Ideas for a new type of mutant?


Vault Senior Citizen
Just asking if anyone has an idea for a new kind of humanoid mutant, unrelated to Super Mutants or Ghouls or Slags or Trogs or any other humanoid mutant that’s already been featured in a game. If you’d like to satisfy my curiosity or just get some creative juices flowing then please reply to this thread with your ideas.
I had an idea for a type of mutant who's skin would grow like calluses all over and then crack like this: image_2021-10-01_112607.png
Their skin would be really hard to penetrate so they would have a natural armor, however, the skin doesn't stop growing so it will limit movement and get heavy at a certain point so they'd have to basically skin themselves by peeling them off (which would require the help of someone else). They'd value numbing agents of any kind, be it medicine, alcohol or herbal remedies, anything that can numb the pain. A lot of their nerves are deadened so they don't feel as much over their skin as other people do but it is still a painful process. Afterwards they'd need to wrap their bodies in cloth for a few days as the skin would grow back quickly.
I haven’t created a backstory for them, but I’ve always thought these creatures from Pink Floyd’s The Wall movie would fit right into a Fallout game.


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I don't think slags are really mutant, they're just people born in caves/sensitive to light.

I had an idea for a type of mutant who's skin would grow like calluses all over and then crack like this: View attachment 20894
Their skin would be really hard to penetrate so they would have a natural armor, however, the skin doesn't stop growing so it will limit movement and get heavy at a certain point so they'd have to basically skin themselves by peeling them off (which would require the help of someone else). They'd value numbing agents of any kind, be it medicine, alcohol or herbal remedies, anything that can numb the pain. A lot of their nerves are deadened so they don't feel as much over their skin as other people do but it is still a painful process. Afterwards they'd need to wrap their bodies in cloth for a few days as the skin would grow back quickly.
This is sort of like the Endless Walkers
I don't think slags are really mutant, they're just people born in caves/sensitive to light
I’d consider that a mutant. They’re different enough from baseline humans. Besides, some of them literally use the glowing one models, so I think it’s implied that they’ve been changed by radiation over time.
I’d consider that a mutant. They’re different enough from baseline humans. Besides, some of them literally use the glowing one models, so I think it’s implied that they’ve been changed by radiation over time.
They use glowing one models at the ghost farm because they smeared themselves with glowing fungus to look like ghosts.

It just isn't clear to me that their differences are caused by radiation (since that's the whole point of being underground, protection for radiation) or genetic engineering. Heck, they probably aren't even all that different from baseline humans from a natural genetic drift standpoint, aside from being inbred - their distinctive features, being pale and having large pupils, those would occur to anyone who was born in a cave and never saw the light of day (or a decent simulation). But this is semantics.
They use glowing one models at the ghost farm because they smeared themselves with glowing fungus to look like ghosts.

It just isn't clear to me that their differences are caused by radiation (since that's the whole point of being underground, protection for radiation) or genetic engineering. Heck, they probably aren't even all that different from baseline humans from a natural genetic drift standpoint, aside from being inbred - their distinctive features, being pale and having large pupils, those would occur to anyone who was born in a cave and never saw the light of day (or a decent simulation). But this is semantics.
Oh, I was unaware of this. Yeah, they probably aren’t a product of radiation, and I agree that genetically they probably aren’t too different from normal humans ( except for having far less genetic diversity, obviously), but they stand out enough from normal humans that I just lump them into the “mutant” category. Like you said, it’s semantics really.
I haven’t created a backstory for them, but I’ve always thought these creatures from Pink Floyd’s The Wall movie would fit right into a Fallout game.
Someone (Sorry, but can't remember who) made this kinda similar-looking creature as a fallout 2 sprite.


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I always rather liked the "Atomic Horror" concepts from Adamowicz's Fo3 concept art.


Only trouble is how do you make them distinct from ghouls. You could make them not immortal like ghouls, just people who have melted together and had their genes fused and twisted by radiation, but then you have the problem of how they would be around by the modern day. I guess you could say that htey established a breeding population, though I somehow doubt that...

I guess you could just make them a kind of ghoul, ones that were particuarly close to blasts. Or you could have it be something entirely new, modern day Wastelanders exposed to radioactive or toxic sludge of some kind.

