I'm sorry NMA. I have Betrayed thee.

Hey duckman

Have you played Dead Rising yet?

This game looks good infact I would buy a 360 just to give this game a go.
Nope, not yet. But I heard it was pretty good.

Looks like Dawn of the Dead though. I think it was this game that actually had a disclaimer on the front of it that said something like "Game not developed, approved...yadda yadda yadda by Dawn of the Dead".

I wouldn't have even thought of DotD by looking at the front cover of the game :P
Yeah it might as well be called Dawn of the Dead seeing as it is set in a shopping mall.

I just love the idea of running around with a chainsaw hacking zombies to bits. First thing I wanna do is go to a record store and throw some viynal at some zombies.......Can I get any of you cunts a drink?
Well I just bought myself a 19" Widescreen LCD PC monitor that I am running using a VGA cable. So much better than SDTV, I gotta say.

But hey, I know it ain't HD, but it's the closest thing I'll have on my budget :D

EDIT: And I have pre ordered Need for Speed: Carbon too, so I am hanging out for that! November 1st is the day of the release :retarded: