IC- Zombie Apocalypse Chapter 2- The Quick and the Undead

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OOC: Sorry for the long delay between updates, but I should be able to update every day or two for the next week provided the players can keep pace. If you can't post and want me to go ahead anyway, please let me know and tell me how you'd like me to run your characters (SuAside has already done this).

Hockey's shots are going to be a little complicated to fix. I've got 7 1d100 rolls here, and five of them hit. It looks like he was firing "bursts" of a single round each from the SAW. In that case I'll allow them all to be aimed at the head rather than hitting random locations, but any bursts firing multiple bullets or hitting multiple targets would need to roll 1d20 for a random hit location, not 1d8. This uses seven combat rounds, so he's got three left this time because he needs to borrow two. Two hits are impales, and three are regular, so I'll use the first damage rolls that fit (disregarding the final 2d8 roll of 6 and the final 4d8 roll of 19). The damage rolls I'm applying are 9, 17, 7, 27, and 16. I'm not sure if this is actually what Stompie wanted Hockey to do, or if he understood that he could theoretically empty the belt in five combat rounds, firing bursts of multiple rounds each at multiple targets each round.

Walkers from the east: 26 dead, 6 with 9 damage to head, 5 with 8 damage to head
Walkers from the west: 51/72 dead , 2 with 9 damage to head, 2 with 8 damage to head

In the field west of the motel-
The horde came ever closer to Phillips, who kept firing away. His first shot was nearly perfect, and two others hit as well. All three of his targets fell and did not rise. "Thank you, Lord!" he called out.

On the motel balcony-
Three of the creatures Hockey shot went down for good. One of them fell but still crawled forward, lagging behind the rest of the pack.

(Hockey now has three combat rounds to fire at the zombies. If you don't want to roll, just let me know how many bullets you're firing each round and how you want me to group the bursts. You can fire up to 20 bullets per round, divided among multiple targets.)

"Die Hard," said Duran, taking aim. "Also Die Hard 2: Die Harder. Not sure if Bruce Willis used that line in Die Hard with a Vengeance or not, though. That wasn't all that obscure. Hey, try this one: 'Say hello to my little friend!'" With that, he started firing at the zombies. All of his shots hit, and he took out three of them outright. He also finished off a wounded one that hadn't been slowed down. "Don't worry, Sarge, we're wearing them down. They won't make it here."

Thayer also let five shots fly, but got only two hits. The first took down a zombie that Hockey had damaged, and the second blew the head off another. "I'd stick with the rifle for now, Ortega," he said. "You'll get a better kill ratio by shooting them in the head. If there's any left when they get in close, that's when you should use the 203."

Lt. Blanco followed Zorie Spooner into the communications room.

(Lewis, Ramirez, McCain, and Ortega each may fire for five combat rounds. At this range, Ortega may now use full skill, but the others are still at half skill because they have M-4s rather than M-16s.)

In the comm room-
"Dr. Blanco!" called Zorie when she saw her mentor enter. "We've got Goldberg in Hawaii on the line if you want to talk to him, but he's fading fast."

"Is the connection bad?" asked Lt. Blanco.

"No, he's fading. The infection's pretty far along. He got bitten almost two hours ago."

"Then I'd better find out all I can from him while he lasts!" She rushed over to the communications unit and took the microphone. "Mr. Goldberg, this is Lt. Angela Blanco. I need you to describe the progression of your symptoms since you were first infected. Anything you can tell me could help others immensely."

"Uhhh..." moaned Goldberg on the other end.

"Did he turn?" asked Lt. Malone, concerned.

"It burns..."

"He's still among the living," said Lt. Blanco. "I don't know how long he'll last, though. Not long from the sound of it." She spoke into the microphone again. "Please try to stay with us."

On the motel's roof-
To Sergeant Black's dismay, the Barrett jammed when he tried to fire the fifth shot. This could not have happened at a worse possible time.

(Black has five combat rounds and may attempt to unjam the rifle once per round by rolling his unmodified Rifle skill of 92%. In the likely event that he succeeds, roll 1d6 to see how many combat rounds clearing the jam takes. If he still has any time left, he may resume firing. If he uses more than 5 rounds, he can borrow from the next set of five.

If he fails, he wastes one combat round and can use another to try again. However, any roll of 96 or higher to repair the rifle is a critical failure and will break it.

He may also fire his M-4, but its range isn't so good and he would only be at half skill for now.)

Malanowski tried to locate the undead mob again, but still had no luck.

"Follow where my rifle is pointing," said Bobby Sheen, inserting a fresh magazine. "Range is about 300 yards, and they'll be here in three minutes or so." He adjusted his sights and resumed firing. He hit two more, killing them both. "I count 21 left, and four of them have dropped well back. I think we're going to be all right."

Outside the garage-
Jimmy was just reaching for the ladder when Captain Lereux came running up to the garage at high speed. "Hold up!" he called.

"What happened?" shouted Baldwin from the roof above. "They kick your Oreo ass out of the motel?"

"No, they sent me to coordinate with you. I know you don't like me, but we need to work together if we're going to survive."

"Better make it snappy, then," said Mitchell. "We don't have much time to get up on the roof before those things arrive."

Lereux speaks loudly enough so that those on the garage roof can hear him, but there is no way anyone at the motel can, especially with all the gunfire. "If you get up on the roof, you're just dooming yourselves. Your position is going to be overrun, and Lt. Malone isn't going to do a damn thing to help you. I'm sorry about what happened earlier with the helicopter. I didn't want to do it, but I was acting under orders from HQ. McCain was the one shouting the loudest for your blood, and then he and Malone turned on me at the last second and stripped me of command, using this as an excuse. You don't know her, but if you thought I was bad you haven't seen anything yet. Right before I left she was talking about forcing all of you to leave the T-Bone, at McCain's suggestion. Thing is, there's no place else she can send you that's safe, and there's no way she'll ever let any of you stay at the motel. That wouldn't be the case if I were still in charge."

"Well, you're not," said David, "so I don't see how that helps us."

"I'm not in command now - but I can be again, with your help. We've got just enough time to make it back to the motel and up to the balcony. The motel is being attacked from the west, and all eyes are in that direction. Nobody will see us approach, and nobody will hear us over all the shooting. We can bring this ladder and use it to get to the balcony, along with the one that's already there. The communications room is on the southwest corner of the upper level. If we move fast, we can rush it and I can take command back from Malone before anyone can react."

"Whoa!" said Gary. "That's likely to get a whole lot of people killed!"

"No, we can do this without a shot being fired if we all play it cool. They're going to be too busy shooting those things to bother about us. The only ones I'm really worried about are McCain and possibly Malone, but if we cover them they won't be able to do anything about it. Everyone who helps me take back my command will get to stay at the motel. You won't get an offer like that from her. You've got a choice: you can stay here, get surrounded, and starve to death up on that roof, or you can come with me if you want to live. Choose fast - we don't have much time."

On the roof of the garage-
Baldwin listened to the captain's offer and looked at Wallace. "What do you think, man?" he asked.

(Wallace may fire five times at the zombies at half skill, with an extra -5% penalty for shooting at the head. If he climbs down the ladder to join Lereux, however, he does not get to shoot.)

On the roof of the diner-
Luke slapped a full magazine into his M-14 and continued firing, scoring three hits and only narrowly missing his fourth target. Two of them dropped, but the third one kept coming in spite of its terrible head wound.

(Luke, roll Listen to see if you hear Captain Lereux's speech. You also have five more combat rounds to shoot at zombies.)

Azadeh fired twice, reloaded, and fired another two shots. Only one shot missed, and the three zombies she hit crumpled. "You're still up two, Luke...for now."

Willie took another five shots, hitting with three of them. He killed all three, including the one Luke wounded.

Samantha shot two zombies, slaying the first and nearly killing the second. Then she manually reloaded the rifle.

In the helicopter-
When Bob didn't respond, Bo returned his attention to Stephanie, admiring her quick fingers as they raced over the computer's keys.

"We'll be over Big Springs in a few minutes," said Erica.

In the warehouse-
"I was planning on using my shotgun anyway," said Kimberly. "You coming, Joe?" She started to race up the stairs.

"I'll go bring the gun and ammo to the others," said Michael. "Then I'll come back here with some of them so we can shoot any of those blighters that make it down here." He headed downstairs.

