Erich van Loon
Where'd That 6th Toe Come From?

I'm unsure if this post belongs here, otherwise what the titles says.
Offhand [though you may have discovered these already by now], the NPC AI [for historical reasons] cannot "see" or consider the PC in combat; do not stand between your NPC and their targets. Do not allow the NPC to box your PC into a tight corner ~there is no way to force them to move in Fallout 1.
*Tip: Fallout has a lot of hotkeys, f1 brings up the built in help. You can type the number of bottle caps you wish to trade, rather than clicking the arrows 999 times.
Sounds great! Do you know if it saps the AP? (as it should)With FIXT there's feature to "push" the NPC, it's just a hotkey and it works like a charm.
Not excactly like in FO2, where the NPC walks away, it's more a "teleport-swap".
But like I said, works very good. Another reason to recommend FIXT.
Sounds great! Do you know if it saps the AP? (as it should)