If House hadn't gone into a coma...


Still Mildly Glowing
After playing in Vegas recently, I starting thinking about what house said about the day of the great war and his current plains. So after he shot down the missiles his system crashed and he feel into a coma, Vegas survived the war but must have readily fallen into anarchy in the weeks and years following 23 October 2077 so when house "woke up" the inhabitants had become tribals. If he hadn't fallen into a coma what was his plan? Send the Securitron out and take control on city? In such a context I can only see his rule being extremely totalitarian, thought under the context that have what would have been needed to keep civilization together. [/u]
He would need to rebuild his monetary empire a little first, the city would be in better state, and people are still part of a generation that lived in the Pre War era so one would think this would've been carried over easier. Then he just needs to find his chip and he is ready to go. He probably wouldn't even need the NCR.
Languorous_Maiar said:
Without chip he's nothing, so I doubt it would change a lot.

If he hadn't fallen into a coma what was his plan?
Same as in 2281, making super-city state from his lovely Vegas.
Pretty much, same he tried to do in-game, except he would've had a 200 years advantage to do so, and no petty pseudo nations to opose him.
ChuckP said:
Pretty much, same he tried to do in-game, except he would've had a 200 years advantage to do so, and no petty pseudo nations to opose him.
House regained consciousness in 2138 according to the Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide, so what was he doing for nearly 150 years?
Kalasanty11 said:
House regained consciousness in 2138 according to the Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide, so what was he doing for nearly 150 years?

There's a big difference between regaining consciousness and being able to act.
It's not like his money was worth anything after the war. He would need to send some Securitrons into recon operations and probably try to make his fortune up in Caps instead of paper money that nobody used.
If he hadn't gone into coma, then history of Fallout would changed much.
he would find the chip faster, civilize the Vegas, make spaceship and terraforming another planet. and he might be connect with Enclave and Enclave would participate his plan rather than doing genocide.

I'm not sure about this but I heard both Enclave and House's original goal is go to space to begin civilization.
Walpknut said:
It's not like his money was worth anything after the war. He would need to send some Securitrons into recon operations and probably try to make his fortune up in Caps instead of paper money that nobody used.

Well, since bottle caps value comes from their validity on The Hub markets, caps wouldn't probably have been a valid form of currency at that time. I wonder why New Vegas states it's the most accepted currency, when it's just as NCR centric as NCR money. I don't think it's plausible the Legion would accept it as money before their contact with the NCR on Vegas, or in any place not inside or in the frontier with NCR.
Tagaziel said:
There's a big difference between regaining consciousness and being able to act.
I don't actually remember, are those words of House himself, that he wasn't able to act? Or is it just an assumption?

When I was arguing with one of F3 fans he also noticed that Chip was hidden in Sunnyvale - and the fact that House "waiting for the signs of civilization" wasn't able to spot those signs in the middle of NCR territory was impossible. I replied to him, that probably he was waiting for the signs of civilization to show up at his doorstep, but I'm not convinced myself. From what I remember he needed NCR money, but if he reacted faster he would be able to gain more power by, for example, gathering more tribes.
Dunno, maybe he just didn't trust humans, waiting for Chip to be found so he could use his trusty securitrons instead.
Oppen said:
Walpknut said:
It's not like his money was worth anything after the war. He would need to send some Securitrons into recon operations and probably try to make his fortune up in Caps instead of paper money that nobody used.

Well, since bottle caps value comes from their validity on The Hub markets, caps wouldn't probably have been a valid form of currency at that time. I wonder why New Vegas states it's the most accepted currency, when it's just as NCR centric as NCR money. I don't think it's plausible the Legion would accept it as money before their contact with the NCR on Vegas, or in any place not inside or in the frontier with NCR.

Part of the reason that the NCR is the biggest game in town is that they had the economic engine of The Hub to drive their growth, and it stands to reason that they were one of the largest and earliest-established trade settlements of that nature for hundreds of miles around. Even as society was just beginning to reform itself, The Hub merchants were a pretty big deal, and their caravans probably covered more of the wasteland than just about anyone else had a reason to, taking the Cap standard with them and locking it in from early on. I'm sure their routes just kept getting longer as the proto-NCR started to spread and the caravans needed to seek untapped markets. There were also settler/refugee groups like the Khans and the remnants of the Master's Army/CoC as well as missionary/exploratory groups like The Followers, who likely brought the idea of cap currency with them when they set out into the areas beyond the core (which were largely tribal and possibly lacking the concept of a universal standard of exchange). Vegas is about 1/5 of the distance from The Hub that Klamath or The Den are, as the crow flies, and even closer than that to Shady Sands, and most of the major settlements in the region lie on major highways. They probably would have fallen into the core region's mercantile sphere of influence long before they were reached by its military/political one.