Slags could be an early stage of Trogs from Van Buren.
Trogs were created by uranium contamination in the Grand Canyon though. They're both troglodytic, but the similarity ends there
I was thinking about truly "alien" humanoids.
I mean ghouls, Slags, trogs and Supermutants (even Bethesda ones) are still all humans despite the changes made by radiation and/ or FEV.

What if something (bugs or maybe some mammal) was changed enough to be on the level of a human caveman (forms tribes, creates basic tools, farms and keeps other animals for food, fights and trades with other tribes), but stayed alien enough so that any form of communication with humans was next to impossible (so no talking racoons or deathclaws)?

Could be a source of an interesting conflict. Should this new race be destroyed before it becomes a threat (let's say that some of them already kill people that enter their territory)? Or maybe helping them develop could be some sort of penance for mankind?
Something like that couldn't happen without human intervention though. It would have to be the cause of FEV or hybridization gene tampering between human and X. The best we can get is Y escaped from lab Z, meaning S'Lanters. Cause whatever it is needs opposable thumbs to actually use tools and need to be social to form a line of communication of ideas, no matter how rudimentary they are. So they need opposable thumbs or something like it and already be social amongst themselves for them to fast-track evolution to a human primitive stage. The chances of that happening in nature is too far fetched in my eyes. It would have to be created by humans.
- Tall, skeletal, mutant deer-people
- "Inspirations":
at 13:58 -20:40

- They still have their human intellect and remember their past lives. They can use guns, wear armor and clothes and can strategize ... but can't talk. They communicate with sign language, but mostly basic hand gestures ( thumbs up, middle finger, etc.), vocal noises, and reading each others' body language.

- Communicating with them is hard, but reasoning with them is the real challenge.

- They eat humans, specifically hunt humans like animals. Common traps are supply caches out in the open. Others are like the intro to this video, with the broadcast being the genuine fear from a past victim:

When their meat supply runs dry, the Wendigos will begin their "hunting season" with individual hunters targeting travelers out in the wastes. When enough time passes, people will start noticing the mass disappearances and stop venturing outside. The Wendigos will then be forced to assault entire towns and villages; not implying they weren't going to do that anyways. They will first target the radio station; to keep settlements in the dark and to keep them from communicating with each other. They'll go on to systematically; and nearly, purge The Overgrowth (Washington Wasteland) of human life, but leave just enough alive so they can repopulate. Because of this, the Wendigos are hesitant to kill women and children. Once they've harvested all the meat they can, they'll move on to the next region and start all over again.

- Wendigos find other types of meat nasty or not-as-good. They explicitly eat human flesh.

- The big twists in the story are their existence and the fact they aren't from Washington. They came from Alaska (referencing real life mythology and the main reason they're chosen for the setting).

- Some Wendigo lore versions say you become one by committing cannibalism in a forest cursed with the Wendigo spirit. For Fallout, the Wendigos give their own flesh to a select few. Methods are either tricking a human prisoner into eating it by mixing bits of it in their food, or just force feeding. For the latter, a Wendigo would enter your cell, slice off a chunk of skin off their arm, leg, or chest in front of you and then cram it down your throat. Sometimes they'll try growing their numbers "the normal way", but Wendigo birth is too extreme. One of the sub-endings are the player becoming a Wendigo themselves, which would affect the main endings because of everyone's reaction to it.

- Surface level: deer hunting people instead of people hunting deer. Cannibals with a scarier coat of paint

- Plot and theme level: The Wendigos are "innocent" in a sense that their only motivation is survival. Not malice or sadism and certainly not greed. Everyone needs to eat; simple as that.

- Wendigos Vs. The Raider (Player moniker)

1. The Wendigos only take what they need so their food source isn't depleted. Raiders in general take as much of whatever they want from who ever they want.

2. The Raider came to The Overgrowth to pillage it's over abundant resources, like everyone else who isn't local. The Wendigos came to The Overgrowth for it's dense human population, because of said abundance.

Reasons why the Wendigos may be well received (at least on NMA):
1. A new race of sub-human
2. A non-ideologically driven faction, though they'll be used to compare morality with the general wasteland and the player (to an extent)
3. A relatively small-scale threat
4. Body horror and monster movie based (personal reason why I choose them to be the main antagonists)
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Little Green Men


Based around the Shyamalan twist at the end of Annie Jacobsen's purportedly non-fiction Area 51 book.

