"I would take Mysterious Stranger Perk if..."

Languorous_Maiar said:
Propably will be fine for my stupid-jet addict-whore-sniper character.
Ooohhh stats please.


I was playing last night with Mysterious Stranger set to use called shot every time he fired... it was most excellent. His weapon skills are a little above 100%, so he was giving a lot of crippled legs and headshots :twisted:
Sduibek said:
Yes. It will take a long time to have "everything", but I agree and I think it would be cool to have the option to restore all sorts of stuff to the game.

Not sure if the music thing is doable but that's an interesting idea.

Yeah I understand how hard something like that must be. I wouldn't mind learning how to mod.

How did you get into it? Did you just start screwing with Fallout one day? How did you learn everything you know? Practice?

I remember I took the Warcraft III editor and ended up building a badass game (after years of experience with that thing) as thats what people would often do. It had all custom skins, dialogue, weapons, etc.
BigBoss said:
I've been looking everywhere but people only have one or two things, not "everything" that the devs left out.
Well you're right to put "everything" in quotes like that, because as I'm sure you know, some stuff was pulled for a good reason. (Intelligent Racoons, lolz)

But yeah, I mean the Fallout 1 Restoration Project (by Wasteland Ghost) restored like 30 NPCs to the game.

So eventually, FIXT will give users the option to restore all those NPCs, as well as all the quests that were removed, etc. I've already restored quite a few things but anything I find in terms of cut content, whether it's NPCs or quests or locations or items, if I think it's cool I do plan on having it in there eventually.

BigBoss said:
And it is increasingly hard to find people with modding skills and an appreciation for Fallout 1.
Yes this is true. Wasteland Ghost is out of the game, as is all of TeamX. Some other people used to work on Fallout 1 and most of them don't work on it any more either. It's pretty much just me and my mod at this point, and all the great people here who've helped with the mod of course. Other than that, the only one I can think of off the top of my head is Mash (hi-res mods).

BigBoss said:
Also, another thing I wouldn't mind is a radio feature with late 40's or 50's music (like New Vegas kinda, but with music that is more related to the first Fallout, if you get what I'm trying to say. Like Louie Armstrong and Ink Spots).
The only way I can think of to do this is replace the map music with that music. And I don't think that's a good idea.

BigBoss said:
Yeah I understand how hard something like that must be. I wouldn't mind learning how to mod.
Does that mean you want to help with mine? ;)

BigBoss said:
How did you get into it? Did you just start screwing with Fallout one day?
I was playing it with TeamX patches 1.2.1+1.3.5 with NPC Mod 3.5, and was noticing a few bugs. I compiled a list of them and sent them to Wasteland Ghost, and also thought of some ideas of stuff that could be improved and jotted those down as well. So really, FIXT started as me noticing bugs that still existed in what was at that time the most-fixed version of the game.

I've actually modded pretty much every game I've played extensively. Fallout 1, Far Cry 1, Doom 1/2/3, Diablo 1/2, Red Alert 1, Civilization 2, Warcraft 2, Starcraft 1. I have an attention for detail and a knack for seeing what can be improved, along with just playing a game lots, that I'll undoubtedly see bugs or areas for improvement if any still exist. So FIXT, as with all my other modding, just started as me saying "You know, I'd really like X to be fixed and Y to be an available feature. I'll go add them to my game." However unlike my others, FIXT actually became a full project released to the public.

Like the line from Prometheus: Big things have small beginnings. :)

BigBoss said:
How did you learn everything you know? Practice?
Pretty much. I don't remember exactly when/how I began decompiling Fallout scripts and actually changing them. But I have background in programming and tinkering, so it's likely I just looked up how to extract them, and started looking at them, getting a feel for the programming language used. From there, trial and error :) The more stuff you implement/change/fix in the scripts, the easier it gets.