As to the Legion, Caesar may ban the possession or use of certain items, but beyond that he generally leaves economies intact and even takes pains to protect trade. It's worth noting that he, himself, comes from an area that trades in caps and he may even have spread the idea to a few tribes during his work with the Followers, so he recognizes how ubiquitous their use is in the west. He'd likely mandate a phased universal transition to Legion coin once he'd defeated the NCR and consolidated his empire in the north and west, but until then, much of the extra-imperial trade his territories are going to be engaging in is going to be with regions that use other forms of currency, and it's not going to do his economy any good to bar their use.
Yamu said:
Part of the reason that the NCR is the biggest game in town is that they had the economic engine of The Hub to drive their growth, and it stands to reason that they were one of the largest and earliest-established trade settlements of that nature for hundreds of miles around. Even as society was just beginning to reform itself, The Hub merchants were a pretty big deal, and their caravans probably covered more of the wasteland than just about anyone else had a reason to, taking the Cap standard with them and locking it in from early on. I'm sure their routes just kept getting longer as the proto-NCR started to spread and the caravans needed to seek untapped markets. There were also settler/refugee groups like the Khans and the remnants of the Master's Army/CoC as well as missionary/exploratory groups like The Followers, who likely brought the idea of cap currency with them when they set out into the areas beyond the core (which were largely tribal and possibly lacking the concept of a universal standard of exchange). Vegas is about 1/5 of the distance from The Hub that Klamath or The Den are, as the crow flies, and even closer than that to Shady Sands, and most of the major settlements in the region lie on major highways. They probably would have fallen into the core region's mercantile sphere of influence long before they were reached by its military/political one.

As to the Legion, Caesar may ban the possession or use of certain items, but beyond that he generally leaves economies intact and even takes pains to protect trade. It's worth noting that he, himself, comes from an area that trades in caps and he may even have spread the idea to a few tribes during his work with the Followers, so he recognizes how ubiquitous their use is in the west. He'd likely mandate a phased universal transition to Legion coin once he'd defeated the NCR and consolidated his empire in the north and west, but until then, much of the extra-imperial trade his territories are going to be engaging in is going to be with regions that use other forms of currency, and it's not going to do his economy any good to bar their use.
Fair enough. Most of my misconception was because I lack the geographic knowledge of USA required to follow that logic, and because of a slip of mind I pictured NCR as being NCR by Fallout 1. Also, I should have took into acount the Follower past of Caesar, which would alone explain why the Legion accepts caps.
he would find the chip faster, civilize the Vegas, make spaceship and terraforming another planet. and he might be connect with Enclave and Enclave would participate his plan rather than doing genocide.
Huh... Nice fanfic there but completely unrealistic within Fallout story.
Not even mentioning that ideology of Enclave and House are mutually contradictory.
Enclave - restore of USA without mutated people
House - restore of Vegas* with mutated people

*House never wanted anything more than mighty Vegas.

I'm not sure about this but I heard both Enclave and House's original goal is go to space to begin civilization.

It was original goal of Enclave, but was closed off due to war starting too early and them being unable to be send to outer space. But when Enclave saw that they could use Earth I doubt they even looked again at older plan.

As for House, House and space? What? He bought REPCONN but nothing more.

I don't actually remember, are those words of House himself, that he wasn't able to act? Or is it just an assumption?

When I was arguing with one of F3 fans he also noticed that Chip was hidden in Sunnyvale - and the fact that House "waiting for the signs of civilization" wasn't able to spot those signs in the middle of NCR territory was impossible. I replied to him, that probably he was waiting for the signs of civilization to show up at his doorstep, but I'm not convinced myself. From what I remember he needed NCR money, but if he reacted faster he would be able to gain more power by, for example, gathering more tribes.
Dunno, maybe he just didn't trust humans, waiting for Chip to be found so he could use his trusty securitrons instead.
Before NCR came he couldn't do anything, that's why he propably went into coma again.
He hasn't enough power without NCR (or any other civilisation) at Hoover Dam.
Without power (so without robots) and without money (in future thanks to people of NCR pumping a lot of caps into his casinos) he couldn't organize actions to retake his chip.

Just look at this:
Yes Man's dialogue: "Did you know that Mr. House spent 812,545 caps hiring salvage teams to find the Platinum Chip- just in the last year alone? Of course you didn't!"
I'm really wonder what he could do without NCR.
Maybe I misheard something.

If house me Enclave early, then he will participate to Enclave I guess. since they got better resource than wastelander.
and Vegas would be city of fun and gamble for Enclave.

hey! it's not unrealistic since "House is not unconscious and start to begin civilization with his overwhelming technology" itself is unrealistic for Fallout. doesn't it? :lol:
If house me Enclave early, then he will participate to Enclave I guess. since they got better resource than wastelander.
and Vegas would be city of fun and gamble for Enclave.
You talking like House wasn't aware of Enclave... man, he was one of the most important people in entire USA before the Great War. He was able to defend entire city without 100% operational systems, something that Enclave could dream about. For sure he knew about them, but didn't wanted to be with them.
He uses "Going to space" as an example of the level of development and recovery of civilization he could achieve, he doesn't say "My dream is to go into SPAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACE!". So not even there are House and The Enclave similar. Also House has an obvious disdain for the pre war world.