If you tolerate this, then your children might be next


White heterosexual male
Some fucked-up piece of human shit from Honduras, a motherfucking waste of carbon and DNA calling himself an artist, had an idea: let's make a mural out of dog food and then tie a skinny and hungry stray dog next to it, yet not close enough for it to be able to eat from it.



People visited the exposition, but did nothing. I can just picture them: the arty-farty elite of Honduras, debating whether it was a stroke of genius, a postmodern gimmick or a Kafka-esque metaphor for life itself. Sipping their expensive bubbles, grinning at a living being in desperate need of help.


The dog died, right there in that cold, sterile museum, while the "art-lovers" enjoyed the exposition.

There are some more pictures over here.

You can sign an online petition, just to show your support and prevent further animal abuse of this sort. Also, if the petition is successful enough, it might just be enough to get that self-acclaimed artist-arsehole into legal trouble.

Even though I am a firm believer that art should have no boundaries, it should respect the ultimate limit: life. Even if it is only a stray dog no-one gave a shit about.

-- alec, truly truly truly disappointed in humanity for the gazillionth time :(
It looks like it's still 1700 in Honduras.
I'm pretty sure that even back then the notion of "mercy" or at least "mercy kill" (as opposed to letting any creature suffer) existed...
I think that 'artist' should make one last expo with himself nailed to a cross (or an X, actually the important part is nailed to something, bleeding badly and in a lot of pain) as a center piece.

And yes, my trust in humanity just went down a couple of notches...
Holy shit, that just ain't right. Human idiocity and cruelty truly knows no boundaries.
Aren't there some kind of animal protection laws that would have the "artist" arrested?
186713 signatures for something like this?


either way, signed, but kinda futile, dont you think?
SuAside said:
either way, signed, but kinda futile, dont you think?
Probably, yeah. But maybe, just maybe, these +180000 signatures will make other self-acclaimed artists think twice before sacrificing animals in the name of high-brow culture.

I'm so infuriated by this. Makes me want to become a vegetarian pronto. And yes: the best punishment would be to do the same to him, preferably with an electrode stuffed up his arse that sends 1000 Volts through his intestines everytime he even dares to think about food.
His cunning plan was that some visitor would release the dog out of pity, thereby ruining the "art piece", so he could sue them for £300,000,000. But they didn't since people try that stunt all the time in Honduras and now it's backfired. I say kill all installation fags and give their food to the writers, maybe a little to the painters.
It's not that sick. Installation fags have rudimentary nervous systems and it hasn't been proven that they feel pain or anguish at all.
Per said:
It's not that sick. Installation fags have rudimentary nervous systems and it hasn't been proven that they feel pain or anguish at all.
I was talking about what they've done with that dog.
Has it occured to anyone that the outrage the artist has elicited from the media in general and this thread in particular may be exactly what the artist is going for?

Life in Central America is not valued the same as it is in Europe and N America. Perhaps you all should attempt to look beneath the surface for the underlying purpose of the exhibit before casting the first stone.