Ice-T Loves New Vegas, says it has too much talking.

It does sometimes. It's really easy to get caught in a loop of dialogue-only/fedex quests that just have you running back and forth between different locations talking to people. It happened to me soon as I hit New Vegas and a couple other places. Of course, you can always take a break from those and choose to do some other side quests to break up the monotony.
I took off fast travel.. I dono how long its gona last that way but it sure breaks things up and encourages more exploring.

PS thats kinda cool Ice T is playin a fallout game. He was in Tank Girl one of my favorite post-apoc movies.
I could not play without fast travel on this game, you deserve an achievement for that. Some of the run back and fourth across the desert quest would make me want to throw my PC out the window.
I'm glad he is enjoying but, it just seems weird to complain that an RPG is 'slow and has too much talking.'


sorry, I had to...
Ausdoerrt said:
Some of the run back and fourth across the desert quest would make me want to throw my PC out the window.

You just press Q and go watch TV or something...

That sort of defeats the purpose, doesn't it? I could just "roleplay" that my character wasted 20 minutes rather than waste 20 minutes of my own time if I'm going to just press Q and walk away.
It has a little too much dialogue than you need from time to time but that's not a problem for me, I like the dialogue in the game a lot.
Eternal said:
I'm glad he is enjoying but, it just seems weird to complain that an RPG is 'slow and has too much talking.'

That would be like a FPS having to much shooting, or a flight simulator having to much 'flying'.

From the sound of it the guy would be happier with a hack and slash game.