In the reception area-
Michael came in through the gate. "I've got some .45 magazines," he said. "I've also got a .38 and a handful of bullets to go with it. Anyone need them?"

"I could use some .45 ammo," said Sally. "Lynne has one of the M1911s, so I'm sure she could too. I'll bring it to her." She took the magazines and gave half of them to Lynne, who nodded in thanks.

"I'm not really comfortable with guns," said Kerry. "I'm not a very good shot either."

"I can shoot okay," said Mrs. Foo.

"Right, here you go," said Michael, handing her the gun and bullets. "Afraid there weren't many bullets left, and it's a bit dirty."

"I know how to clean gun. My husband show me."

"I've got some more .38 bullets I can share with you," said Rosie, giving her six of them.

"Thank you." Mrs. Foo bowed.

In the upper hatch chamber-
Ellen Cody relaxed when she heard Mr. Foo's reassuring voice.

In the quarters-
"I'm coming," said Mr. Foo, making his way to join Alice. He noticed Duke through the doorway to the meeting room. "We're in here. I believe the movie you're talking about is Resident Evil, and the actress must be Milla Jovovich. She does have a nice rack - but don't tell my wife I said that!" He chuckled.

The room Alice had explored looked much like the other one. The capsule was unlocked and unoccupied. A family picture rested on the desk, and a wedding ring was on the bedside table. An inscription inside it read: "Patrick and Cherry, married 6/21/1960." The most interesting thing she found was a letter underneath the bed from Patrick Craig to a woman named, oddly enough, Alice. Judging from the fact that this wasn't his wife's name and the flowery language in the letter, it suggested that he was having an affair with her.

Mr. Foo arrived at the entrance to the cubicle. "So, what have you found?" he asked.

The room Jim Kerr had entered also looked similar to the others. Again the capsule was empty. The desk here was covered with papers containing various technical notes.

Jenny followed him into the room and looked around. "Ooh, these look interesting!" she said, poring over the notes. "Technical specifications, by the look of them. They seem to be for two different devices. One looks like a cattle prod, but the voltage is much higher than one of those would produce. The other is some kind of flamethrower. Cool! The designer's name is Thomas Bateman. Don't know if he ever finished them, though."

She looked through the desk drawers and found a note in one of them. She read it out loud: "They are coming. I can hear them through the microphone. How far away now? No matter. I am going down to take the battle to them before they come for us." She handed the note to Jim. "Them who? Was this guy crazy?"
In the quarters:
In quarter #1 Alice showed Mr. Foo the ring and the note and said, "It appears that this guy was having an affair. Not sure how that will help us but....."
In quarter #2, Jim looked at Jenny and said, "Maybe he is talking about the zombie like creatures. Maybe they got thier start down here in this lab and went into hybration or something for years? We should take this not to Mr. Foo and see what he thinks." He then grabbed the note and walked to the hallway calling for Mr. Foo.

On the hotel balcony, southwest corner of the motel:
Lewis looked and saw the creatures were still far away, too far for him to fire at and hit them unless it was by chance. He cursed silently but decided to keep ready for soon the creatures would be in range.
McCain took aim and fired five times at the mass of zombies trying to aim for thier heads. He missed all five shots and cursed under his breath.
On the Roof of the Motel-

Black begins to fix the jam. "At least it isn't raining." Black says to him self.

On the Motel Balcony-

"I think that was from Scarface, how about" Rameriz says as he lines up his shots.
"Dodge this." Rameriz fires jamming the gun. "Or not stupid peice of junk" He begins to clear it.
"This could take awhile."

In the Warehouse-

Joe heads upstairs.
On the roof of the diner -

Luke barely hears the captain below, but what he does hear makes him loose his temper.

"Why don't you go fetch us some ammo, boy... Instead of setting humans up against humans." he barks "We need more 5-point-56 NATO."

In his anger, he kills 3 more zombies and wounds another (8dmg).

In the helicopter -

Bo's question strikes Bob extremely hard. While on the job, he was able to ban the thought, but being slammed with the question at a moment where he has nothing to do... Something inside him brakes... While he does not cry, anyone paying close attention will see that he's having a hard time.
OOC: Walkers from the east: 37 dead, 6 with 9 damage to head, 6 with 8 damage to head
Walkers from the west: 60/72 dead , 5 with 9 damage to head, 3 with 8 damage to head
Runners from the west: 0/6 dead

In the field west of the motel-
Steve Phillips stood in the field as over twenty of the undead lumbered slowly towards him. "Five more," he said to himself, "then I'm booking." His first two shots missed, but the other three hit. He nearly slew one target, and took down his second target with two shots to the head.

On the motel balcony-
"Was that line from one of the Evil Dead movies?" asked Duran. "Army of Darkness, maybe?" Not waiting for a reply, he kept firing, scoring four hits. He killed two and wounded a third. He shivered in fear as they got closer to the motel, shaky but not broken.

Ortega also opened up, hitting four times as well. He killed one outright, finished off the one Duran had wounded, and nearly killed two more.

(Ortega, roll Sanity. If you fail, you only lose 1 Sanity point since you've lost 9 from seeing zombies already. Then you get five combat rounds to shoot at zombies.)

Thayer shot three of the creatures, downing all but one - and the one that he did hit was slowed to a crawl.

Hockey held his fire for now, not wanting to waste precious ammo when there seemed no need.

(Hockey, roll Sanity. If you stay sane, you get five combat rounds.)

Ramirez managed to clear the jam in his M-4, though it took a while.

(Ramirez and Lewis, roll Sanity. Lewis can lose at most 7 Sanity points, so if he fails and the 1d10 roll is higher than 7, treat it as 7. If you stay sane, Ramirez has three combat rounds. Lewis and McCain each have five combat rounds. Everyone can now use full skill against the walkers, with only the -5% penalty for aiming at the head. If you run out of full strength zombies to shoot - there are four left - you can finish off the badly wounded ones. If they have 8 or more damage to the head, any head hit from a rifle will finish them. You must pass another Spot Hidden check, at -5% if you're wearing a helmet, before you can shoot at the runners, and then everyone on the balcony but Hockey would be at half skill. Each Spot Hidden attempt costs a combat round.)

In the comm room-
"Uh....okay..." moaned Goldberg. "What do you...want to know?"

"Please describe your symptoms as best you can," said Lt. Blanco. "Start with what happened when you got bitten."

"My buddy...bit me...after he turned into one of them. That's when the burning started...but it's worse now...much worse." Goldberg coughed. It sounded like he was hacking up a lung. "It hurts like hell, doc...I grabbed my machete and cut his head off...but he kept biting me! Had to...bash his skull in..."

"Did he get infected the same way?"

"Yeah, some kid bit him...but that's not how the kid turned...got stung by...one of those skeeters...turned real fast after that."

On the motel's roof-
Malanowski directed his gaze to where Sheen was aiming, "I see them - holy crap, there's more of them further back, but they're closing fast!" he shouted. "I count six of them!" He began shooting at the closer, slower zombies. Three bullets struck home, and two ghouls were laid low. He shuddered at the sight of the inhuman things as they closed in on the motel.

Sheen looked out into the distance to catch a glimpse of the fast-moving enemies. At first he couldn't see them, and he had no better luck on his second survey of the field. He tried again and again to locate them, but he didn't see them anywhere. He thought he saw movement, but when he peered closer it was gone. "Are you sure you saw something?" he asked, keeping his head together.

Sam Black managed to dislodge the jammed round and clear the chamber of his Barrett.

(Black, you have four combat rounds left. You must succeed at a Spot Hidden roll at -5% before you can shoot at the runners, and each attempt takes one round. Also, roll Sanity, but you cannot lose more than 2 points if you fail. Any roll other than a 1 on 1d10 for Sanity loss counts as 2.)

On the roof of the garage-
Baldwin bristled at Luke's racist comment. "Can you believe this honky?" he asked Wallace. "No way in hell am I staying here to die with the Great White Hunter." He started down the ladder. "You do whatever you want, but I'm going over to the motel - with my truck. You wanna come, follow me and bring the ladder."

(Wallace, let me know if you're going to follow Baldwin or not. If you remain on the roof, you get five shots at the zombies from the east at full skill, with only the -5% penalty for shooting at the head, and you will also need to roll Sanity in that case for seeing the zombies, but you can lose no more than 9 Sanity. If I don't hear from you before the next update, I'll assume Wallace goes with since everyone else at the garage did.)

