Im considering to buy NV but there are some things...


First time out of the vault
Hey folks, long time FO´er here in need of some advice.
Well i am thinking about buying this title but there are some questions you could help me with, if you dont mind. ;)

See, after ive researched a bit, the consens was that the game is better than Fo3 content wise and all around fun.
But a shoddy work of tech, if i might say so.
Is this true or overblown?

2. Uk version

I am from germany and after hearing the sync in a youtube video im 100% positive that i will never, ever buy the synced game. I would not even take it for free.
If there are german users around here, maybe someone can point me me to a legit seller who offers the import version as my google searching was not very effective and i was not very trusting of the sellers ive found myself.

Sry, if i bother you but this has been on my mind for a couple of days now ;)
Honestly, as widespread as these claims of the game being bug-ridden are, I've never had much trouble with it at all. When it was released, there was that Steam cloud save thing and the very occasional crash to desktop, but nothing game-breaking. After the patch, which I assume addressed some stuff, I've not had a problem to speak of. Just to clarify (if it wasn't obvious), I'm referring to the PC version here.

As for the UK/German stuff - I can't offer an opinion.
I own the PS3 version. The vanilla game was very unstable and the more you played the more often it froze, not to mention all the broken quests. :| But every patch made things better and now the game is quite stable, random freezing is an extremely rare occurance.

No idea on the UK/German thing, sorry.
Depends on taste, if your a fallout 3 fan you'l probably be dissipointed at the lack of rode warrior lone wanderer stuff.
I didn't have much stability issues. I don't know on what it depends, but I had much less crashes and gamebreaking bugs than with Fallout 3.
I'm german, too, and I'm stuck with the german version. Under any circumstances, don't get the german version. It's the worst translation I've ever seen, seriously.
I don't know how to get the english version, though. Steam is very strict and thanks to some stupid regulations it's hard for sellers to import "adult" games.
I did not have too much stability problems. Some crash here another there but happens seldom enough to just be a minor annoyance not a gamebraking experience. Just patch it up, because the savegamebug can be really troublesome.

German synch is bad. In FO3 i found the german version was actualy better than english one (moira for example). With FONV the english version was improved a lot but the german one just uses the same voices from FO3. Anyway there is another reason to go for a non german version: German is a special no gore version and NVSE (script extender) wich you would need for a lot of mods dont work with german no gore. Hop over the border and get an austrian or swiss version. With the euro being what it is better get an austrian one;)

Now i think about it the germans really have some harsh censorship concerning games dammit. Remember FO2 and the no kid solution?
Arden said:
Now i think about it the germans really have some harsh censorship concerning games dammit. Remember FO2 and the no kid solution?
Yeah, that was awful. I never realized that the german versions were censored when I was younger, so I never understood what Bloody Mess did and what all those tips about "The kids in front of that bar steal!" meant.
At least in Fallout 1 the translation was good, though. Fallout 2 had some issues with grammar in the text-messages, but still, the voice acting was good.
Fallout 3 was okay regarding voice acting, but New Vegas just sucks.
I ranted about this in a thread on NMA, too :D
It's so bad...
Well, I don't mind the lack of violence (although it was kinda annyoing in Dead Money), but dumping that "How to pronounce Caesar correctly"-thing was just unnecessary.
toneone said:

A shoddy work of tech, if i might say so.
Is this true or overblown?

This is true, that crappy engine still crashes way to often (without error messages) regardless of system specs.
However a patch to address stability/ performance issues has been promised.

toneone said:
2. Uk version

I am from germany and after hearing the sync in a youtube video im 100% positive that i will never, ever buy the synced game. I would not even take it for free.

Can't you ask a non German friend to 'gift' it to you (Steam)?

Or just use a proxy :wink:
Good for you.
This is the only game I own that crashes to desktop randomly (sometimes after a few minutes, sometimes after a couple of hours). If you check the beth or Steam forums you'll see that this is a pretty common problem.
Hey folks.

Thx for your input on the technical side of the game. Your thoughts more or less mirror my own research. Not the most stable game but proably stable enough to be enjoyed. I had my fair share of stress with Fo3, so i think i can manage with it.

On the Uk version, i still am searching myself. I did not bank on any of the folks here knowing a retailer but asking does no harm.
On the topic of getting it via steam i have to say it is not an option. I dont "do" steam(dont even have an account), and i like to posses games in a physical form. Not really a fan of the downloadable things and keys you buy.
Seeing as i am old enough to own original copies of Fo1&2 i just like cd´s and packages more, i guess.

Still, thank you for your help.
Well, if you dont do steam you will have a hard time installing FONV. It requires steam with an account for activation. I hate this stupid crap myself. Its better than GFWL but its still as if they would assprobe you in a bakery because you "could" be a breadthief.

Anyway, good luck getting the UK version.
On my PC NV runs stable, but, as well as in F3, and opposed to Oblivion, Gamebryo seems to be badly optimised on PC.

About non-german version of game, I'm sure you can easily get it on E-bay/some german auction site.
I would look on for an english version of the game.

As for bugs, I have the xbox360 version and the PS3 version. The 360 version was virtually bug-free for me. the only issue was that after 4 or more hours of playing the game had a small chance of freezing. And sometimes your companions will dissappear for long periods of time. For example, don't bring Rex to Fortification Hill. I have heard that he can disappear permanently if you do that.

The PS3 version, is more prone to freezing though. Sometimes freezing after only 2 hours of playing, but always between 3 or 4 hours of playing. I just make sure to save at least once per hour. The freezing almost always happens when going to open a door.

Also, I got a glitched weapon in my inventory -- pretty sure it's my companion's gun because he isn't using his gun anymore (Raul), and I can't figure out how to fix it. But I have never run into any mission-breaking glitches.
My new Vegas worked perfectly on 360. Noting that I explored every region and quest, expanding the save size which generally slows down fallout 3&NV, had no effect on freezing. Only problem that I have ever had with fallout3&NV is that it might freeze after playing for 4+ hours at a time, only needing to restart console and load an autosave. I blame the console. It's all about luck I guess. Some people encounter every bug in the game, whereas I didn't find anything game breaking.
Well, if you dont do steam you will have a hard time installing FONV. It requires steam with an account for activation.

Hmm, after your comment ive looked a bit and while ive found a lot of people saying that, ive found a retailer offering the import version which has the big "games for windows" logo on it.
Doesnt that imply it uses GFWL?
(I may should have specified that i am a PC user ;) )

I dont really mind getting into steam to set the game up, if i dont have to bother with it afterwards that is.
Its mostly a logo, I haven't seen any GFWL junk so far in the game.

As for dropping Steam afterwards, I do know you don't always need to have Steam on but I think the game doesn't run when you remove Steam after installing the game.
"Games for Windows" is not "Games for Windows Live". It's a tag that every pc game can get if it runs under windows xp, vista and 7, etc.
Hey Folks, ive ordered it through Amazon after some german users pointed me to the retailer in another fo forum.
So this thread can be seen as "solved" :D

Thx for all your input on the matter, i sure did learn a thing or two!