If you tolerate this, then your children might be next

Murdoch said:
Has it occured to anyone that the outrage the artist has elicited from the media in general and this thread in particular may be exactly what the artist is going for?

Life in Central America is not valued the same as it is in Europe and N America. Perhaps you all should attempt to look beneath the surface for the underlying purpose of the exhibit before casting the first stone.
Okay, that's another way of looking at it. Still, regardless of artistic purpose, shouldn't he be somehow punished for making a show out of a dying animal?

He didn't just show pictures of a killing that was beyond his control. He actually caused the death of the dog.
fedaykin said:
Okay, that's another way of looking at it. Still, regardless of artistic purpose, shouldn't he be somehow punished for making a show out of a dying animal?

He didn't just show pictures of a killing that was beyond his control. He actually caused the death of the dog.

I'm not defending the artist's actions, or, more importantly the actions of the gallery that hosted the event. I'm simply pointing out the larger context that no one in this thread has seemed to see, beyond their own sense of righteous indignation.

Honduras and Central America in general are in many ways more like Africa than "America", in that the area has been riven by sectarian warfare and resource-driven corruption for most of its history. As such life, of man or fauna, means much less than it does to 'us'. If you really want to judge them, try doing it from their own standards as well, and see how far you get.
Murdoch said:
I'm simply pointing out the larger context that no one in this thread has seemed to see, beyond their own sense of righteous indignation.

Check my post especially for some serious righteous indignation. This serious --> :[
Sick fuck needs a bullet

Murdoch said:
If you really want to judge them..

Yup I do, the artist needs to take his vitamin Pb

If I seen him on the street I'd kick his ass, for some reason its considered okay to commit any act in the name of art. Religuis, racial, sexual, torture - are all fair game to be explored in the wonderful medium of 'art' yea sure a condom over a virgin marry statue thats art, torturing animals up more art.

What next a picture of a guy in a kkk suit pissing on martins luther Kings grave? sounds like some good 'art' to me

these 'artists' are jsut sadists in need of a lead injection
Damn that pisses me of. So unnecessary. He could have used anything else, a statue or something dead yet really thin, or just a dog that had died on its own from some reason, but he decided to starve a dog to death. What a crappy artist. The only thing he manage to convey to me is that he is an asshole and if I ever meet him I will be obliged to punch him.
Every person who signs that petition reaffirms to the artist that he got one more audience member.

Thank you for helping him feel better about what he has done. Fools.
That someone is not an 'artist', it is a goddamn motherf*cker!
Something like that has to be forbidden by law, WORLDWIDE...

I would like to be also an "artist" like he,
but only for one-time... I would like to look him up,
waste the key and give him poisoned meal (of course he would know that!).
Sometime he get so much hungry that he just must eat that shit,
than he would die very painfully...
How about a petition to do this whit that bastard...? -.-

I'm angered and sad now... Honduras sucks!
Yeah, and rape their women.

With the shrivelled cocks of naturally deceased stray dogs.

That'll teach them. :twisted:
Right I come back to NMA an I am glad to see this has been discussed.

I am truly an utterly sickened by this, who in there right mind would even consider this art? More to the point WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH THAT MAN? to take a stray do off the street tie it just out of reach of food? more to the point what on earth was the are gallery that hosted this abomination think they where doing? I am surprised that some one didn't try to help the dog even if it meant getting sued giving a starving animal food isn't a crime its a act of kindness, but intentionally starving a animal to death is.

After reading this i feel sick to the point that I might just have to go an find this so called artist an give him a piece of my mind followed by my fist .

Thank you alec for making me realise what modern art has sunk to, for gods sake even the crap in a goldfish bowl is better to look at. than this.

Christ I am fucking pissed off with this fuck....

Nevertheless, as Murdoch said, you should enquire on what happens to people on a daily basis in Central America, you'd be far more sickened than by that dog and the food mural.
Murdoch said:
Has it occured to anyone that the outrage the artist has elicited from the media in general and this thread in particular may be exactly what the artist is going for?

How *noble* of you, sculptor.