Outside the garage-
Baldwin reached the bottom of the ladder. "Everyone who's coming, get in my truck. There's room for six, counting the sleeper compartment."

"Count me in, brother," said Gary. He climbed aboard the idling rig and into the compartment.

The other three mechanics all readily agreed and boarded the truck, with David scrambling into the middle seat in the cab while the other two got into the compartment.

Captain Lereux beamed. "I knew you fellows had brains," he said, shaking Baldwin's hand. "You got an extra piece I can borrow? I'll give it back once I recover my sidearm and rifle."

"Here." Baldwin handed him his .38 Colt Viper revolver and the one spare bullet he had left.

"Thanks, man. See you in the motel parking lot." He took off at a run for the motel, quickly reaching the dirt road.

On the roof of the diner-
"That might not have been the most diplomatic approach," said Azadeh. "I can't spare any time to look behind us, but I wouldn't expect any of them to back us up." She continued firing at the zombies as they approached with perfect accuracy, and all of her targets were slain. "Looks like we're tied now." She remained steady as ever.

Willie only got one hit, but it was lethal. As the ghouls closed in, he grew very agitated. He drew back in sheer terror, but he didn't realize just how desperate his situation was.

Samantha also had difficulty, but she did hit with two shots, both of them fatal. Even so, she didn't lose her nerve.

(Luke, roll Sanity. Presuming you stay sane, you have five more combat rounds.)

In the diner-
Kimberly and Joe reached the top of the stairs. "The back door is this way," said Kimberly, pointing with the barrel of her SPAS-12. "We'll shoot as many as we can before we have to retreat." She led the way out.

In the helicopter-
The helicopter flew onwards over the highway in silence. A bridge crossed a river below, and then I-76 came in from the southwest and merged with I-80. The road continued to the northeast.

In the reception area-
"Right," said Michael, "everyone who can't move fast, head for the hatch now. The rest of you come with me." He returned through the gate and back upstairs to the warehouse.

Randall followed him, only limping slightly at this point. "Are you sure you're okay to do this?" asked Sally. He nodded. "Well, I'm coming too."

"Kerry," said Rosie as she went out the gate, "since you don't have a gun, why don't you help the others get to the hatch?"

Kerry hesitated, clearly reluctant to go back below. In the end, though, she realized that there was no other choice. "Okay," she said, gulping. She helped Lynne to her feet and let her put an arm around her shoulder. Then she held Mrs. Foo's hand and led the two women into the hallway.

In the upper hatch chamber-
Ellen stood alertly next to the open hatch, ready for anything.

In the quarters-
Duke wandered in from the meeting room and joined the others. Mr. Foo walked back to Jim Kerr and Jenny Cooper, looking over what they had found. "Very intriguing," he said. "It's not clear to what creatures Bateman was referring. It's possible it was zombies, but it might be something else. Remember, those aren't the only strange beings around. There were those alien mosquitos as well, in the meteorites. It's also possible he was talking about his fellow humans. He does seem rather paranoid from his tone, but it seems he had reason to be."

"Well, let's check the other five rooms," said Jenny. "There could be more answers in them. Come on, Max!" The dog faithfully followed her into the last room on the right side. It looked just like the others, but a message had been scratched onto the top of the desk and the letters were filled with long-dried blood. It read: "Kirby knew and rots in hell." She searched the desk drawers and was delighted to find a box of .45 shells. Her delight turned to dismay when she opened it and saw that it was empty.

"I'll try the first one on the left," said Mr. Foo. "That just leaves the others on the left side, and then the hallway at the far end when we're done." This room had a black and white picture of a woman and two children on the desktop. They were standing on a beautiful Hawaiian beach. The bookshelves primarily had books about mining, geology, and vulcanology, but he found nothing of interest. "Anyone else care to have a look in here?"
On the roof of the diner -

Luke easily remains in control of his wits.

"Racist, hah..." Luke laughs "I don't think any race is inferior. Hell, everyone is equally worthless in my book, until proven otherwise, of course. But I just know that sniveling conniving airforce bastard should've been a house servant rather than a commander. That's for fucking sure..."

Meanwhile, he continues his barrage, killing two and wounding another (7dmg).
OCC: reedited thanks for the hints Mr. Handy!

IC: And now back to your regular programing....

On the southwest corner of the motel, balcony level:
Lewis saw the creatures walking and running toward the motel and his mind snapped as he thought they would never kill them all before being killed. For a split second he thought he could get over this and be fine but he went to the place in his mind where he found comfort. Of course for anyone else it just appeared that he simply hit the ground and assumed the fetal position sucking his thumb and appearing to be catatonic. His weapon landed at his side.

McCain saw Lewis hit the ground but had no time to help him as he was going to go kill him some undead creatures!
They were now close enough for him to hit them and cause massive damage. He made sure that the rifle was on single shot and took careful aim at one of the walking undead. The bullet hit the creature in the head and blew its head apart. As the creature fell McCain sang "This is my rifle, this is my gun...one is for fighting the other is for fun" He took aim at a second creature and fired. However the gun jammed!
Cursing McCain moved to the wall so he could concentrate and tried to unjam the gun. He managed to unjam the gun and did it in a few seconds. "Good," he said. McCain moved back to the balcony rail and took aim at the creature's head that he had been firing at when the gun had jammed. The bullet hit the zombie in the head and it took most of the head but the zombie was still walking toward the hotel. McCain shifted his aim at another of the unwounded walking dead. But this time he missed.

In the Quarters:
Jim Kerr walked to the room where Mr. Foo was and did a quick search of the room. He found something and said, "what do you make of this?"
Alice walked to the room next to where they were and did a quick search of the room. She found something and said, "I found something Mr. Foo can you come look please?"
OOC: There was no link to the Sanity points lost by Lewis, but I looked them up on Invisible Castle and saw that he lost 6. I also noticed that there were a few different rolls for the type and duration of his temporary insanity. I'll use the first one of those, which lets him off easier. Now he is only insane for five rounds, so after the next major update he can act normally again. The insanity type rolled there would be incoherent babbling, but it doesn't really matter in this case, so you can still have him go into the fetal position.

In order to clear the jam, roll against McCain's weapon skill (in this case, Rifle) without any modifications. You could also use Mechanical Repair, but his Rifle skill is higher. If you fail, you waste one round and can try again the next round. If you critically fail (by rolling 96 or higher), you've broken the weapon. Given time, the proper tools, and a place to work someone might be able to repair it eventually as Alice did, but it would be far too late to help in this fight.

If your roll succeeds, then roll 1d6. That's the number of rounds it takes to clear the jam, including the round in which you made your skill roll. You have three combat rounds left before the next update, so if you spend more rounds you'll borrow them from the next set of five. If you manage to unjam your rifle in less than three rounds, you may use any spare rounds to continue firing.

Walkers from the east: 39 dead, 6 with 9 damage to head, 6 with 8 damage to head, 1 with 7 damage to head (not slowed down)
Walkers from the west: 61/72 dead , 6 with 9 damage to head, 3 with 8 damage to head
Runners from the west: 0/6 dead

On the roof of the diner-
Azadeh just shrugged. "We've still got almost fifty undamaged ones incoming," she said, taking aim at her next target. "We have bigger things to worry about."

In the quarters-
Jim found a notebook on the bookshelf. The name on it said it belonged to Samuel Niedler, the assistant manager of Deep Mole One. Most of the notes had been torn out, but a couple of pages remained intact.

On one page was the message: "Mary, Elizabeth, Tommy- I love you." This presumably referred to the woman and the two children in the photo. On another page the following words were written: "Alan Kirby has killed himself. I suspect he realizes the significance of our discovery, but that leaves me in command. I will do my best, but I fear one of us is infected."

Mr. Foo read the notes too. "Hmm," he said. "Perhaps you were correct about the walking dead having been here. It does mention infection. But is it really the same infection, or could it be something else? That woman must have been down here for decades, yet she didn't try to eat us. Let's go see what Alice has found."

In the second room on the left, Alice had found more books on the shelves. These focused on chemistry and biology, but there was one book that seemed out of place: a copy of "The Call of Cthulhu" by H. P. Lovecraft. Curious, she opened it up and looked inside. On the inside cover was scrawled "Below us are Gods or Demons?"

