If the Great War was fought without nuclear weapons?

What do you mean by researching it? It was part of the research that went into the old Star Wars anti-ICBM program, it's part of the research into real-world electromagnetic guns and hyper-velocity missiles, and it's part of astrophysics research in the form of meteorites. Kinetic warheads have also been part of sci-fi for awhile; the most recent that I know of is Schlock Mercenary's c-sabots.

It was researched in the real world, yes but last time I checked Fallout was not the real world, they had different technology there due to different research, hence the idea that just because we researched something doesn't mean they did.
The concept of dropping dense rods came into fruition during the late 50s and early 60s I believe. Relatively simple concept as its quite simply dropping a rock in a pond and watching the splash and ripples. (U.N. ban of orbital weapons came in the 60s I believe.)

If they can pull off fusion reactors then understanding the physics behind dropping shit from orbit is already known.
Exactly, in the Fallout Universe, they have put a man on the moon, so they can clearly lift huge payloads into orbit, and drop them back to earth. That's all you need to do with a kinetic impactor, which is literally just a pointy lump of metal. We could put one in space within a month right now if we really wanted to, and so could people in the Fallout universe.
Exactly, in the Fallout Universe, they have put a man on the moon, so they can clearly lift huge payloads into orbit, and drop them back to earth. That's all you need to do with a kinetic impactor, which is literally just a pointy lump of metal. We could put one in space within a month right now if we really wanted to, and so could people in the Fallout universe.
But we don't, and they don't. Instead we researched nuclear weaponry.
We we're going to; as well as the USSR. That is why the Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies was passed and signed by all major players in 67'.

More convenient to use missiles that can achieve orbit and then drop their payload in the long term. Unless humanity gets an artificial space ring with elevators. : )
But we don't, and they don't. Instead we researched nuclear weaponry.

We don't, but we very easily could. With zero research. If you can go to the moon, you can have kinetic impactors in orbit. They are literally dumb lumps of metal. It's not like an orbital laser cannon or something that would have to be independently developed, there is literally no way the Fallout Universe couldn't have this technology.

As Scipio says, it is simply more convenient to use ICBMs to deliver a nuclear warhead. You get greater destructive power, and it is cheaper. The main advantage a kinetic impactor has is strategic and political, as you don't run so much of a risk of nuclear escalation as with a nuclear weapon of similar yield for busting bunkers and attacking massed troops.
We don't, but we very easily could. With zero research. If you can go to the moon, you can have kinetic impactors in orbit. They are literally dumb lumps of metal. It's not like an orbital laser cannon or something that would have to be independently developed, there is literally no way the Fallout Universe couldn't have this technology.

As Scipio says, it is simply more convenient to use ICBMs to deliver a nuclear warhead. You get greater destructive power, and it is cheaper. The main advantage a kinetic impactor has is strategic and political, as you don't run so much of a risk of nuclear escalation as with a nuclear weapon of similar yield for busting bunkers and attacking massed troops.

Oh shit... stop now. I just realized that means the whole 'moon wars' has ample reason to exist now... keep this info quiet!
We don't, but we very easily could. With zero research. If you can go to the moon, you can have kinetic impactors in orbit. They are literally dumb lumps of metal. It's not like an orbital laser cannon or something that would have to be independently developed, there is literally no way the Fallout Universe couldn't have this technology.

As Scipio says, it is simply more convenient to use ICBMs to deliver a nuclear warhead. You get greater destructive power, and it is cheaper. The main advantage a kinetic impactor has is strategic and political, as you don't run so much of a risk of nuclear escalation as with a nuclear weapon of similar yield for busting bunkers and attacking massed troops.

How much work would be needed into actually aiming an orbital kinetic weapon? I don't imagine they could just drop a solid chunk of metal from orbit and hope the infinite powers that be guide it towards them dirty Chinese Communists.
There's a fair amount of work, but guys with slide rules figured it out in the 50's and 60's when we introduced reentry vehicles for the space program (and later MIRV warheads).
Not likely, considering that chemical warfare was first practiced in WWI with chlorine gas and biological warfare dates all the way back to the Classical era. Granted, the bio warfare of the ancients was on the primitive side and they didn't understand why it spread disease, but even in the current age, bio warfare really only requires a few petri dishes and some starter stock for whatever bug you want to spread around.
Oh shit... stop now. I just realized that means the whole 'moon wars' has ample reason to exist now... keep this info quiet!
Some of a bitch they are going to do a DLC on the moon. I just know it. Remember that massive poster with power armour units on the moon? Yep, this will be their alien DLC for Fallout 4. I guarantee it.
Some of a bitch they are going to do a DLC on the moon. I just know it. Remember that massive poster with power armour units on the moon? Yep, this will be their alien DLC for Fallout 4. I guarantee it.
There is literally no way this could ever happen, Bethesda's intellectually bankrupt, not retarded.
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There is literally no way this could ever happen, Bethesda's intellectually bankrupt, not retarded.

Creatively bankrupt, yes. But not intellectually. You still need a fair amount of intelligence to maximise your profits, which Bethesda are arguably doing just fine.

They'll do it if there's enough of a want for it by the general audience for Fallout 4. Plus, business predictive analysts.
Creatively bankrupt, yes. But not intellectually. You still need a fair amount of intelligence to maximise your profits, which Bethesda are arguably doing just fine.

They'll do it if there's enough of a want for it by the general audience for Fallout 4. Plus, business predictive analysts.
I get the feeling that the lukewarm reaction to FO4 will hurt their DLC sales unless they're able to make something that actually resembles an RPG with some reactivity and logic to it. Not to mention how this could hurt TES and maybe Dishonored in the near future.
There is literally no way this could ever happen, Bethesda's intellectually bankrupt, not retarded.
It will be on the Moon but your Flamer of Freezing will still work in the vacuum of space because "Not interested in discussing realism in a post-apoc game with talking zombies" as their marketing guy so eloquently put it when asked about the stupidity of Kid in the Fridge.
Creatively bankrupt, yes. But not intellectually. You still need a fair amount of intelligence to maximise your profits, which Bethesda are arguably doing just fine.

They'll do it if there's enough of a want for it by the general audience for Fallout 4. Plus, business predictive analysts.

A lot of the general audience for Fallout 4 do want it. Even r/Fallout, which is quite critical of Fallout 4, is highly supportive of such a DLC, as seen in the posts about DLC suggestions.

I'm actually intrigued by a DLC set on the moon. It would be interesting to me if for instance, the premise of the conflict involves some experiment gone awry, leading to some collapse like Rapture and a focus on survival-horror. At the end, Bethesda could tie it to the larger affairs of the world by having the people from the moon go to earth and contribute something.
A lot of the general audience for Fallout 4 do want it. Even r/Fallout, which is quite critical of Fallout 4, is highly supportive of such a DLC, as seen in the posts about DLC suggestions.

I'm actually intrigued by a DLC set on the moon. It would be interesting to me if for instance, the premise of the conflict involves some experiment gone awry, leading to some collapse like Rapture and a focus on survival-horror. At the end, Bethesda could tie it to the larger affairs of the world by having the people from the moon go to earth and contribute something.
A moon DLC could be done right if handled correctly but I doubt Bethesda would hire writers that could do the concept justice. It could be heavily inspired by the Philip K. Dick novel Dr. Bloodmoney which had a radio DJ who was stuck in space as a central character, it could also be very similar to OWB following a crazy cast of scientists stuck on a celestial body but chances are it would be Mothership Zeta #2 and we don't need another Mothership Zeta so let's put the moon concept to sleep before some marketing executives decide to make it happen