If you could have one thing, what would it be ?

Professor's Editions to all of my textbooks! Physics for Engineering would be soooo much nicer with this!
Ozrat said:
Professor's Editions to all of my textbooks! Physics for Engineering would be soooo much nicer with this!

I am willing to bet that those are not so hard to get, but damn boring to read.
The powers, and costume (including lightsaber), of a Jedi Knight.
I'm with Luke on this one, especially as Jedi Knight 3: Jedi Academys coming out on the 19th Sept (In UK I think). Hehe lightsabre.......cooool, id have a sabre staff.:D

BTW The Jedi Academy demo is out for anyone interested.;)
Instead of a bubblewrap factory i'd want a lightsaber glove(a glove which has lightsabers for fingers)
Too bad though you don't get "force strangle" as a Jedi though - you'd have to be sith for that =/. However, I can imagine that the mind control thing, togeather with the 'force push' and 'force leap' could get you pretty far.
Did you consider the fact that it would kill you, or at least cursh your legs. Where do the rockets come from, your hand?
actually if I could somehow invent a machine that stabs people through thar monitor that would be kewlage 2 da maxx
[geek]Actually, the Dark Side prides itself on Immortality, while with the Light you return to the force (heaven, whatever buddhist shit you conjure up). So you actually do die, but you can keep in contact with force sensative people by communicating from the other side of the force.[/geek]
No no no, see Yoda didn't actually die he was just faking it so that that pussy Luke Skywalker would leave his house.