Resources are a huge help, too. I didn't do this alone; I've read information from many Fallout sites, and used many many tools made by the modding community. I would be lost without TeamX's tools and work, and all the other tools of the community. FIXT would still exist but would pale in comparison to what I can do using what others have created and documented.

So I guess it's something like:
1) Read
2) Tinker
3) Utilize Resources

BigBoss said:
I remember I took the Warcraft III editor and ended up building a badass game (after years of experience with that thing) as thats what people would often do. It had all custom skins, dialogue, weapons, etc.
Nice! Yeah, Blizzard has some great construction kits for their games. I remember playing a "Diablo 1" heroes-only map in Warcraft III, it was really fun.
Wasteland Ghost and Team X? Never head of them, do you have any links to their stuff?

Also, what have you accomplished with FIXT so far? Does it restore everything that Wasteland Ghost and Team X accomplished and more?
TeamX: http://www.teamx.ru/
It's only an archive for documents (mostly in Russian), tools, mods, and FO1 patches now. There's a link you can download the whole archive as a zip file.
NovaRain said:
(mostly in Russian)
Yeah but Google Translate does a good job to resolve that. 8-)

BigBoss said:
Wasteland Ghost and Team X? Never head of them
Whhaaaaa? That's surprising, they are the majority of all Fallout 1 modding history. Not the ONLY, but the majority. Their patches are the de-facto standard for Fallout 1 patches. Meh, they haven't been active for a few years so maybe that's why you haven't heard of them.

BigBoss said:
Also, what have you accomplished with FIXT so far? Does it restore everything that Wasteland Ghost and Team X accomplished and more?
If you click on the logo in my sig, then scroll down, there's a "spoiler" tag, if you click that you'll get a full Changelog for Fallout FIXT. It's not particularly well-organized, but that shows everything.

I've only restored a couple of the NPCs, a couple random encounters and the Invasions. Beyond that, I've added things like turning in Bob to the cops, extra NPC options, allowed Flares to supply light when held in hand, things like that.

"and more", yes, because I've done a bunch of stuff that TeamX didn't (like bugs they didn't fix, added functionality, etc)
BigBoss said:
Is there any way I can use FIXT but disable the invasions?
Yes. They are optional when you run the installer. They can be customized or disabled.

Personally I hate the invasions so I play with them disabled. Even the one at Necropolis that the game shipped with. It's a cool idea, and fun to see all the mutants and dead bodies, but it kind of ruins the openness of the game. I don't like being forced to play quickly.


Regarding the thread topic, everything we've discussed will be available/optional in the next FIXT release, with the exception of improved weapons & armor. I still have to code that one.

The ones I've noted to myself as "Sduibek default" doesn't mean it's required or anything, just means that's what I've been playing using, and if the user chooses to use this stuff, that's the selection it will start out at. They can change it to the other selections.

Sduibek's notes said:

1a) If dies, gone forever. (VANILLA)
1b) Only gone forever if killed by *player* (Sduibek default)

2a) Shows up in 25% of encounters.
2b) Shows up in 50% of encounters. (VANILLA)
2c) Shows up in 75% of encounters.
2d) Shows up in 100% of encounters. (Sduibek default)

CALLED SHOTS (damage dealt, indirectly, because his vanilla combat stats are all 100%+, so he tends to get good criticals)
3a) Called shot 1/40 of the time. (VANILLA)
3b) Called shot 1/20 of the time.
3c) Called shot 1/10 of the time.
3d) Called shot 1/4 of the time.
3e) Called shot 1/3 of the time.
3f) Called shot 1/2 of the time.
3g) Called shot every time! (Sduibek default)

4a) Armor is natural stats. (VANILLA)
4b) Armor based on player level.
4c) Armor based on encounter danger level.
4d) Armor matches player's armor.
4e) Combination of above??
I'm downloading FIXT now. I'm going to play FO1 with it. Invasions disabled of course.

I agree with the view that they ruin the game. Plus I would hate to play through the game avoiding a town for so long, then finally when I get there everythings dead and all that waits for me is a battle with some mutants. I believe this is why the developers left this out.

