Icewind Dale Question


So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs
Just started Icewind Dale 1 and was wondering if there was a way to turn on more data from combat ie: damage inflicted / taken as floating numbers above the characters?

I looked in the options, but couldn't see any.
I think you're confusing it with NWN or somethingsuch... ;)

IIRC, IE games never had floating numbers. You can turn on more detailed messages in the options though - they will display in the message window. However, everything usually happens so fast that you don't have the time to follow all of those.
Enjoy IWD if this is your first playthrough! It can get pretty tough late game if you're not well equipped and aren't very familiar with the D&D rules.

Knowing the damage with floating numbers would be useful in the early stages of the game, but later, your 6 party members with haste and 3 and 1/2 attacks per round could turn that pretty annoying. :P
l believe there are unofficial patch that fixes bugs not fixed by the official patch, did u get them rcorporon?
I didn't get the unofficial patch... I'll hunt it down.

Will I have to restart my game if I patch it though?

Also, I played countless hours of AD&D 2nd Ed (which I think Icewind Dale is based on) so I'm stoked to give it a go.

EDIT: I've read that if I have Trials of the Luremaster (which I do) I don't need any more patches (official ones) and a google search came up with nothing in the way of fan patches...
There isn't really any impressive fan content for IWD. You might want to try the tweak-pack though, to make stacking less annoying.

Enjoy the game. You will have an option to do the expansion content before finishing the main quest - I would hold off on that; instead finish it normally then export the party for better extra bonuses ;)

Oh, and ToL is an amazing module, don't miss out on it.
I never laughed harder at a game as when in one of the IWD you pick up a dead cat in the starting area and the captain of the town berates you for picking up everything not nailed down, including said dead cat.
Ausdoerrt said:
There isn't really any impressive fan content for IWD. You might want to try the tweak-pack though, to make stacking less annoying.

Dear mr. ausdoerrt, you are very wrong.


The Icewind Dale NPCs mod introduces a cast of five new characters to the great frozen wastes of the Forgotten Realms, with all the depth you would expect from PPG companions. The mod will transform the Icewind Dale experience into the story of a single, player-defined protagonist, and his or her fully-interactive allies.

The IWD NPCs includes a fighter, ranger, multi-classed thief, paladin, and bard. Alternate classes are also available. Each character comes with a new, original portrait, full voicing, interactions with the PC and each other, and quest commentary and interjections. Romance is also in the bitterly cold air...
Heh, I did my first playthrough of IWD with no stinky patch! Let me see if I can still get that hilarious screenshot in my folder.

Man, the THAC0 counter was incredibly buggy sometimes:

-171 :crazy:?
Ausdoerrt said:
Hmm, must've missed that then ;) I've never been big on NPC mods, though, I prefer to create my own party for a h'n's adventure like IWD.

I agree...but does charisma play a big roll in IWD, because I use to run around the world with a team of killers with 1 charisma and 18/90+ strength, and 18+ seemed to be pretty effective, especially late into the game with the better equipment. It's not that I had no interest in magic, but the front line troops were tough and ugly SOB's.

Is the experience gained divided equally amongst the party...if that's the case it might be worth while using a smaller party 3 to 4 members.
^G3 aren't the only IE-gaems modding group, so I'd suggest going to for a more comprehensive list.

I agree...but does charisma play a big roll in IWD, because I use to run around the world with a team of killers with 1 charisma and 18/90+ strength, and 18+ seemed to be pretty effective, especially late into the game with the better equipment. It's not that I had no interest in magic, but the front line troops were tough and ugly SOB's.

Not in IWD1, no. It may have some effects (don't remember, really), but it's not required, which can be exploited if you wish.
.Pixote. said:
Is the experience gained divided equally amongst the party...if that's the case it might be worth while using a smaller party 3 to 4 members.

Yes it is. For a good 2-3rd playthrough of IWD, going solo is quite fun! I had quite a good time with a Fighter/Mage and a Thief/Mage. Early on, you exploit every aspect of the game just so you can beat the first monsters(and you start at lvl 1 no less!). And for the late game, slashing your way through hordes of monsters, roasting them with area spells and so buffed up you're almost a god.