She also found a letter in one of the desk drawers. It read as follows:
"From David Muth- Head of Biological Research, Deep Mole 1 project.
To General Thomas Grey

Dear General Grey-

For reasons of National Security I have felt it necessary to lock Judith Reagan into her capsule as I suspect she has been infected with a pathogen that is highly dangerous to the other members of this operation and the success of this project. I take full responsibility for the consequences of this action.


David Muth."
On the roof of the diner -

"Shit happens, sweetheart." Luke laughs "I'm staying up here and taking down as many of those motherfuckers as I have bullets for. And then some."

"But don't stay here on my account if you think you've got a better chance below like the little housenigger said. He might have had a point, if these walls are too unstable to take the pressure or if other zombies join the fray and we run out of ammo, we're royally screwed. Though I'm unsure as how you're better off down there."

"All up to you, dollface." he adds with a grin.

Meanwhile, he continues his barrage, killing two and wounding two others (9&8dmg).[/quote]
OOC: Walkers from the east: 39/99 dead, 6 with 9 damage to head, 6 with 8 damage to head, 1 with 7 damage to head (not slowed down)
Runners from the east: 7/19 dead, 3 with 9 damage to head, 2 with 8 damage to head
Walkers from the west: 69/72 dead, 3 with 9 damage to head
Runners from the west: 4/6 dead

On the west side of the motel-
Phillips hightailed it out of the field of grass, returning to the southwest corner at a frantic pace. Panic was in his eyes, and he could hear the grass rustling behind him as the creatures pursued him with mechanical determination.

On the motel balcony-
Ortega stared in slack-jawed horror at the approaching undead, but he was fairly used to them by this point. Hockey wasn't, however. The young airman whimpered in fright, his mind blasted from the impossibility of the dead walking - and he knew they were coming for him! He left his SAW attached to the railing and fled screaming to the east side of the balcony. He raced for the zipline, looping a strap over it and sliding down it into the parking lot. However, in his panic he clutched the strap and could not let go, slamming into the lamppost that was used to anchor the bottom of the line and injuring himself badly.

Ramirez also lost his nerve, though he was not as badly affected.

"Hockey, where you going?" called Duran, but he had no time to go after him. He had to keep shooting at the enemy to keep them from reaching the motel. His first shot almost hit, and his second was flawless, but his third jammed his M-16. "Hijo de perra!" he shouted, hastily clearing the jam. His one hit, while it had done heavy damage, passed clean through the skull but failed to slay the ghoul. It crawled onwards, slowly but steadily.

Ortega maintained his steady hail of lead, He landed four hits, one quite good. He killed the one undamaged zombie and finished off three others. Thayer also cut loose, taking out another four wounded ghouls.

Lewis finally came to his senses.

(Ramirez, McCain and Lewis each have five combat rounds. Only 3 walkers remain, and any hit to the head will kill each of them. They have each taken 9 damage to the head and are crawling slowly, so they won't reach the motel for a while yet. In order to shoot at the runners, you must first pass a Spot Hidden roll. Each roll takes one combat round whether or not you succeed. Ramirez and McCain are wearing helmets, so they roll at -5%. Once you see the runners, you must make another Sanity roll, except for McCain who has already lost 10 points recently. Lewis only loses 1 point if he fails, and Ramirez can lose no more than 7.

After four rounds, any surviving runners will emerge from the grass. At that point you can see them clearly and must roll Sanity if you haven't already, and you can use your fifth round to shoot at them even if you failed all of your previous Spot Hidden attempts.

Hockey is temporarily insane for another 6 rounds, including the coming set of 5. Duran's fourth Rifle roll was used to clear the jam, and it took him two rounds, so he gets all of his next 5.)

In the comm room-
"Were you still able to function after being bitten?" asked Lt. Blanco.

"Yeah, mostly," replied Goldberg. "I keep getting weaker, though. It hurts too much to stand now. I think I've only got a few more minutes. I'm gonna go drag myself over to the fence and zap myself in a minute or so. That way maybe I won't get back up again. Funny...that fence saved my life...and now it's going to kill me and save me from something worse than death...too bad these last couple hours didn't mean much."

"That's where you're wrong," said Zorie Spooner. "If you hadn't survived, you wouldn't have been able to give us this important information. You may have saved countless other lives. Thank you."

"Thank Stephanie...the fence was her idea...wish I'd gotten the chance to meet her, in person I mean...if you ever get the chance to speak to her again, tell her goodbye for me..."

"Anything else we should ask him?" asked Lt. Malone. "This will be our last chance."

On the motel's roof-
Malanowski began to fire on the fast-moving zombies in the field that were getting uncomfortably close. He got two perfect hits and one adequate one. All three runners went down.

Black scanned the field, but to no avail. He kept at it, but still couldn't see them. He thought he saw a flash of movement, but couldn't pinpoint its source. Finally his persistence paid off. The sight shook him, but he remained steady.

Sheen also tried to locate the fast-moving undead, but they eluded his roving eyes. He scanned back and forth, but saw nothing. "Dammit, where are they?" he said. "Ah, there they are! I've got 'em now!" He calmly fired at one of the runners, hitting it between the eyes and killing it instantly. "Two more runners left, range 80 yards and closing!"

On the roof of the garage-
Wallace didn't need to be told twice. He scurried down the ladder.

Outside the garage-
Wallace grabbed the ladder and ran for Baldwin's truck as the other trucker got into the driver's seat. He shoved it into the rear, then rushed over to the shotgun seat. The rig had already started to move by the time he reached it and hauled himself inside, closing the door behind him. In the sleeper compartment Jimmy reloaded his shotgun, and David filled up his pistol's magazine while Wallace swapped rifle magazines up front.

"Glad you decided to join us," said Baldwin, making a wide left turn towards the motel.

In the motel parking lot-
Captain Lereux reached the base of the tall ladder just as the truck pulled up alongside the motel's eastern wall. Its occupants began to climb out. They weren't visible from either the balcony or the roof, though the truck was to anyone who happened to look down from the east side. At that point Hockey slid down the zipline at high speed, hitting the post at the eastern end of the lot with a jarring impact. He didn't seem to pay them any mind, however. He picked himself up and ran screaming to the east, unaware that even worse danger awaited him there.

On the roof of the diner-
"I just heard the truck pull out," said Azadeh, reloading her M-1 Garand, "so it's probably too late to make it to the motel at this point. Looks like I'm stuck with you...dollface. Besides, I've got a competition to win." Her attention was fully consumed by the horde of zombies, but Samantha looked a bit past them.

"We've got more incoming!" she shouted, keeping her wits about her. "They're less than 100 yards away, but they're moving real fast. There's almost twenty of them!"

"Shoot the runners first!" Azadeh felt a sudden chill at the horrible sight, but somehow managed to hang on. She rained a hail of lead on the fast-moving ghouls, hitting with all four shots, slaying two outright and grievously wounding two more. "That puts me up one."

Willie shuddered, stricken with fear. He fired five more shots and only hit twice, but both of those shots were fatal.

Samantha reloaded, then got off three shots as the running dead closed in. Two of them were devastating, blowing her targets' heads clean off.

(Luke just used his five shots for the coming set of five rounds, though I will count them against the runners. He only got one kill, but wounded three more. That roll of 12 damage went with the missed shot. He must still roll Sanity for seeing them. While he gets a +10 bonus, a roll of 100 will still fail. In the extremely unlikely event that he goes temporarily insane, his shots will get called back.)

On the east side of the diner-
Kimberly led the way out the back door, Joe Barring close behind. They raised their shotguns and began to aim at the dozens of zombies just 30 yards off. They couldn't see the faster ones beyond them, though they did hear the warning. Kimberly held her ground, and Joe did too.

"We've got just enough time to get off four shots each," said Kimberly. "Then we'd better run for the stairs. If we stick around any longer, they'll reach us."

(Joe Barring has five combat rounds. You cannot see or shoot at the runners yet because the walkers are in the way. For the first two rounds, you will strike 1d6 targets on a hit and do 1d6 damage to each. In round three, a hit will injure 1d3 targets for 2d6 damage each. In rounds four and five, you may only hit a single target, but you'll cause 4d6 damage. If you fire in the fifth round instead of running away, the zombies will get to attack you.)

In the helicopter-
The skyline of Big Springs, Nebraska appeared on the horizon. It was a fairly small town with only 400 or so citizens - though that population had obviously been drastically reduced in the last twelve hours. The helicopter continued to follow I-80 towards the town. A river ran parallel to the highway on the north side, and beyond that were railroad tracks and then a smaller road, State Route 138. There was no vehicular traffic below, only the occasional ghoul or small pack of them. Whenever the chopper passed overhead, they paused in their movements and looked up at it.

