"I would take Mysterious Stranger Perk if..."

A couple questions which may have been why this happened:

1) What is your exact OS? i.e. Windows 7 Service Pack 1
2) Is User Account Control enabled? You can check this from Control Panel.
3) Are you doing all this from an account that has Administrative privileges?
My OS is Windows 7, not sure what service pack I will have to check and get back to you on that.

And yes, I am an administrator. This is my computer, I bought it around my 19th or 18th birthday. The only other person who was on it was my father and he passed away in May.
V.T.D.001-0v5, I must know the story behind your username
Sduibek said:
3g) Called shot every time! (Sduibek default)

Technically it's called shots 6/7 of the time. Every time the AI does a called shot it goes through all the aimed options, but since it reads an aimed shot to the torso as an unaimed shot (funny thing: the AI only uses unaimed shots to calculate whether it runs away), that one still gets treated as an unaimed shot in terms of AP. So correct your readme already ;).
JimTheDinosaur said:
Sduibek said:
3g) Called shot every time! (Sduibek default)

Technically it's called shots 6/7 of the time. Every time the AI does a called shot it goes through all the aimed options, but since it reads an aimed shot to the torso as an unaimed shot (funny thing: the AI only uses unaimed shots to calculate whether it runs away), that one still gets treated as an unaimed shot in terms of AP. So correct your readme already ;).
Well what you said isn't fully sinking in yet so answer me this and maybe I'll get it:

AI.TXT said:
; These are frequency defines: for a value of N, they define an action to
; occur 1/N of the time
; secondary_freq
; called_freq
So according to that, if you make called_freq=1, you should get a called shot every time, but I've noticed it's more like half the time. Or something. Happens lots, but not 100% of the time.

EDIT: Ohhhhh okay. Given what you said, if called_freq=1, the %chance would be 6/7, yes? Which is %85.71428571428571 (86% rounded up or 85% if truncated / rounded down)
Yeah, though it's actually 7/8 now that I think about it. Of course, this also applies to the other values, so called_freq=2 is actually 7/16 etc,.

I just mention it because it's one of those things that insanely annoyed me as I was trying to make uncalled shots and aimed torso shots work differently mechanically. Not sure why it works this way.