I played Fallout 3, I thought it was okay.

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I love Fallout 3. People that like Fallout 3 are welcome here. Just don't go saying 'BETHESDA IS THE BEST TODD HOWARD IS GOD AND FALLOUT 3 IS BEST GAME EVER"
I don't know what you expect. Sounds like obvious trolling to me. I mean, you come to a forum that, deserved or not, has a fame for hating Fallout 3 fans. So, you just pretty much register to go on with the tale that we're all going to roast you because you thought Fallout 3 is OK.
The reality is that this is just like any other forum, in that it has a variety of people. Some are very vocal, either because they strongly believe what they say or because they want validation. And this happens for both "sides". The ones who love Beth here as just as vocal, only less numerous, since because of the fame, most Beth lovers who register are actually just trolls, and trolls usually get banned.
Personally,I liked Fallout 3 to some extent. It is far from my favorite game's list, but I do think it was pretty much OK. I just don't like it as a Fallout, because it has pretty much none of the things that Fallout made a focus in.
Also, keep in mind most people on this forum did play Fallout 3, too, so that's also not new. That most people here hate Fallout 3 is not entirely false. But that it is hated because of ignoring it and not having played it, is an outright lie. Of the users I remember, I can not name one that haven't played the whole game.
"Okay" is about the right word for Fallout 3. It's a perfectly cromulent video game, it's got stuff to do, it makes you feel powerful, some of it can be weird or funny or interesting, and there are moments of great atmosphere.

It's just when you dig below the surface and you start thinking about, well, why is anybody doing any of this, how is the setting supposed to work, and how does this compare to its predecessors that the whole thing crumbles quickly.
Liking Fallout 3 depends on what sort of game you expect it to be. Is it a great "Fallout" game, in the vein of the original games? No. It's light on quests and writing compared to the old games. Is it a great, post apocalyptic, sandbox game? In that regard it can be, especially depending on the mods you have. It was fun the first time or two I played it. Once I started New Vegas though, FO3 started losing it's replay value. A lot depends on your point of view coming into the game.
@naossano - Mmmmmm. Roast mutant chicken.
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i agree completely. it was a good game. it wasnt fallout. but it was good for what it was. i had a little bit of fun playing it (mostly when i found the bug to get power armor at level 1 and just ran around invincible) if it had been released as something called "the wanderer" or "escape from vault 101" or whatever name idk then it wouldnt have been a big problem. there are plenty of other games like it, but none like FO and FO2
I found Fallout 3 extremely fun. To hate.

No, seriously, the awful writing is screwed up in this unique way, where you can pick it apart for years and still find new things about the setting, the story and the characters that don't work. And you know what? It's actually fun - like a complex puzzle, you need to actually use your brain and look for the details. It's like its own game within a game.
Fallout 3 is okay. It's more than fine for a time waster, but I don't try and start digging any deeper than that, as the story, writing and most of the world building is well below par.