I LOVE Matrix

okay so i'm backfrom seing the Matrix


overall 3.75 / 5
action 6.9 / 5

Lots to think about till november
Lots to think about? I'm in with Rosh on this one; it blew. Plot was only a device to get from action sequence to action sequence and even then they ran too long.

I'm wondering if they aren't trying for the Volleyball Trilogy approach - the hit (Matrix), set (Reloaded), and spike (Revolutions). The only thing left to see is if the spike goes out of bounds or not.

Judging from the preview tacked on after the credits ended, it's on the line right now.
Rosh hasn't seen reloaded yet.
And he did say that it's good if you take it as sci-fi and don't try to think tech or science.

It's a movie afterall
Your missing the point guys.... you can bash Matrix Reloaded all you want but when you go to the movie theater its either that or the Lizzie Maguire Movie.
Bashing Reloaded is fun. Hollywood should be able to learn at some point that follow-ups aren't allways a good idea.

I'm glad they scratched Fight Club 2, though.
I think follow ups in the eyes of Hollywood execs are very good ideas. You take a really good movie, make a sequel thats half as good and you still make out at the Box office. Given, it doesnt happen everytime but rarely do sequels completely bomb. In fact some times they can come out with a 3rd movie even after the 2nd sucked ass and they still make money. Look at Jurrassic park 3. it made money even after The lost world was a complete piece of trash.

I saw the movie expecting it to be a let down from what I read from reviews. I came out actually liking it, programs against programs and cool fight scenes. Also a solid camera through the action. I got my monies worth.

The film is a worthwhile see, with cool and yet slightly unrealistic fighting, and anyone who slags the matrix (in my opinion) can go and screw themself, coz I love the films and i think the plot and the original plot is a very clever and new one. Also, the game 'Enter the Matrix' pretty cool, with great fighting and a decent plot
This is cute.

It reminds me of when the original Matrix was released. It was an ok flick, in my eyes, but nothing new or original (plot of the movie was done a year before, wirefighting is ancient in Chinese cinema). The backstory seemed allright, even if the main love thing was really stupid.

Then I began realising more and more plot inconsistancies.

Now I've come to the general conclusion that the entire story makes no sense, is shaky at bests and has holes that make the grand canyon look like a dent.

As for the second; I've been saying since it's been announced that it is going to be stupid. Now everyone's suddenly agreeing with me. Bloody people should've listened to me to start with.

I'm glad saying "the Matrix sucks" is now allowed, though. You were flamed to hell if you said it after the first, even though it wasn't a brilliant flick.

Ah well...