"We're less than an hour fifteen from the first airfield," said Erica Spears. "Big Springs isn't all that big, but Ogallala is - but not quite as big as Sidney was. We're about ten minutes out from there."

In the warehouse-
"Everyone form a semicircle around the top of the stairs," said Michael. "We've got to hold them off as long as we can and take down as many as possible before we retreat downstairs and lock the gate."

Randall nodded. "I'll be the last one down the stairs." He made sure his rifle had a full magazine. "If I get bitten again, it doesn't matter much."

Sally loaded her .45 with a fresh magazine. "Don't throw your life away up here," she said. "Otherwise, one of us will have to sacrifice our lives to shut the hatch from the outside."

Rosie raised her .38 revolver. "I'm ready," she said.

In the guard room-
Kerry helped Lynne and Mrs. Foo through the hallway and into the guard room.

In the upper hatch chamber-
Ellen Cody paced around the hatch, keeping her eyes and ears open.

In the quarters-
"Well," said Mr. Foo, "we've got two more rooms to search here, and then we'll see what's down the hall at the far end of this area." He looked through the third room on the left. This one differed only slightly from the others. A bible rested near the bed, and a message was scratched into the desk. It read: "Ce'haiie, ep-ngh fl'hur G'harnes fahtagn." He opened up the bible and saw writing on the title page that read: "I believe our group is suffering from some group madness. My dreams are disturbing. There is no rest. It is in our heads"

He showed his finds to the others. "Very odd indeed," he told them. "The words on the desk are quite bizarre. It does not look like any language I've ever heard of."

(Alice, roll Linguist if you examine the writing.)

"I'm going to check out that last room," said Jenny Cooper. Max faithfully followed her into the room, though nothing looked out of the ordinary there, and her search turned up nothing. Max sniffed around, then pointed a paw at the desk and barked.
On the southwest corner of the motel, balcony level:
McCain aimed his M-4 at one of the crawlers in the field. "I don't know but I have been told..." He aimed at the head and fired the gun. The bullet hit the creature in the head. The bullet destroyed the creatures head like a watermelon leaving only a blood stain in the grass. He smiled and said, "...killing undead creatures gets mighty old..." He aimed at the second crawler again aiming at the head. The gun pulled to the right a bit but the bullet still slammed home. The creature gave out a screech and died its head a bloody mess. "Count off...1, 2....count off....lets make this three" He aimed at the third and last crawling creature. The bullet hit home. The bullet destroyed the creatures head and it twitched as it finally died.
McCain then peered out into the grass to see if there were any other undead targets out there. The creatures were at the edge of the grass and he saw them starting to emerge. "There they are!", he shouted. He took aim with his M-4 at the closest runner's head. His bullet struck the center of the creatues head. The creature fell as its head exploded.

Lewis stood up and seeing that McCain had picked off the walkers and 1 runner...he peered into the grass. He failed to see anything because of the glare from the sun. He asked McCain where they were and followed McCain's gun barrel. Again he failed to see anything. He cupped his hand above his eye and peered out trying despertly to see something! This time he saw the last runner. He blinked in horrer at the sight. But he blinked back and did not get scared at all. He raised his M-4 and fired The bullet missed as the creature emerged from the field and walked toward the hotel.

In the quarters:
Alice walked into the room and peered at the desk to see if she reconized the writing. She almost could but realized that she did not reconize it. "Mr. Foo, I cannot read it but to me it looks either Turkish or Middle Eastern. But i am most likly not right."
Jim heard Max barking and walked into the room. "What's up boy?" he asked. Seeing Max sniffing the desk area, Jim searched the desk. "Mr. Foo, I think I found something!"
OOC: It's now high noon at the T-Bone! 12:00 PM exactly. Congratulations to everyone who survived the morning, and good luck surviving the afternoon. You're going to need it... :twisted:

Walkers from the east: 42/99 dead, 6 with 9 damage to head, 6 with 8 damage to head, 1 with 3 damage to head, 1 with 1 damage to head - 2 zombies inside
Runners from the east: 13/19 dead, 5 with 9 damage to head, 1 with 8 damage to head

On the motel's roof-
"One more left," said Malanowski. He took aim and fired at the final runner's head. "Dammit!" His weapon had jammed. He tried to clear it and almost ruined the mechanism. Muttering under his breath, he tried again. This time he did wreck his rifle. He swore up and down.

"You can borrow my M-4 for now," said Sergeant Black, passing it to him. He squeezed off a round at the last zombie, nailing it in the forehead and completely pulverizing it. "You're a fine shot, you know. You ever thought of putting in for sniper training?" He spoke into his radio. "This is Sergeant Black. I think we've got all of them on the west side. Let me check to the east." He swung around and looked through the scope. "I hear shooting coming from the diner roof, but I can't see what they're shooting at. The building itself must be blocking my view. Sheen, keep an eye on that Greyhound bus again so those coyotes don't sneak up on us." He ejected his magazine and replaced it with a full one.

Sheen did likewise as he focused his scope on the overturned bus. "I can't see any movement at the bus," he said. "Maybe they're inside it. I'll keep looking."

On the west side of the motel-
Phillips stopped outside the motel, winded. His run had really taken a lot out of him, and the pain coursing through his body since he had been bitten almost half an hour ago was getting worse. "Phillips here," he said into his throat mic. "Permission to go lie down in my downstairs room, Sergeant McCain? I'm not feeling so good." He swapped out his magazine while waiting for a reply.

On the east side of the motel-
Baldwin ran around to the rear of the truck and pulled out the ladder. He carried it through the gap between the truck and the motel's eastern wall and set the ladder up next to the larger one leading up to the roof. Captain Lereux scaled that one, swinging over the railing onto the balcony when he was halfway up. Wallace mounted the shorter ladder and climbed onto the balcony to join him. The others gathered at the bottom of the ladders.

Hockey ran off to the east, crossing the dirt road between the motel and the diner.

On the motel balcony-
Captain Lereux and Wallace reached the east side of the balcony as the guns fell silent. The captain leaned over the balcony and raised a finger to his lips to indicate that the men should be silent, then motioned for Mitchell and Jimmy to come up next. He led Wallace south, hugging the wall and stopping short of the corner.

"Hockey, it's over!" Duran said over the airwaves from his post at the northwest corner. "We eliminated all of them, man. You can come back now." There was no response. "Hockey? Hockey!" He reloaded his M-16.

Thayer shook his head. "Poor kid," he said. "He just wasn't ready for all this."

"I don't think any of us were," said Ortega. He and Thayer reloaded as well.

Ramirez resumed his post in front of the comm room door. He too replaced his partial magazine with a full one.

In the comm room-
"Okay, Airman Lewis," called Lt. Malone. "The emergency's over. Time to get back in here."

"Someone should watch over Phillips," said Zorie. "I'd be glad to do it if he's going back to his room."

"That's probably for the best," said Lt. Blanco. "Make sure you observe and record his symptoms' progression carefully. There's a limit to what we can learn from Goldberg without examining him, and we won't have him around much longer. I'll stay up here and talk to Omaha and HQ." She gets back on the line to Hawaii. "Mr. Goldberg, I'll be sure to pass on your message to Stephanie. We're going to contact Omaha a little later, and they can let her know when she arrives. She'll be very pleased you were able to help us, and sad that we couldn't help you. Is there anything else you can tell us?"

"Can't...think of anything..." said Goldberg. "Can't think...at all...any more...thank you...g-goodbye...good...luck..." The connection was cut off.

"Who do we call next, ma'am?" asked Mikhalin. "Omaha or base?"

"Probably Omaha," said Malone. "We haven't spoken to them yet, and they may have important intelligence. I'll see if Lewis has any advice when he comes back inside. Anything interesting happen in the rest of the world?"

"All quiet so far. I guess no news is good news, but several stations have gone off the air in the last hour. You know, we could also call Diego Garcia. Some of those text messages came from there, so we know they were operating as of about an hour ago. They might be interested to learn what we've found out."

In the diner parking lot-
Hockey ran directly for the diner entrance. He raced across the parking lot, unable to see the horde coming from the east because the crumbling structure blocked his line of sight.

