BigBoss said:
I've been looking everywhere but people only have one or two things, not "everything" that the devs left out.
Well you're right to put "everything" in quotes like that, because as I'm sure you know, some stuff was pulled for a good reason. (Intelligent Racoons, lolz)
But yeah, I mean the Fallout 1 Restoration Project (by Wasteland Ghost) restored like 30 NPCs to the game.
So eventually, FIXT will give users the option to restore all those NPCs, as well as all the quests that were removed, etc. I've already restored quite a few things but anything I find in terms of cut content, whether it's NPCs or quests or locations or items, if I think it's cool I do plan on having it in there eventually.
BigBoss said:
And it is increasingly hard to find people with modding skills and an appreciation for Fallout 1.
Yes this is true. Wasteland Ghost is out of the game, as is all of TeamX. Some other people used to work on Fallout 1 and most of them don't work on it any more either. It's pretty much just me and my mod at this point, and all the great people here who've helped with the mod of course. Other than that, the only one I can think of off the top of my head is Mash (hi-res mods).
BigBoss said:
Also, another thing I wouldn't mind is a radio feature with late 40's or 50's music (like New Vegas kinda, but with music that is more related to the first Fallout, if you get what I'm trying to say. Like Louie Armstrong and Ink Spots).
The only way I can think of to do this is replace the map music with that music. And I don't think that's a good idea.
BigBoss said:
Yeah I understand how hard something like that must be. I wouldn't mind learning how to mod.
Does that mean you want to help with mine?
BigBoss said:
How did you get into it? Did you just start screwing with Fallout one day?
I was playing it with TeamX patches 1.2.1+1.3.5 with NPC Mod 3.5, and was noticing a few bugs. I compiled a list of them and sent them to Wasteland Ghost, and also thought of some ideas of stuff that could be improved and jotted those down as well. So really, FIXT started as me noticing bugs that still existed in what was at that time the most-fixed version of the game.
I've actually modded pretty much every game I've played extensively. Fallout 1, Far Cry 1, Doom 1/2/3, Diablo 1/2, Red Alert 1, Civilization 2, Warcraft 2, Starcraft 1. I have an attention for detail and a knack for seeing what can be improved, along with just playing a game lots, that I'll undoubtedly see bugs or areas for improvement if any still exist. So FIXT, as with all my other modding, just started as me saying "You know, I'd really like X to be fixed and Y to be an available feature. I'll go add them to my game." However unlike my others, FIXT actually became a full project released to the public.
Like the line from Prometheus: Big things have small beginnings.
BigBoss said:
How did you learn everything you know? Practice?
Pretty much. I don't remember exactly when/how I began decompiling Fallout scripts and actually changing them. But I have background in programming and tinkering, so it's likely I just looked up how to extract them, and started looking at them, getting a feel for the programming language used. From there, trial and error

The more stuff you implement/change/fix in the scripts, the easier it gets.
Resources are a huge help, too. I didn't do this alone; I've read information from many Fallout sites, and used many many tools made by the modding community. I would be lost without TeamX's tools and work, and all the other tools of the community. FIXT would still exist but would pale in comparison to what I can do using what others have created and documented.
So I guess it's something like:
1) Read
2) Tinker
3) Utilize Resources
BigBoss said:
I remember I took the Warcraft III editor and ended up building a badass game (after years of experience with that thing) as thats what people would often do. It had all custom skins, dialogue, weapons, etc.
Nice! Yeah, Blizzard has some great construction kits for their games. I remember playing a "Diablo 1" heroes-only map in Warcraft III, it was really fun.