I don't know what you expect. Sounds like obvious trolling to me. I mean, you come to a forum that, deserved or not, has a fame for hating Fallout 3 fans. So, you just pretty much register to go on with the tale that we're all going to roast you because you thought Fallout 3 is OK.
The reality is that this is just like any other forum, in that it has a variety of people. Some are very vocal, either because they strongly believe what they say or because they want validation. And this happens for both "sides". The ones who love Beth here as just as vocal, only less numerous, since because of the fame, most Beth lovers who register are actually just trolls, and trolls usually get banned.
Personally,I liked Fallout 3 to some extent. It is far from my favorite game's list, but I do think it was pretty much OK. I just don't like it as a Fallout, because it has pretty much none of the things that Fallout made a focus in.
Also, keep in mind most people on this forum did play Fallout 3, too, so that's also not new. That most people here hate Fallout 3 is not entirely false. But that it is hated because of ignoring it and not having played it, is an outright lie. Of the users I remember, I can not name one that haven't played the whole game.