Tales of aliens abound in the Wasteland. At the campfires of road side rest stops, one can hear old men regaling caravaneers with lurid tales of abduction and probing by things from beyond the stars. The old-timers in Dayglow mumble about the things they saw in the ancient ruins to the west, when they were still ripe for the picking: bulbous heads and empty eyes warped into shapes stranger still by the glass domes that contained them. Glinting saucers crashed in the desert sands, entire herds of brahmin dissected, strange symbols in fields of maize. What are we to make of these signs and portents? Mere myth?

Not so. In the days before the Atomic Holocaust, the government had a lot of money. More money than they knew what to do with, really. They were very free with how this money was distributed, throwing it at anyone and everyone who promised potentially war-winning results. And in the halls of vast bureaucracies staffed by nincompoops and neptoism hires, it was very easy for some of the more retarded plans to slip through the cracks.

The concept behind Little Green Men was simple. Cause a mass panic and undermine morale among the Chinese by faking an alien invasion, on the model of the Orson Wells War of the Worlds panic. First state of the art, albeit highly impractical, saucer-type aircraft were requistioned. Next, some of the most advanced (but again, highly impractical) energy weapons. All of this would be covered in strange symbols and made with strange unergonomic designs that only make sense for beings not of this world. Finally, you get dozens of these things past Chinese air defenses, wreak some havoc in backwater towns and villages, and strike fear into the hearts of the Chinese people. The only ingredient missing was the aliens.

Children from some of the less fortunate corners of American society were to be drafted, given a chance to serve their country and make something of themselves - or rather, have the government make them into something else.

These children would undergo a number of horrific procedures to make them fit the role. An induced form of harlequin icthyosis was deployed to give them a horrific, reptilian appearance with scaled skin. Their eyes were widened and pulled back, and their color made black. Their head would be bound to increase capacity and elongate shape. Small amounts of lead would be injected subdermally to give some measure of protection in the highly irradiated cabins of their saucers, along with genetic modifications. Their growth would be severely retarded, preventing them from reaching full maturity.

Perhaps more important were the psychologicla and neurological modifications. Though their brain capacity was enlarged and a cocktail of chemicals and genetic therapies would increase the growth of their brain, it was specifically targeted towards sections focused on analytical thinking and memory rather than creativity or individuality. They would be psychologically conditioned in a bizarre manner: they were totally loyal to their human handlers, utterly devoted to their mission with little regard for themselves. They were made to memorize formulae and knowledge far beyond what was necessary to give the outward appearance of super-human intelligence, despite the fact that they had no ability to do anything other than what they were trained or had memorized. They were given a totally artificial language and culture, completely divorced from anything on earth, to complete the illusion of an alien race.

Thousands of these abominations were created in forgotten sections of science labs across the country - WestTek, Groom Lake, Sierra Army Depot, Dulce Base, others of their ilk. While they were waiting for full approval of their mission, science staff found that they were useful lab assistants due to their devotion and their ability to memorize complex but ultimately monotonous tasks.

When word finally reached someone capable of making rational decisions that they had bred an army of inhuman freaks for some harebrained scheme, he said "What the fuck?" The plan was shitcanned, and all living Little Green Men were ordered to Dulce Base, awaiting extermination. The year was 2077...

After the War, their human captors extinct, the Little Green Men have developed a strange culture. Without human directions, their inbuilt instincts and memorized plots have gotten their wires a little crossed. They are now enacting their grand plan, the big mission. They wreak havoc across the American Southwest, and perhaps beyond. Ships randomly attack travelers and towns with their exotic energy weapons. Abductions and dissections are an extrapolation of their lab-assistant habits, diligently doing and logging scientific studies with no direction or purpose other than gathering data, a sadistic exercise detached from any illusion of progress. They will occasionally crash their saucers on purpose, intending to be found to strike terror into the hearts of the Reds, though it helps that they're not especially dexterous or skilled at literally anything they do.

Their lives are centered around the Mother Ship, Dulce Base. Dulce Base is run by an AI that centrally directs and organizes the Little Green Men on the basis of its remaining and scrambled instructions. The most important role of the AI is managing reproduction, growing new Little Green Men in vats from the biological material of its population, as well as the occasional hapless Wastelander, conducting all the needed operations and psycological operations. Increasingly important is sending the saucers out on more structured missions - gathering supplies and scraps from other military facilities as its own structures and equipment begins to break down.