Or invasions wouldn't be a bad thing towards the very end of the game. Like after you blow up Mariposa and the only thing left is the Master and the Cathedral.
But there is no way to stop the Brotherhood invasion, right? You didn't restore the cut spy.

Also, there is a bug in FIXT, sorry for reporting here but..

[spoiler:68d968089e]Michael asks you to deliver Pulse Grenades to Sophia, but you can't. And you can keep talking to him for an infinite set of Pulse Grenades.[/spoiler:68d968089e]
Not really sure how the spy was supposed to work. Tim Cain doesn't even recall that quest, I asked him :)

There's no way to stop any invasion, except for destroying the source and leader of the mutants.

And next version will also have option to remove Water run-out timer. Tim said he'd remove the timer if he did the game over, because he doesn't like to rush players. Many will argue it ruins the whole premise of the game or whatever, but I think it will be interesting to play with that option enabled.
Hah, could you imagine, a remake of Fallout 1 with todays technology, with Tim Cain directing its design and story?

I always did wonder what Van Buren would look like if the developers had more time with it.
Yeah, a remake of Fallout would be awesome.

As for the water timer - Isn't that hardcoded? I sure would play with it off, I don't like being rushed either.
Mohamed2001 said:
Yeah, a remake of Fallout would be awesome.

As for the water timer - Isn't that hardcoded? I sure would play with it off, I don't like being rushed either.
Nope not hard coded at all, just a global variable defined in a text file :)
Aren't we going offtopic at the moment? I myself rarely pick the Mysterious Stranger perk, since I tend to have a good enough party for when the REAL fighting starts. It is good to have if going for solo stuff, but I just don't like being alone in the Wastelands.
I know what you mean. I hate being alone in the Wasteland. Its just a feeling you get, hard to explain.

When I run FIXT, I just start up Fallout 1 and then start up FIXT with FO still running right?

How do I know if its working?
Hover the mouse to an exit grid, it should pop up a message saying that you didn't hear about exit grids in your vault.
Yeah then its not working. I sent you a PM Sduibek, you can answer it here or send me another PM, it doesn't matter.
You shouldn't have to run Fallout in addition.

The typical installation is:
_ install Fallout
_ make sure master.dat and critter.dat are in the Fallout folder
_ install FIXT into the Fallout folder
_ run the .bat file to play, or if that has issues you can just run falloutw.exe

From what you said it sounds like you made a copy of Fallout but not including the main data files, or you did a "small" install so the data files were never in your Fallout folder to begin with. In that case you gotta make fallout.cfg point to wherever they are.
EDIT: I think I may have it. Give me a few minutes to get back to you.

EDIT 2: I got it, finally!

The problem wasn't that anything was missing from the files, it was where the files were located on my computer.

OK, I made a backup of the FO installation folder, but I wasn't installing FIXT into the original installation folder, I was installing it into my backup folder. For some reason I don't know why, it wasn't having it, and wasn't letting me play FIXT.

So I uninstalled the fallout: Classic Collection and reinstalled just straight on my C: drive (not on any folder, it was given its own), and then installed FIXT to the installation folder and... boom. It worked.

I have no idea why it wouldn't let me install it into my backup folder though. It had all the same files. Its just picky about being installed into the "original" folder though I guess.

Thanks anyways though. I couldn't understand why it wasn't installing, and I knew all the proper files were there.

One thing I couldn't understand though is that, even when I installed FIXT to my original installation folder, it wouldn't work.

So for some reason, I think if you install Fallout straight to your desktop, it screws things up, including FIXT. I installed it straight to my desktop before because of the damn Programs 86 folder was screwing it up.

So now I know, never install Fallout to Programs 86 OR to your Desktop.

This was all a big pain-in-the-ass for something so simple. Thats computers though. I have been working with computers my whole life and I always come across something that stumps me sooner or later.