On the roof of the diner-
Azadeh emptied her clip at the fast-moving ghouls, hitting repeatedly, only missing the last shot by a hair. She slew two and crippled two others. "And now I'm up three," she said.

Willie fired another five shots, hitting twice, blowing one's skull apart and finishing a wounded one.

Samantha loaded two more bullets and then fired four times. Her first shot hit, but the next two missed. Her final shot was perfect. Both zombies were slaughtered.

Then the undead began to arrive. The wounded runners were slowed down a bit, but they would catch up soon. The cracked eastern wall of the diner seemed to sway slightly as they pressed against it.

(Luke has one combat round to act now. He can shoot either a wounded runner or a walker, and the range is now point blank. He can use any of his guns at this point. He can also run across the roof towards the garage, but this will require a Luck roll and multiple rounds. If the Luck roll fails, roll Dex x 5, and if that fails roll Jump.)

On the east side of the diner-
Kimberly fired four shells, only hitting with the first. Four zombies took buckshot to the head, One already wounded ghoul went down, and three others were peppered with pellets.

Joe Barring got off four shots as well, hitting with his second and fourth shots. Two zombies were hit with the second shell, killing one that Kimberly had wounded and further injuring another. The one hit by his last shot fell, its skull split wide open.

"Run!" shouted Kimberly. She and Joe fled back into the diner through the back door, loading more shells into their shotguns as they retreated.

The lumbering dead weren't far behind them. Moaning, their arms outstretched, they closed the distance to the T-Bone. Two of them reached it, and the rest weren't all that far behind. The pair of zombies followed the two humans through the rear door and into the damaged structure.

In the diner-
Kimberly and Joe fell back to the top of the staircase under the liquor closet. They raised their shotguns as the creatures pressed forward.

(Joe Barring, you may fire once at a range of 10 yards. You do 4d6 damage with the shotgun if you hit.)

In the helicopter-
The chopper flew over Big Springs, which sprawled out north of the railroad. Route 138 ran through the middle of town and turned north, where it intersected with Route 30 as it ran parallel to I-80. The town was deserted except for the occasional zombie prowling among the buildings.

In the warehouse-
Michael and the others guarding the stairs leading to the gate waited nervously for the onslaught they knew was coming.

In the cell block-
Kerry led the other two women out of the guard room and into the long cell block. The smell of burnt flesh still came from cell number 4, and Kerry winced with the memory of what had happened in there. "Debbie..." she cried, tears spilling from her eyes.

In the upper hatch chamber-
Ellen waited, unaware of what was unfolding overhead.

In the quarters-
As Alice examined the writing, it occurred to her that the language did not seem Middle Eastern or Turkish after all, and resembled no language she had ever studied or seen. She had no clue as to its origin.

Jim Kerr opened one of the desk drawers and peered inside. In the back corner lay a discolored, desiccated piece of flesh. With shock, he realized that it looked like a human tongue.

(Jim Kerr, roll Sanity. If you fail, lose 1d3 Sanity points.)

Mr. Foo returned to the hallway, as did Jenny and Max. They reported all of their findings and tried to make sense of them. "It seems that Judith Reagan was the woman we found in that capsule," said Mr. Foo, "and she was sealed in there because she was infected with something the others didn't want to spread."

"And we just opened it and let it out!" cried Jenny. "What if we're infected now?"

"If we are, there's nothing we can do about that right now. Perhaps if we explore deeper we'll find out more information about this infection. In any case, her brains have been blown out and the capsule is closed again." He led her into the hallway at the back of the living quarters area. Max tagged along, wagging his tongue.

In the upper lab hallway-
The hallway extended a short distance beyond the living quarters, ending in a stairway leading further down. Before the stairs, on the left side of the hall, was a door with a small rectangular sign reading: "Project Manager's Office."

"Maybe the answers we're looking for are in there," suggested Jenny.
On the diner's roof -

"Holy shit, this thing is more unstable than I thought." Luke swears "Time to get moving, I'd say..."

"I'll go first, if I make it try to step where I step."

He grabs his gear and starts making his way across the roof, taking the exact same path he took before. His memory serves him right and leads him across safely.
On the southwest corner of the motel, balcony level:
McCain heard the radio call from Phillips and said, "Go ahead in and lie down but lock the door after you in case you do turn." He then looked at the men and said, "Ortega and Thayer, go around to the east side and see if you can see what the civilians are shooting at. I will join you presently." He turned to Lewis and said, "You did good kid, go back to your job. Hopefully we will not need you to fight again but if we do, I know I can count on you."
Lewis nodded and making sure that the rifle was not pointing ahead of him, he walked into the communication room. McCain then sighed and slowly walked up to Duran. As he did so he ejected his M-4 clip and put in a fresh fully loaded one taking the one just ejected that had 6 bullets left and placing it in his left pocket.

In the upstairs communication room:
Lewis entered the communication room and heard the conversation on who they should contact next. "Lt Malone, I think Omaha will be busy right now. We should contact Diego Garcia first then Omaha later."

In the quarters:
Jim stared at the piece of flesh in horror. He felt panic beginning to seep into his brain. Luckly however he managed to keep the fear down and after breathing for a bit felt fine.
Alice sighed as she realized that maybe her education had not prepared her for living in a hellish world. She followed the group out to the hallway. She saw Jim emerge from his room and also go into the hallway.
Jim saw the group around the door and said, "I will go search the room if you all want me to."
OOC: Walkers from the east: 45/99 dead, 6 with 9 damage to head, 6 with 8 damage to head, 1 with 3 damage to head, 1 with 1 damage to head - 2 zombies inside (in kitchen), 1 just outside
Runners from the east: 13/19 dead, 5 with 9 damage to head, 1 with 8 damage to head - 2 zombies inside (in hall)

On the west side of the motel-
"Thanks, Sarge," replied Phillips on the radio. He staggered into the downstairs motel room on the southwest corner.

In the comm room-
"All right," said Lt. Malone, "let's call Diego Garcia first. Mikhalin, go ahead and connect us. Ms. Spooner, you're free to go look after Phillips."

Zorie Spooner nodded and walked out onto the balcony while Alexandria Mikhalin opened a connection to Diego Garcia. "You okay, Nate?" she asked Lewis. "You look kind of shaken up." She turned her attention back to the equipment. "Okay, ma'am, we're five by five."

"Thank you." Malone spoke into the mouthpiece. "Diego Garcia, this is Lt. Elizabeth Malone of the United States Air Force. Do you copy? Over."

After a short pause, a male voice responded: "Reading you loud and clear, Lieutenant. I don't know how you got through, but we're real glad you did. We haven't had any communications at all for the last ninety minutes."

"Who else have you been in contact with?"

"A civilian scientist named Stephanie Bridges called us earlier. She was using some kind of antiquated system, and we suspect that's why she was able to get through."

"We're using the same system. Ms. Bridges has since left for Omaha, and the USAF has secured this location. I believe she was talking to you earlier on the subjects of nuclear weapons and the possible effects of electricity on the infected."

"That's right. She advised us against the use of nuclear weapons based on data we had relayed to her on their use earlier by other countries."

"I can confirm that for you. The use of nuclear weapons causes far more harm than good, increasing the spread of the infestation, most likely due to the effects of radiation. We've passed the word on to NATO HQ. We also have a report from a third party that an improvised electrical fence disabled several infected persons."

"Well, we can confirm that for you. Based on her advice, we decided to try electrifying the base's perimeter fence. They just walked right into it and collapsed. We're not 100 percent safe here, though. A meteorite fell within the base perimeter about half an hour ago. When we sent a squad to investigate, it cracked open and a swarm of insects that resembled giant mosquitos emerged in a cloud of sulfurous gas and attacked them. The men all were stung and fell ill, as did some of the troops we sent to eliminate the creatures. Those who were stung turned quickly, and while we put down the infestation, we paid a very high price."

On the motel's roof-
Sam Black continued looking to the east. "Black here again," he reported. "There are four civilians on the roof of the diner firing at targets just to the east of the structure, though I can't see those targets with it in the way. One of the civvies just started running west across the roof, heading for the garage."

Sheen kept watching the wrecked bus. "Still can't make out any movement, Sarge," he told Black.

Malanowski ejected the magazine from his ruined M-4. "I really screwed this up good," he said. "The only guy we've got here who might be able to fix it is Lewis, but he'd need tools too. I remember there were some in the old comm room downstairs." He got on the radio. "This is Malanowski. My M-4 jammed right at the end of the battle, and I'm afraid I've damaged it while trying to clear the jam. I know there were some tools in the original comm room. Did anyone bring them up, and is Airman Lewis available to effect repairs?"

