If House hadn't gone into a coma...

No, again, he says that his plan is to use colony ships to leave Earth behind and forge new worlds free from the one that destroyed itself violently. It's his plan, ultimately.
No, he doesn't plan on leaving earth, he plans on restarting technological development, and one of the end results would be the capability of colonizing other planets, his goal is not to leave earth, is to rebuild it with his self perceived might.
Are you talking about the Repconn Ghouls? they have nothing to do with House at all... and I think one of the writters/designers implied the ynever left earth, but rather landed on another part of it.
Walpknut said:
I think one of the writters/designers implied the ynever left earth, but rather landed on another part of it.
Yeah, they are coming back later and they are helping Novac.

...So what about Sunnyvale? Is it plothole after all? Or is "House needed NCR money" explanation valid?
Languorous_Maiar said:
Not plothole and valid explanation.
He spend MILLIONS of caps to recover chip.
I always assumed, that as genius and pre-war billionaire he had tons of gold at his disposal - after all he spoke of preparations for Great War. He could use it to become powerful before NCR came to Mojave instead waiting for it to arrive and being at its mercy. Legion kinda saved him there...
Eh, probably I just don't remember something. It's been over a year since I played NV. As Tagaziel said, he probably wasn't able to act after his coma.
I always assumed, that as genius and pre-war billionaire he had tons of gold at his disposal - after all he spoke of preparations for Great War. He could use it to become powerful before NCR came to Mojave instead waiting for it to arrive and being at its mercy. Legion kinda saved him there...
You don't see a problem.

Look at some of my previous posts again:

Before NCR came he couldn't do anything, that's why he propably went into coma again.
He hasn't enough power without NCR (or any other civilisation) at Hoover Dam.
Without power (so without robots) and without money (in future thanks to people of NCR pumping a lot of caps into his casinos) he couldn't organize actions to retake his chip.

Even if he would have gold bars... his Vegas would be nothing without energy... so he needed some "organised civilisation" (in this case NCR) to run plant AND pump thousands of caps into his casinos.

Supposedly what he could do with a tons of gold in 2138?

What sort of people he could use to scavenge Sunnyvale, which was far away, blocked by Death Valley/Big Empty, Master's Army/Remnants, a lot of raiders cause all west wasn't cleaned by NCR and so on?

Some tribals? C'mon, be serious.
Languorous_Maiar said:
Before NCR came he couldn't do anything, that's why he propably went into coma again.
He hasn't enough power without NCR (or any other civilisation) at Hoover Dam.
Without power (so without robots) and without money (in future thanks to people of NCR pumping a lot of caps into his casinos) he couldn't organize actions to retake his chip.

Yeah, you are right. Pity, that I played the game so long ago, without paying as much attention as I should've been. Otherwise I'd be more capable to defend it from F3 fanboys, so eagerly nitpicking NV, but failing to see stupidity of their own beloved game.
On my next playthrough I'll be more careful :)
Languorous_Maiar said:
What sort of people he could use to scavenge Sunnyvale, which was far away, blocked by Death Valley/Big Empty, Master's Army/Remnants, a lot of raiders cause all west wasn't cleaned by NCR and so on?

Some tribals? C'mon, be serious.

A few easily avoided geographic unpleasantries and the occasional mutant or raider camp would not be much of a challenge to avoid...

And keep in mind that Harold and his crew blasted their way through like, miles of mutants and robots JUST to get into Mariposa... dude, you overrate the danger of the situation.
And why Harold organised such expedition?
Cause his caravans were constantly wiped out in wasteland...

So it's really possible for you, that House could organise some bands of tribals from Vegas in 2138, send them far away to some big arena, so they could look for some minor thing, which needed 100 years later milions of caps to be recoreved, while wasteland was much safer and he could use locals? Please.
House and Enclave is interesting question; there is no way the Enclave of fallout 2 would work with house. But the Enclave of say 2081... well that is a different question. I'm sure many of them may have have known House personally.