH themselves in front of my blade

This has aggravated me ever since I first played it, and I always just assumed I was doing it wrong somehow, but now, after countless playthroughs, whatever approach I take - it doesn't matter... IF I try to "fight alongside", I'll get murder-bounties. The only way to not get bounties, is to not get involved (which typically ends with those NPCs dying)
And yes, murder-bounty, nothing less - because their health gets lower, and you're bound to deliver a killing blow sooner or later.

Just now, in order to not have to worry about it, I console-killed all the non-essential co-fighters, just to get it "over with", so I could kill enemies at my own leisure.

Also, if I was a modder, I would make a mod where I multiplied the number of crabs by a hundred, made them much more aware, and with a unique battle music, maybe a combination of inspirations, something between Requiem for a Dream and Hans Zimmer's most powerful sounds, with escalating haunting choirs, as the battle becomes more and more hyper-epic. I would also reduce the crabs HP to 1, and their attacks to 0. The soundtrack would also end in a dramatic note, a sort of "victorious conclusion" after every battle.
Remember in Morrowind, how you dip a toe in water, and battle-music commences? It would be like that, except you stick your nose outdoors, and a crab will be on to you.
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Like I've mentioned elsewhere, I'm a big re-player, I just find it calming, like re-visiting a place you like. I just recently re-installed Morrowind again, and it was amazing fun (it was that re-play that made me wanna swing by Oblivion again)

I have also recently re-played Grim Fandango (unrelated to the Playstation release), and I have been considering getting Civ III, because of its high level of customization
Why not? I played through menzoberranzan and the Eye of the Beholder series in 2015.

There is an improved hiking simulator released in 2011. Surely nobody plays "nba live 2006" in 2015, those privelages are left for games that have somekind of narrative, or other similar features that cannot be updated.

As i'm not a communist, of course, i was asking out of curiosity, rather than judgement.
I have also recently re-played Grim Fandango

Did you play the one with the updated textures and the like? I'm thinking about trying it again, as i loved it, but was too stupid at the time, to get past that driving part in a forest or some such place (tis was long ago).
I have also recently re-played Grim Fandango

Did you play the one with the updated textures and the like? I'm thinking about trying it again, as i loved it, but was too stupid at the time, to get past that driving part in a forest or some such place (tis was long ago).

No, as I said, it was unrelated to the recent re-release. It was purely out of nostalgia, and it needed a special patch to function on a newer computer (it only affects one puzzle, but prevents completion of the game), and hah, GF was .. the? first game I bought, huuuge box :D At the time I didn't have internet at home, so I found a walk-through at my dads (divorced, he had the internet!). The concept of a "walk through" was very novel to me, and I fostered ambitions of writing my own GF walk-through, but quickly figured that the internet didn't need two :D

I found the puzzles to be very hard as well, some are a bit random/nonsensical. A class-mate borrowed it from me, and claimed to have "easily" solved all the puzzles. I resented him for that, but now I'm sure he was just full of shit
There is an improved hiking simulator released in 2011. Surely nobody plays "nba live 2006" in 2015, those privelages are left for games that have somekind of narrative, or other similar features that cannot be updated.
That's a fair point.

Myself, I came late to Bethesda's collection of games, but as I experience each, I find that I tend to always prefer their previous effort over the one that followed it; no nostalgia involved.

*It's going to be truly surreal if I appreciate FO3 over FO4; but that's a real possibility ~despite the improved Power Armor.
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