"This is Lt. Malone," replied the lieutenant. "Lewis can work on your weapon in the new comm room provided he's not busy doing anything for me. We didn't have time to bring the tools up with us, so someone would have to go back downstairs and fetch them. Zorie Spooner is on her way down anyway, so I'll send her."

On the east side of the motel-
Jimmy and Mitchell climbed up the ladders to the balcony. Gary and Baldwin moved to the bottom of the ladders and held them steady while David looked around.

On the motel balcony-
Lt. Malone stuck her head out the door. "Ms. Spooner!" she called, tossing her the keys. "While you're down there, can you please go into the old comm room downstairs and collect the tools there? Don't forget to lock the doors behind you." She ducked back into the room.

"Will do," said Zorie. She took the keys and then began climbing down the ladder.

"Glad you're here, Sarge," said Duran when McCain joined him on the northwest corner. "Hockey freaked out when those things got close and ran off to the east. I tried calling out for him, but there was no response. Maybe Ortega and Thayer will see him when they're over that way."

Jimmy and Mitchell climbed over the railing and headed over to where Wallace waited. Captain Lereux moved to the southeast corner and looked around the bend, where he saw Ortega and Thayer approaching. He tucked his revolver into his waistband behind his back and stepped around the corner just before they got there.

"Sir!" said Ortega, surprised. "You're back. Sergeant McCain sent us to scope out the situation to the east."

"Already did it," said Lereux. "I just got back from there. The diner's being overrun as we speak. About fifty or so of those creatures got through their defenses. I managed to save six of the civilians and get them out of there, but things don't look so good for the ones who stayed behind. That building could collapse at any minute with those things crawling all over it."

"Wait, you brought civilians back with you, sir?" asked Thayer.

"Yeah, they're in the parking lot. They brought a truck with them, refrigerated, with lots of food for all of us. They agreed to join forces with us. Not only are they good with guns, they're also truck drivers and mechanics. We're going to need their help."

"How did you swing that, sir?"

"I promised them they could stay at the motel. It was the only way to get their cooperation, and if I'd left them back there, they would have died. We have a duty to protect them, and there's no other place they can go. They're not showing any signs of infection, and the docs can examine them to confirm it."

"Sir," said Ortega, "I don't want to see anything happen to the civilians either, but Lt. Malone isn't going to allow them here under any circumstances."

"I realize that. If I were still in command it would not be a problem. This is all Malone's fault. First she stages a mutiny during an emergency situation, and now she's violating the UCMJ by leaving civilians to their deaths."

Ortega nodded, but Thayer frowned at him. "I don't like where you're going with this, sir," said Thayer.

"No, he's right," said Ortega. "If we can't talk Lt. Malone into letting the civilians move in, we have to reinstate the captain's command."

In the diner parking lot-
Hockey ran towards the diner, stopping not far from the entrance with a bewildered expression on his face.

(Hockey is now himself again and can act normally.)

On the roof of the diner-
Luke easily made it back to the center of the roof without incident. The roof of the garage wasn't far now.

(Luke will need one more round to reach the garage roof. The Luck roll he already made is good for the entire trip, so no more rolls are needed.)

"We'd better go one at a time," said Samantha. "The roof probably isn't stable enough to hold two of us at once." She and Azadeh reloaded, while Willie fired his final shot. He hit, dropping a ghoul.

Below, they could see that three of the slow moving zombies had reached the diner, as did two of the injured runners. The runners entered through the smashed back door, and two of the walkers went in through the broken fire door leading to the kitchen. The third walker pressed against the weakened wall, searching for a way to get at the tasty humans it knew were just out of reach.

In the diner-
Kimberly shot one of the first two zombies in the head with her SPAS-12, fatally wounding it. Joe Barring shot at the second one. He hit his target and slew it too. But then the two injured runners forced their way inside and rushed towards them.

(Joe Barring gets one more round of combat, as before. Any hit to the head will kill one of the damaged zombies.)

In the helicopter-
The chopper flew past Big Springs, leaving the urban wasteland behind and following the highway ever eastwards. "Brule is next," said Erica. "It's about the same size as Big Springs, maybe a little smaller. We're about four minutes away."

In the warehouse-
The sounds of shotgun blasts echoed from upstairs. "I hope they can hold the line," said Rosie.

"From the sound of things, I don't think they can," said Michael, "but they should be able to slow them down and reduce their numbers."

In the cell block-
"Come on, let's keep going," said Kerry. She hurried through the cell block with Lynne and Mrs. Foo, anxious to get away from that hellhole.

In the upper hatch chamber-
Ellen continued to pace while standing watch at the hatch.

In the upper lab hallway-
Duke followed Jim and Alice into the hallway. "Well, more than one of us ought to search the room," he said. "That way we'll finish faster and we'll be less likely to miss something important." He and Mr. Foo covered the door while Jenny opened it.

In the project manager's office-
Duke led the way into the office, and Mr. Foo came in behind him. There was no sign of life in the room. A desk occupied the back of it, and seated behind the desk was a male human skeleton. The skull had a hole in the middle of the forehead and a larger exit wound in the rear of the skull. Jim knew from his law enforcement experience that this was consistent with a large caliber handgun wound at point blank range, though it was impossible to tell whether the man had shot himself or if someone else had done it for him. There was no sign of the pistol that had inflicted the wound, however. The bones had signs of decades worth of decay, but the skeletal remains looked oddly clean and seemed to have no flesh on them whatsoever.

On top of the desk stood a photograph of a heavyset man in his fifties with a woman of similar age and a young man and woman, probably his wife and children. There were also an old-fashioned reel-to-reel tape recorder (though without any reels of tape in it) and a notepad, along with a few books stacked neatly.

On the floor of the room were what appeared to be rat droppings. In the left rear corner stood a filing cabinet, and above that was a broken ventilation grill. Surprisingly, it appeared to have been broken outwards, as if from within the vent. On the right side of the room was an open doorway leading to living quarters that looked just like the eight small cubicles in the living quarters area. Some file folders were on top of a nightstand next to the bed.
In the upstairs commmunication room:
Lewis sighed and said, "I got a bit shaken up out there...but I think I am ok now. Is there anything you wanted me to do?"

On the northwest corner of the motel, balcony level:
McCain sighed and getting on his radio said, "Thayer and Ortega, what is the situation from the east?"

In the projects managers office:
Jim saw Alice come into the room. "Hey sweetheart, want to help search the room?" he asked. Alice smiled and nodded. She said, "I can take the filing cabinet." Jim said, "I will look through the desk including this notepad and the books on top of the desk."
Jim thought he found something and called Mr. Foo over to look. Alice did not find anything but said "Anyone else care to look?"
OOC: Walkers from the east: 46/99 dead, 6 with 9 damage to head, 6 with 8 damage to head, 1 with 3 damage to head, 1 with 1 damage to head - 6 zombies inside (4 in kitchen, 2 in hallway)
Runners from the east: 15/19 dead, 4 with 9 damage to head

On the west side of the motel-
Zorie Spooner reached the bottom of the ladder. She called to Phillips: "I'll be with you in a few minutes, Steve. I've got to go get the tools from the old comm room first. Go ahead and lock the door, since I've got the keys." She headed for the back door to the motel.

In the medic's room-
"Thanks, ma'am," replied Phillips. "I can wait. You go on and do what you need to." He locked the door, leaving the chain undone. Then he staggered over to the bed and collapsed on it. He lay on his back, folding his hands in prayer.

In the comm room-
"Thank you," said Lt. Malone into the microphone. "That's very good to know about the electric fence. I'm sorry to hear about your losses, but at least you've also confirmed the existence of those mosquito-like creatures. Do they have any known weaknesses?"

"Yeah," replied the man from Diego Garcia. "Shoot them with a lot of bullets. The little devils sure are hard to hit, though. Just don't let them sting you, or it's curtains. A couple of our men were stung and haven't come down with symptoms yet, but we're watching them closely just in case."

"Interesting. Anything else you can tell us?" While she waited for a reply, she spoke to Lewis. "Malanowski needs his weapon repaired. I sent Zorie Spooner downstairs to bring up the tools we left there. They'll also be useful in case we need to do maintenance on the equipment. In the meantime, any advice you have to offer would be welcome. Is there anything you'd like to ask the folks at Diego Garcia while we've got them on the line?"