Little Green Men


Based around the Shyamalan twist at the end of Annie Jacobsen's purportedly non-fiction Area 51 book.

Tales of aliens abound in the Wasteland. At the campfires of road side rest stops, one can hear old men regaling caravaneers with lurid tales of abduction and probing by things from beyond the stars. The old-timers in Dayglow mumble about the things they saw in the ancient ruins to the west, when they were still ripe for the picking: bulbous heads and empty eyes warped into shapes stranger still by the glass domes that contained them. Glinting saucers crashed in the desert sands, entire herds of brahmin dissected, strange symbols in fields of maize. What are we to make of these signs and portents? Mere myth?

Not so. In the days before the Atomic Holocaust, the government had a lot of money. More money than they knew what to do with, really. They were very free with how this money was distributed, throwing it at anyone and everyone who promised potentially war-winning results. And in the halls of vast bureaucracies staffed by nincompoops and neptoism hires, it was very easy for some of the more retarded plans to slip through the cracks.

The concept behind Little Green Men was simple. Cause a mass panic and undermine morale among the Chinese by faking an alien invasion, on the model of the Orson Wells War of the Worlds panic. First state of the art, albeit highly impractical, saucer-type aircraft were requistioned. Next, some of the most advanced (but again, highly impractical) energy weapons. All of this would be covered in strange symbols and made with strange unergonomic designs that only make sense for beings not of this world. Finally, you get dozens of these things past Chinese air defenses, wreak some havoc in backwater towns and villages, and strike fear into the hearts of the Chinese people. The only ingredient missing was the aliens.

Children from some of the less fortunate corners of American society were to be drafted, given a chance to serve their country and make something of themselves - or rather, have the government make them into something else.

These children would undergo a number of horrific procedures to make them fit the role. An induced form of harlequin icthyosis was deployed to give them a horrific, reptilian appearance with scaled skin. Their eyes were widened and pulled back, and their color made black. Their head would be bound to increase capacity and elongate shape. Small amounts of lead would be injected subdermally to give some measure of protection in the highly irradiated cabins of their saucers, along with genetic modifications. Their growth would be severely retarded, preventing them from reaching full maturity.

Perhaps more important were the psychologicla and neurological modifications. Though their brain capacity was enlarged and a cocktail of chemicals and genetic therapies would increase the growth of their brain, it was specifically targeted towards sections focused on analytical thinking and memory rather than creativity or individuality. They would be psychologically conditioned in a bizarre manner: they were totally loyal to their human handlers, utterly devoted to their mission with little regard for themselves. They were made to memorize formulae and knowledge far beyond what was necessary to give the outward appearance of super-human intelligence, despite the fact that they had no ability to do anything other than what they were trained or had memorized. They were given a totally artificial language and culture, completely divorced from anything on earth, to complete the illusion of an alien race.

Thousands of these abominations were created in forgotten sections of science labs across the country - WestTek, Groom Lake, Sierra Army Depot, Dulce Base, others of their ilk. While they were waiting for full approval of their mission, science staff found that they were useful lab assistants due to their devotion and their ability to memorize complex but ultimately monotonous tasks.

When word finally reached someone capable of making rational decisions that they had bred an army of inhuman freaks for some harebrained scheme, he said "What the fuck?" The plan was shitcanned, and all living Little Green Men were ordered to Dulce Base, awaiting extermination. The year was 2077...

After the War, their human captors extinct, the Little Green Men have developed a strange culture. Without human directions, their inbuilt instincts and memorized plots have gotten their wires a little crossed. They are now enacting their grand plan, the big mission. They wreak havoc across the American Southwest, and perhaps beyond. Ships randomly attack travelers and towns with their exotic energy weapons. Abductions and dissections are an extrapolation of their lab-assistant habits, diligently doing and logging scientific studies with no direction or purpose other than gathering data, a sadistic exercise detached from any illusion of progress. They will occasionally crash their saucers on purpose, intending to be found to strike terror into the hearts of the Reds, though it helps that they're not especially dexterous or skilled at literally anything they do.

Their lives are centered around the Mother Ship, Dulce Base. Dulce Base is run by an AI that centrally directs and organizes the Little Green Men on the basis of its remaining and scrambled instructions. The most important role of the AI is managing reproduction, growing new Little Green Men in vats from the biological material of its population, as well as the occasional hapless Wastelander, conducting all the needed operations and psycological operations. Increasingly important is sending the saucers out on more structured missions - gathering supplies and scraps from other military facilities as its own structures and equipment begins to break down.

