ImageShack Users - Know this...


Antediluvian as Feck
ImageShack has reduced their image limit from unlimited to 500, so anyone that has uploaded images with ImageShack for the threads here at NMA might find many of their images missing after the 1st of April 2012.

For my case -

"You have 1543 photos stored. Since you're over the 500 photo limit you'll need to upgrade to a Premium account or you'll only be able to keep 500 of your recent photos. Older photos will expire on the 1st of April."

Well I say fuck you Imageshack and your Premium account. So if anyone has tutorials or such they might need to upload the images at a new site.

Any ideas where we can upload our old images? :evil: Or is multiple email addresses the solution?...
Imageshack is shit anyway. It's slow as hell since as long as I can remember back. Always hate it when people use it to show images.
Thanks Gents - Most likely all these free image storage sites will go the same way - limits, or pay. So I'll just make multiple ImageShack accounts, and stick to the 500 limit with each one.

There is a program that will download all of your ImageShack files into a folder on your desktop, which works fine. But I'll need to check some of the links on the threads to the 1000+ images that will go missing on the 1st of April. There's nothing more annoying than reading a tutorial and all of the images linked to it are gone. :?
Why not pay? I mean, the way Imageshack is going about this is a little rough, and I never liked em, but I like imgur's speed and accessibility, so I have a paid account there.
Vi shall not surrenzer to terrorism! Photobucket, anyone?

BN, I think that what is the issue here is that instead of grandfathering the images already there, they're threatening to cut off the service... which the users took for granted, I guess.

I've used other hosts like XS.TO occasionally and I found that images tend to go MIA with those. I've always valued Imageshack for the security and permanence, if not for the sheer speed. This is now being sent down the outhose...

Maybe consider Picasa?
One guy at ImageShack had approximately 28,000 images stored, under those circumstances a payed account is a no- brainer. Obviously these places are being swamped by people taking advantage of the free unlimited offer - well, I suppose nothings free forever. Everything on the Internet is temporary, just like us... :|