On the motel's roof-
"I'm not seeing anything else either," Black said. "That civilian made it to the garage roof, and now another one is starting to follow him."

Sheen squinted through his scope at the bus. "Still nothing," he said.

Malanowski spoke over the radio: "Sergeant McCain, permission to come downstairs and bring my weapon in for repairs? While I'm down there I can also collect more ammo to bring to the snipers for when I go back up."

On the east side of the motel-
Baldwin and Gary scaled the ladders to the balcony while David waited his turn below.

On the motel balcony-
Captain Lereux nodded to Ortega. "Go ahead and report what I told you," he said. "I wouldn't mention that idea you had about me resuming command, though. I'm sure if I talk things through with Lt. Malone we can settle this matter."

"Yes, sir," said Ortega. He spoke into his throat mic. "Ortega here, Sergeant. Captain Lereux has just returned from the diner. It's being overrun by about fifty of the creatures. He rescued six civilians and one of the trucks. They're waiting in the parking lot, but the others are trapped there and the building could collapse at any time with those things crawling all over it. The civilians have agreed to help us, and the truck is a reefer, full of more than enough food for everyone here. The civilians include truck drivers and mechanics. Should we return to our posts now?"

Around the corner from the three of them, on the east side of the motel, Baldwin and Gary got onto the balcony where the other civilians were waiting.

"Hockey, come in please," said Duran on the radio. "Where are you? What's your status?"

On the roof of the garage-
Luke managed to reach the eastern edge of the garage roof, which was much more stable. From his new position he could no longer see the zombies to the east, as the diner blocked his view. Nor could he see Hockey in the parking lot near the main entrance. If he looked out across the road to the motel, though, he could clearly see the truck parked outside, facing north.

(If you go back onto the unstable diner roof, you'll need to make another Luck roll.)

On the roof of the diner-
"Okay, go!" Azadeh told Willie as she leaned over the edge of the roof to fire at another zombie. The aging cameraman took off across the unstable roof to the west, reloading his AR-15 as he went. He followed as closely in Luke's footsteps as he could. However, the strain of repeated passage over the same stretch of roof finally caused it to reach the breaking point. It gave way under his weight, a large hole opening around him and dropping him into the kitchen below. So much of the roof fell away that he didn't even have a chance to grab onto anything. Caught off guard, he fell screaming and landed roughly on his back on the kitchen table.

"No!" cried Samantha.

"There's nothing we can do for him except keep shooting these things," said Azadeh, firing another shot. The distraction caused her to miss, however. "Luke has the rope, anyway."

Samantha nodded and also got a shot off, hitting a ghoul in the head and blowing it away.

No more of the injured runners had gotten to the diner yet, but four of the slower ghouls entered, two through each door.

In the diner parking lot-
"I'm right outside the diner," said Hockey over the airwaves. "Sorry I lost it back there, but I'm frosty now." He could hear shotgun blasts coming from inside the crumbling diner, followed by Willie's scream, and he unslung his M-16. "Sarge, there are civilians inside who need immediate help! Permission to aid them?"

In the diner hallway-
Kimberly fired at one of the pair of the zombies that now approached, destroying what was left of its head. Joe also took down his target. They heard Willie screaming, followed by a loud thud from the kitchen. Just then, two of the slower zombies shambled in through the broken back door.

In the kitchen-
Willie quickly looked around the kitchen. Two zombies were in the room already. They had been heading for the hallway, but they turned towards him at the sound of him hitting the table. Another two lumbered in through the destroyed fire door. All four of the zombies converged on him, their inhuman moans echoing in his mind. They were hungry, and he was laid out on the table like the main course.

In the helicopter-
The chopper flew over more Nebraska farm country, though more roads crossed through it in the vicinity of the highway. Far below, corn waved in the wind, and a zombie in overalls trudged through one of them like a demonic scarecrow.

In the warehouse-
"Well, they don't seem to be getting any closer...yet," said Sally.

"That's a relief," said Rosie.

In the prison showers-
Kerry helped Lynne and Mrs. Foo emerge from the cell block and into the shower room.

"Missy Ellen!" shouted Mrs. Foo. "Please to call elevator! We need to go down fast!"

In the upper hatch chamber-
Ellen gasped, but did as she was told. She pressed the call button, and the lift began to rise from below. "It's on its way!" she called back.

In the project manager's office-
Jim Kerr noticed that the top page on the memo pad had writing on it. It said: ""General Grey has locked us down to face our maker. God protect us." The books covered a few different scientific subjects, but most of them focused on organic life found underground. The reel-to-reel recorder was battery-powered, but the batteries were long since dead.

"Hmm," said Mr. Foo. "Even if we find any reels around here, we won't be able to play them unless we can replace the batteries. Any stored down in this place won't be any good at this point. Perhaps there are some in the warehouse above us."

He went over to the filing cabinet next, and he easily found a reel in the back of one of the drawers with a label that read "Project Manager's Log." He also noticed a thin trail of a kind of black sludge leading back into the vent and pointed it out to the others.

"Whatever that stuff is," said Jenny, "it sure is gross. I wouldn't touch it."

"There must be a treasure trove of information on this reel," said Mr. Foo, loading it onto the recorder. "We won't be able to play it until we find some batteries, however."

Duke looked into the living area at the back of the office. He flipped through the records and showed them to Jenny. "These seem to detail the various experiments they were doing here," he said. "Most of it's biological tests on organic substances found underground and on rock samples. They're mostly handwritten, not typed."

"Makes sense," she said. "I don't recall seeing a typewriter down here."

Duke nodded. "The handwriting gets increasingly harder to read as time goes by. These last ones are from the end of October 1961, and I can barely make out some of the words."
In the upstairs communication room:
Lewis leaned against the wall to scratch his back and said, "I think that why we have a chance we should set up the booby traps that McCain talked about a while back. That way we will not be awash in undead creatures during the next wave which by my clock should happen within the next 10 minutes or so."

On the northwest corner of the hotel, balcony level:
McCain stared off into the middle distance and said on his radio, "Malanowski, you have permission to come down and get your weapon fixed as well as collect ammo for the snipers. Thayer, when I order both of you to report what is going on that means I want to hear both your voices in a seperate report not just Ortega! Ortega, tell the good Captain that until the civilians have been examined they are not to come near the soliders or the hotel. Also he is to leave the hotel right now and wait to be examined as well since he had contact with them. As long as either of you have not touched him then you should be ok. Hockey, you have permission to go and fight the creatures in the diner."

In the Project Managers Office:
Jim Kerr said, "Well while the reel to reel tapes may reveal something to us, I think we should continue exploring this area and that includes someone going up this vent to see where it leads." Alice nodded and said, "If no one else wants to go I will"
On the motel balcony-
"This is Thayer," Thayer replied on the radio. "Don't worry, Sarge, we didn't touch him. We'll send him back down. What are your orders for us now?"

"Go on back down, sir," said Ortega. "You heard what Sergeant McCain said. Hopefully it won't take long for them to examine you and the civilians."

Captain Lereux sighed. "Don't you see? McCain's trying to get me killed. If I'm still down there the next time we get hit...well, I'd better go break the bad news to the civilians."

In the comm room-
"Ten minutes?" said Lt. Malone. "I hope they don't get here that quickly. It's been every half hour or so up until now, and our reinforcements aren't due to arrive for about another ten minutes. Still, we'd better get our defenses set up while we can." She spoke into her throat microphone. "Sergeant McCain, go ahead and prepare our defenses for the next wave. Your men can plant Claymores in the field and whatever else you can get set up, just be careful. And tell Hockey to be especially careful. He's our only trained machine gunner left, and we need him back as soon as possible."

In the diner parking lot-
"I'm going in," reported Hockey. He stepped through the shattered front entrance to the diner.

In the diner restaurant-
Hockey made his way through the slaughterhouse that the diner had become towards the scream, his boots crunching on rubble. He calmly raised his rifle to his shoulder and looked in through the door to the kitchen, where he saw four ghouls encircling the kitchen table onto which Willie had fallen.

In the project manager's office-
The vent shaft was too narrow for an adult human to fit inside. Max might have been able to manage it, but the dog kept his distance from the broken grille, wrinkling his nose and making low growling sounds.
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