So much effort and inhumane practices for just a propaganda campaign. Perfectly describes the Old World.
So much effort and inhumane practices for just a propaganda campaign. Perfectly describes the Old World.
Thanks, that's a high compliment.

I just felt like Bethesda was fundamentally right in apprehending that aliens do belong in the Fallout universe considering the aesthetic, but the only way to make them work is either 1) confining them to Wild Wasteland, random encounters and if you really want your hallway shooter imply its a dream, or 2) have them euhumerized by earthly means.
Not a mutant but I always think the classic conception of the Cybermen from Doctor Who would make a suitably creep facet of the Fallout world . Later incarnations have made them into stompy robots but their earliest iterations were medical horrors, created by a society where their planet was becoming uninhabitable, so they replaced all vulnerable biological parts with technology. However, to counteract the psychological horror of this they also erased their sense of emotion and humanity, tools of ultimate and necessary survival. Their original incarnation is wonderfully retro and suited to the style of Fallout, with some Americana 50's tweaks incorporated.

Come to think of this though, it might cross too much over with the Unity. Though I think something like this would have been a wonderful twist to the superficial intelligent pragmatism of the Institute. Humanity redefined indeed.
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Not a mutant but I always think the classic conception of the Cybermen from Doctor Who would make a suitably creep facet of the Fallout world . Later incarnations have made them into stompy robots but their earliest iterations were medical horrors, created by a society where their planet was becoming uninhabitable, so they replaced all vulnerable biological parts with technology. However, to counteract the psychological horror of this they also erased their sense of emotion and humanity, tools of ultimate and necessary survival. Their original incarnation is wonderfully retro and suited to the style of Fallout, with some Americana 50's tweaks incorporated.

Come to think of this though, it might cross too much over with the Unity. Though I think something like this would have been a wonderful twist to the superficial intelligent pragmatism of the Institute. Humanity redefined indeed.

Was unaware of these details as someone who is vehemently anti-Dr. Who, but that's pretty cool and it could fit in Fallout. Sort of like a cross between the Unity and Trauma Harnesses.
Was unaware of these details as someone who is vehemently anti-Dr. Who, but that's pretty cool and it could fit in Fallout. Sort of like a cross between the Unity and Trauma Harnesses.

I'm not sure if the Cybermen are the progenitor of the idea but they were extremely early (late 60s) and the Borg, the other most popular version of the idea, were directly inspired by the Cybermen. However I always felt the Borg lacked the medical horror aspect that the original Cybermen had. Barring an (excellent) throwback story in 2017 their modern incarnations have been stompy robots however.

But I suppose where they'd differ from the Unity would be that it wouldn't be impressed on them by the Master and the Children but rather something people were voluntarily choosing to do because they legitimately believed it was the way of the future.

As I said I could easily see a scenario in which you're presented with the Institute, and then this insane creepy plan of theirs is unfolded as they believe humanity at present is outdated and technology is the path forward. A sort of cult of pure reason, scientism and utilitarianism that has foregone "humanity". I imagine you could gem it up with trappings of World of Tomorrow optimism and Americana sci -fi to make it more Fallout than grim British cold war fiction, but I think the cold, surgical cloth glove fits.
I have an idea for a group of mutants that I refer to as Outcasts. Their backstory is as follows.

In the aftermath of the war birth defects and deformities were common, particularly among survivors and communities that had been exposed to radiation. Typically these deformities were minor and unnoticeable, like an extra toe or an extra nipple, while others could be quite extreme, like an extra arm or an extra eye. These radically deformed mutants often had difficultly being accepted by their “normal” friends and family. Most would eventually be cast out by their communities due to post-war superstitions or just plain old bigotry against the deformed. Those that managed to survive the harshness of the wastes would eventually find company in other deformed humans that had suffered the same fate.

Some of these mutant outcasts would band together to form their own communities, providing safe haven for others of their kind. They would interbreed with each other, multiplying the severity of the mutations in their offspring. Over the course of a few generations they would rapidly devolve into forms that were barely recognizable as human.

But for now, they look more like Futurama’s sewer mutants.

(Minus the animalistic features, like tentacle arms)