If you had to live in a Fallout game, where would you want to live?

Since when?
Since the start of fallout 1. Remembr? They we're getting attacKed by raiders and the radscorps kept fuckin with their barhma and! Thy didn't even know about crop rotation so I suspect that they we're gonna be having trouble with crops soon.
Since the start of fallout 1. Remembr? They we're getting attacKed by raiders and the radscorps kept fuckin with their barhma and! Thy didn't even know about crop rotation so I suspect that they we're gonna be having trouble with crops soon.
Shady Sands is also near that super mutant base and just isn't very well defended. Southern California also has a lot of super mutants running around.
Since the start of fallout 1. Remembr? They we're getting attacKed by raiders and the radscorps kept fuckin with their barhma and! Thy didn't even know about crop rotation so I suspect that they we're gonna be having trouble with crops soon.
Yeah but he said Shady Sands and that is way before it becomes the NCR capital.
>_> Ah, yeah, I was thinking about Shady Sands in Fallout 2.
Fallout 2.
New California.
Navarro main base.
Drill Sergeant's quarters.

Bow chicka bow wow.
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